A series of photographs that was taken at a reception for Ritterkreuzträger Feldwebel Johann Port (Zugführer in 8.Kompanie / II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 266 / 72.Infanterie-Division) in his home town, Bernkastel-Kues, in 1942. Port received the Ritterkreuz on 25 August 1942 for his actions during the offensive battles around Sebastopol, Crimea, in mid-June 1942.

Reception in old Kues.

Receiving flower bouquet from local official in old Kues.

Parade of the Hitlerjugend along Kardinalstraße (Cardinal Street).

Parade of the Hitlerjugend along Kardinalstraße (Cardinal Street).

Parade of the Hitlerjugend along Kardinalstraße (Cardinal Street).

Johann Port during the convoy along Lehn - Goethestraße (Goethe Street).

Hitlerjugend parade in front of Hotel 3 Könige (Hotel 3 Kings).

Johann Port in front of Hotel 3 Könige (Hotel 3 Kings).

Johann Port arrived at the Marktplatz (Marketplace).

Johann Port with wounded soldiers at the Marktplatz (Marketplace).

Johann Port saluting the veterans at the Marktplatz (Marketplace).

Johann Port at the Marktplatz (Marketplace).

Johann Port receiving the honor goblet at the Marktplatz (Marketplace).
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