Saturday, September 30, 2023

Léon Degrelle Interview

NAME- Leon Degrelle

NATION- Belgium

DATE (S) OF INTERVIEW (S) March 1984, April 1993 (Telephonic)

PLACE OF INTERVIEW (S) Barcelona, Spain

LANGUAGE (S) CONDUCTED English, German, French

SIGNIFICANCE OF SUBJECT- Leader of the Belgian Socialist Rexist

Movement; German volunteer, Waffen SS General and 28th Waffen SS Division Commander.


FORMAT- Q & A standard.

Q- When and where were you born?

A- I was born in Bouillon, Luxembourg on 15 June 1906.

Q- What was your family like?

A- My father was a brewer, a good Catholic man, and my mother was the most wonderful woman in the world.

Q- What was your education like?

A- My family had been Jesuit educated for many generations, and I went to the College of Notre Dame de la Paix. I studied the classics and theology, but was seriously drawn to politics. The Jesuits taught us to expand our mind and pursue knowledge, which I did. Unfortunately some of my fellow countrymen took a dim view of my independent writing and publishing on certain political thoughts. I had a tough time.

Q- You were arrested, were you not?

A- Yes, I was arrested in 1940 by French troops, beaten, and moved around from damp jail cells where I was tortured until finally freed by German troops. They knew who I was since I was a leader of the Rexist Party, which was a Socialist anti-Communist political party. Seeing that I would not receive any help, let alone justice from the authorities in Belgium I knew that that government was illegitimate, and I decided that the corruption must be challenged.

Q- How did you join the German army?

A- My brother had been murdered, my parents and wife killed after torture, and my eight children were taken away and scattered to the winds, a situation that would not be resolved for many years. I basically had some additional political problems, and until the Germans invaded and captured the country I was not safe. I felt that Belgium would only be a great and sovereign nation again once Germany won the war and eliminated the dangers of Communism. I formed the first group of volunteers from the Flemish and Walloons, and we were formed in our own battalion. Later we were assigned to the training centres, and then deployed to Army Group Center at first. Many of our men were sent to the Demyansk region as support in late 1941 to early 1942, but were then recalled and joined 5th SS ‘Wiking’ in the Ukraine later. We later became our own independent Waffen SS unit, the 28th der Waffen SS-Panzergrenadier Division ‘Wallonien’ in April 1944 at a ceremony in Brussels. ‘Sepp’ Dietrich, Max Wünsche and other notables were there for the induction ceremony. We started with 400 men in 1940, later growing to about 15,000, but only about 400 would be around after the war, including myself and two other original members. Of the original 6,000 men in the regiment before becoming a division 2,500 were killed. We had a great combat record, and Hitler personally congratulated me and gave me the Oak Leaves. I believe that we had the greatest number of Knight’s Crosses of any foreign unit, but I am not sure.

Q- What was it like for you, fighting on the Russian Front?

A- Well, that was where the real war was. The greatest threat was from Communist Russia and the Western Allies discovered this only too late; we live in the world created by this today. As far as Russia, it must be the weather, especially the bitter winters, and the endless steppe that goes forever. We were not prepared for this environment. The Russians were used to it and were well clothed to resist the cold. The greatest assets we had were the opportunity to strip Russian dead and take their padded clothing and felt boots, as well as those marvelous fur hats. They were very adapted to ski warfare, which we also used, and were perhaps even better at since we were Edelweiss trained as well. The partisan war was the worst, we had to adapt immediately to very situation, and the situation always changed. This was especially bad since they did not wear uniforms and could blend into any village. A typical day was when we moved all night on foot, sometimes with trucks and always looking for the next ambush. The Soviets sent artillery in to try and channel us into their killing zones, but we hit the earth and pushed through, taking casualties every time. The largest partisan fighting I was involved in was near the road at Cherkassy, where the partisan cavalry attacked and withdrew quickly. I ordered my men not to pursue, as it was not our mission. When we linked up with members of 4th Army we felt safer. But that was just the beginning.

