From left to right: Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler (Chef der SS und deutschen Polizei), SS-Obergruppenführer Arthur Greiser (Reichsstatthalter und Gauleiter der NSDAP in Reichsgau Wartheland), and Korvettenkapitän Wolfgang Lüth (Kommandant U 181). This picture was taken on 24 October 1943 when U-boat ace Wolfgang Lüth was being awarded with the Gauehrenabzeichen des Reichsgaues Wartheland. The "Baltendeutscher" (Baltic-German) Lüth was born in Riga, Latvia. In this picture, we can see he is wearing The Wartheland Gau Badge below the Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse. The badge was also awarded to Martin Bormann, the Chef der “Vomi“ Werner Lorenz, and the SS-Generals Wilhelm Koppe, Jürgen Stroop and Richard Fiedler.
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