Q- You wrote about Soviet atrocities in you your book, Campaign in Russia. Would you describe some of the things you witnessed during the war on both sides?

A- The partisans were usually the worst group to be captured by; they gouged out eyes, cut off fingers, genitalia, toes, and would butcher a man in front of his comrades before beginning their field interrogation. This was confirmed from both soldiers who escaped captivity and defecting partisans who were sickened by the sight and later joined the anti-Stalinist cause. One even had photographs that were turned over to the intelligence section of 2nd SS Panzer Army. I saw them. I saw a young German soldier, part of a reconnaissance patrol that had disappeared who had his legs crudely amputated at the knees with a saw or knife. We could see that even dying after this procedure he had managed to crawl several meters with his fingers. Another SS man had been crucified alive and his genitals removed and stuffed in his mouth. Several times we witnessed the Soviets and partisans retreating after a battle, stopping long enough to kill our wounded, usually by smashing their heads with their weapons or using a bayonet, shovel, ax handle, or knife. This did nothing to engender a more humane attitude towards the partisans when captured.

Q- What was the atmosphere like fighting next to the other European volunteers?

A- Well, the Russians hated the Italians certainly, I think even more than they hated the Germans, which I wrote about. I remember Italians being killed and tortured in horrible ways. Once a group of prisoners was stripped of their clothes and dowsed in ice water and were allowed to freeze to death. This was during the winter, and they died frozen alive. They even killed doctors and the chaplain. We discovered these events after recapturing a couple of villages. It was absolutely horrible.

Q- How were the peasants’ attitudes towards your unit and the Germans?

A- The peasants were just simple people who had suffered under Stalin and the great promises of Communism, and they were, for the most part very supportive of us. This was most evident when we attended their religious services. I attended regularly whenever possible, although I am a Catholic, the Russian Orthodox services were handled by priests who had either been in prison, sent to Siberia, or living in hiding for many years. We supported their religious freedom and they responded very well. It was very moving to see parents bring their young children for Baptisms and Christenings, and the old people holding their icons and crucifixes. They prayed for an end to Stalin and his measures, they also prayed for us to win. Another thing that must be remembered is that we also assisted the peasants in bringing in their crops, protected them from partisan reprisals and gave them jobs. They lived a better life under us for three years than under the Communists during their entire lives. They also gave us great intelligence on partisan and Red Army activity, and worked as translators and scouts. This was especially true in the Ukraine, although sometimes the Germans in charge would do stupid things and destroy the support we had gained. One village I remember was called Baibusy; we had a great relationship with these Ukrainians and others who fled there. They were marvelous. In the Caucasus the anti-Soviet feeling was incredible, especially among the Kalmucks and Armenians, and they fought with us and for us in a fanatical way. Another great memory was an entire village turning out to welcome us as we entered. The people brought out their religious icons and gave us information and valuable intelligence, food, places to stay, everything. The orders from the upper command were to treat the locals humanely; they were our allies. These people became a second family for many of us, and when we left there was a great deal of sadness. Once Paul Hausser and I attended a religious mass; the people knelt before him as if he were a Patriarch, blessing him for his presence and for restoring their religious freedom. With the candles and gilt images it was quite an impressive scene.

Q- You fought the partisans; what was this type of warfare like?

A- Well, it was the worst. First, there were many different types of partisans. There were the Communist fanatics who were the most dangerous and could not be bargained with. Then there were the peasants, conscripts who had little choice in the matter, and then there were the former Red Army men who joined the partisans due to their units having been cut off and destroyed, although many of the last two groups defected to us at some point. They moved quickly in their pig skin sandals as light infantry and in small groups, usually at night, using hit and run tactics and creating turmoil in general. They placed mines in roads, killed sentries, kidnapped officials and forcibly conscripted recruits, and they were very difficult to catch. In the Caucasus the terrain was a jungle, very thick with valleys and great forests where we had a very difficult time against the partisans; snipers climbed trees in the very dense forests, they had bunker complexes, underground hospitals, weapons manufacturing centres, everything. They had dug live graves; holes in the ground where they shared body heat and were well camouflaged. They lived like animals and fought the same way. Many were freed criminals, even murderers who were brought from jails and placed into units. Their snipers were very deadly and were difficult to locate, let alone capture or kill. This type of fighting was the worst; it wore on the nerves of the men and reduced humanity to the lowest level. I would rather face the Red Army than these people. The one thing my men and I knew was that however large and present the threat presented by the Red Army, the partisans were the worst enemy to fight. Since they did not wear uniforms, unless they were in German clothing sometimes, and they blended well with the local population, which created a problem in choosing who was and was not a partisan. Unless you caught one with a weapon or were actively engaged against them it was impossible. Later during the war they were absorbed into Red Army infantry and tank units, and sometimes they were given uniforms. I would say the most disturbing aspect of fighting the partisans was that, unlike the Soviet military, the partisans adhered to no set doctrine, used no set order of battle that we could study, and basically struck where it was the most opportune. If we caught and cornered them they were dead, and they knew it. That was why they fought like fanatics.

Q- What was your impression of the Red Army?

A- Very undisciplined and suicidal in their tactics, but very determined in the fight. They had men and women of all ages and racial backgrounds, teenagers to pensioners, it was incredible. I once saw a boy no older than nine years old who had been killed in action, and it made me hate the Communists even more for their disregard for human life. It was also difficult for our men (Walloons) to shoot women and children; we were not accustomed to this, but it became necessary since they fought just as hard as the men.

Q- What were the prisoners you captured like?

A- Most Russians only wanted to surrender; these were usually peasants who had been caught up in the war and were hoping for something better. Many carried the safe conduct passes distributed along the front, guaranteeing safe passage to anyone surrendering. Thousands deserted carrying these passes.

Q- You mentioned the wearing on the nerves of the men. What was the typical condition of the men?

A- We had a few suicides and some went mad. It was a type of war that cannot be described, it must be experienced, but once experienced it still cannot be described. Does this make sense? I know it seems vague, but that is the best I can do. The exhaustion, hunger, fear, and pain, not to mention the cold of the winter all played their part. Seeing the brutality only made the situation worse. The men were walking ghosts; skeletons that had not eaten a hot meal in weeks, or even a solid meal unless we came across a dead horse or a village that offered us assistance. The orders were that no one would steal or commit any crime against the people. We needed their support, and anything that reduced that support would return to haunt us ten fold. Unfortunately, many German units did not observe this reality. We served with the 5th SS ‘Wiking’ Division during this period [1943], and they generally observed the rules. However, there were exceptions.

Q- How did the authorities handle desertions?

A- Those who were caught, and bear in mind that nearly everyone deserting was caught, were hanged, shot, or executed in some fashion and displayed for public viewing. Many were just children who had been sent into a war that was too much for them. They broke and they were killed by their own men for it. It was better to stay and face the enemy with the chance of surviving, than to desert and definitely be caught by the German Field Police, who were a judge and jury of their own. It was very sad.

Q- Did you ever work with the Freiwilligen?

A- Yes, many times, and it was both a success and a failure. There were some former Communists who re-defected to the Soviets, but I think most stayed and fought until the end. They knew what their fate was if captured by the Communists, and many were anti-Communists who were loyal to us. The best volunteers were generally the Western European units, such as our own Walloons, the French ‘Charlemagne’, and the Dutch and Norwegian units. The ‘Wiking’ was perhaps the most notable and we served with them. They were perhaps the best of all, and were actually the only foreign unit to be designated as an actual SS division, not an auxiliary unit, and they were also made a full panzer division as well.

Q- Were you ever exposed to Soviet propaganda?

A- Yes, quite often. The Reds knew who were and they would broadcast in French to us, asking us to come over and fight for De Gaulle. This did not work of course. We actually found it quite amusing.

Q- Tell us about your meetings with the Nazi elite, such as Hitler and Himmler, and what you thought of them.

A- I met Himmler only four times during the war, if my memory is correct, and Hitler I met several times, besides the Knight’s Cross and Oak Leaves awards. I once had a meeting with both of them at one time, when I made a request in 1943 that my men be allowed to have Catholic chaplains, and they agreed. I also refused to have my men partake in anything that we deemed un-soldierly, and Paul Hausser, ‘Sepp’ Dietrich and others supported me. Hitler once told me that if he had ever had a son, he wished that he would have been like me. I am not exactly sure why he said this, but I know he respected me, and I think Himmler did as well, although I never trusted him, and I was not quite comfortable with him as the supreme commander of the SS, including the Waffen SS, which we had joined. I believed that Germany could have won the war even after the Americans came into it if the mass of the eastern peoples had been rallied to our cause.

Q- Hitler decorated you with the Knight’s Cross personally, didn’t he?

A- Yes, in February 1944, following the Cherkassy battle, which was quite rare. I think only perhaps twenty men received the Knight’s Cross from Hitler personally, and twelve of those were for the Eban Emael operation in 1940. I received my Knight’s Cross at the same ceremony where General Herbert Gille received the Oak Leaves, as both of us were at Cherkassy together, and General Herman Fegelein and Himmler were in attendance as well. Josef Goebbels made a great propaganda exploit out of the situation, which was meant to assist the foreign recruiting effort. Gille would later be awarded the Diamonds, while Fegelein would be shot on Hitler’s orders.

Q- When did you first arrive in Russia?

A- We entered the Ukraine beginning in October 1941, after finishing basic training and mountain warfare school, although some of our troops had been diverted to the Demyansk region under Olivier Thoring, a Knight’s Cross winner who was later killed. They were assigned to 9th Army, then later joined us in the south the next year. It was his detachment that captured Andrei Vlasov in July 1942, for your information.

Q- How did you escape to Spain?

A- This was an interesting situation. After a crazy course through Germany, Belgium, and Denmark, where I met with Himmler in Kiel for the last time, we ended up in Oslo, Norway by ship, and we knew that this situation would not last after my meeting with [Vidkun] Quisling. We refueled the aircraft and took off on our flight. We ran out of fuel and crashed on a beach in Spain, and I have been here ever since. My own government condemned me to death, but they have not pursued those who murdered my family and killed in the name of their own causes. Justice is determined by those in power, nothing else.

Q- What was your final rank?

A- My rank was Oberfuehrer, which is one rank above a full colonel and just below a brigadier general, so there is no Allied equivalent. I was promoted to general in the last week of the war, but I never [personally] received the promotion to Brigadefuehrer.

Q- How has your life been since the war?

A- I spend my time writing about the war and meeting old friends, and now making new ones. I think that people need to understand that there is always another side to a story. If people in your country had suffered the loss of their families due to a political party that was in conflict with your beliefs, then many of your countrymen may find themselves on the other side. Your American Civil War is a prime example.

Q- What do you see yourself doing for the rest of your life?

A- Hopefully still writing, as long as my mind is sharp and I can see; always reading books, and wondering at the great changes that have taken place in my lifetime. The collapse of Communism in Europe has proven that we were right; we just needed validation, and now we have it. I think that what we may write is important, but the history as it unfolds will prove who was right, and who was wrong. I never believed in the purging of Jews and civilians in general, and that was not my war. My war was to fight for my country, which would have been an independent partner of Germany in a Communist free Europe. This is only now a reality, but we fought for it fifty years ago all the same.

Q- Do you feel that Communism will eventually die in the rest of the world as well?

A- Yes, it will fall. Governments are the most intangible structures made by man, they change shapes, and are altered by the forces of time and nature. However, I am an optimist; I am hopeful that we as a species will learn from our mistakes, and perhaps there will be hope for us all. But then again, I could be wrong.

Source :

Bio of Generalleutnant Dr.rer.pol. Dr.jur. Hans Boelsen (1894-1960)

Hans Boelsen

Date of Birth: 06.03.1894 - Emden, Hanover (German Empire)
Date of Death: 24.10.1960 - Frankfurt am Main, Hesse (West Germany)
Buried: Hauptfriedhof Frankfurt

Diploma In Economics: 1922
Doctorate In Political Science: 1923
Doctorate In Jurisprudence 1928
Battles and Campaigns: Battle of France (1940), Operation Barbarossa (1941), Battle of Uman (1941), Battle of Kiev (1941), Battle of Rostov (1941), Battle of Kursk (1943), Operation Shingle (1944), and Operation Diadem (1944)

05.12.1914 Fahnenjunker
06.04.1915 Fähnrich
21.06.1915 Leutnant (mit Patent vom 19.12.1913 G9g)
19.12.1919 Charakter als Oberleutnant (mit Wirkung vom 22.11.1919)
09.07.1934 Hauptmann (mit Wirkung vom 15.07.1934. RDA v. 01.10.1933 unter Vorbeh. der sp. Festsetz. der OrdnungsNr.; RDA als Leutnant 30.12.1919; RDA als Oberleutnant 01.02.1926)
02.02.1935 Hauptmann (-468- erh. OrdnungsNr. (69) zum RDA)
31.12.1937 Major (-7100- m. Wirk. v. 01.01.1938 (RDA v. 01.01.1938(53))
14.02.1941 Oberstleutnant (-1000- m. Wirk. v. 01.03.1941 (RDA v. 01.03.1941(41))
17.12.1941 Oberstleutnant (-6430- erh. neues RDA v. 01.02.1940(14b)
15.02.1942 Oberst (-1000- m. Wirk. v. 01.03.1942 (RDA v. 01.03.1942(205))
20.06.1944 Generalmajor (-3210- m. Wirk. v. 01.06.1944 (RDA v. 01.06.1944(13))
01.03.1945 Generalleutnant

07.08.1914 Ersatz-Bataillon / 2. badischen Grenadier-Regiment "Kaiser Wilhelm I" Nr. 110
22.10.1914 Ersatz-Bataillon / 4.Badischen Infanterie-Regiment "Prinz Wilhelm" Nr. 112
05.12.1914 Ersatz-Bataillon / 10.Württembergischen Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 180
06.04.1915 Transferred to the frontline as Zugführer (Platoon commander)
08.06.1915 Wounded by shrapnel and taken to the hospital
13.07.1915 Back as Zugführer in Ersatz-Bataillon / 10.Württembergischen Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 180
00.00.1915 Zugführer in 2.Ersatz-MG-Kompanie / 10.Württembergischen Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 180
17.03.1916 MG-Zugführer und Ordonnanz-Offizier im Stab / Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment 247
00.08.1916 Transferred to a hospital due to a resting illness
11.12.1916 Transferred back to 2.Ersatz-MG-Kompanie / 10.Württ. Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 180
17.01.1917 Bataillonsadjutant in Infanterie-Regiment 476
01.08.1918 Ordonnanz-Offizier im Stab / 242.Infanterie-Division
17.12.1918 Company and Platoon Leader in the Landesschützen-Korps (later renamed to Reichswehr-Schützen-Regiment 7 in Detachment Stobbe)
03.09.1919 Transferred into the Processing-Office of Infanterie-Regiment 180
19.12.1919 Retired from military
01.10.1920 Studying of Law and State-Sciences, in 1926 in higher Administration-Service and Municipal Firms
15.07.1934 Reactivated to Army Service
15.07.1934 With the I.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 15
16.07.1934 - 14.09.1934 Detached to Course with the Training-Staff of Infantry in Döberitz
01.10.1934 Kompaniechef in Infanterie-Regiment Gießen
15.10.1935 Kompaniechef in Infanterie-Regiment 36
06.10.1936 Kompaniechef in Infanterie-Regiment 115
21.11.1937 - 11.12.1937 At the same time, Detached Staff-Officers-Course of the 33. Division
10.11.1938 Tactics-Instructor at the War School Potsdam
17.08.1939 - 17.10.1939 At the same time, Detached to the Infantry-School in Döberitz
15.10.1939 1. Adjutant (IIb) XXII. Armeekorps
06.03.1940 1. Adjutant (IIb) Panzergruppe Von Kleist
13.07.1940 1. Adjutant (IIb) XXII. Armeekorps
16.11.1940 1. Adjutant (IIb) Panzergruppe 1
15.05.1941 Kommandeur II.Bataillon / Schützen-Regiment 111
26.06.1941 Wounded, in hospital
18.07.1941 Führerreserve – Wehrkreis III
29.07.1941 Kommandeur Kradschützen-Bataillon 160 (motorisiert)
04.12.1941 Taken ill, in hospital
21.02.1942 Führerreserve – Wehrkreis III
01.03.1942 Führerreserve OKH, detached to Lehr-Abteilung III / Infanterieschule Döberitz
09.03.1942 Kommandeur Lehr-Abteilung III / Infanterieschule Döberitz
15.01.1943 Transferred into the Stab / Infanterieschule Döberitz
15.05.1943 Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Regiment 111
16.11.1943 - 14.12.1943 Participated in the 8th Division Leaders Course in Döberitz
05.03.1944 - 20.03.1944 Führer 29. Panzergrenadier-Division
11.04.1944 - 07.05.1944 Führer 26. Panzer-Division
19.05.1944 - 18.07.1944 Führer 114. Jäger-Division
19.07.1944 - 26.08.1944 Führer  26. Panzer-Division
10.09.1944 Kommandeur 18. Panzergrenadier-Division
04.02.1945 Führerreserve OKH
00.03.1945 Kommandeur Division zbV. 172
29.03.1945 In captivity
30.06.1947 Released

Awards and Decorations:
11.04.1915 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
07.08.1916 Württembergische Goldene Militär-Verdienst-Medaille
18.08.1917 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
11.01.1918 Württembergische Militär-Verdienst-Orden III.Klasse
06.06.1918 Verwundetenabzeichen 1918 in Schwarz
08.02.1935 Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer 1914-1918
00.00.19__ Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht IV.Klasse (4 Jahre)
20.05.1940 1939 spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
28.06.1941 1939 spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
10.09.1941 Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Silber
18.10.1941 Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Bronze
17.11.1941 Deutsches Kreuz in Gold
10.12.1941 Voenen Orden "Za Hrabrost" III stepen, 1 klas (Bulgaria)
00.00.1942 Medaille "Winterschlacht im Osten 1914/42" (Ostmedaille)
18.08.1943 Ehrenblattspange des Heeres und Waffen-SS
17.09.1943 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as Oberst and Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Regiment 111 / 11.Panzer-Division. Boelsen’s Ritterkreuz recommendation reads as follows: “During the middle of August, in the aftermath of 4. Panzer-Armee’s withdrawal movement west of Belgorod, the 11. Panzer-Division found itself defending the Boromlja river (located in the Trostjanez area) with its remaining forces against continual massed assaults. On the 17.08.1943 the enemy succeeded in achieving a broad penetration to the north in the sector of the left neighbouring Division with 3 Guards mechanized brigades, 1 Guards tank brigade, 1 tank regiment and 3 rifle divisions. On the following day this was expanded to the south and west, and the recaptured lines of this Division were overrun. This created an immediate threat to the open left flank of the 11. Pz.Div. Oberst Boelsen and his Regiment were deployed on the Division’s left wing at the time, and the commander received a message of these developments. Realizing the gravity of the situation, he acted without waiting for orders first as these could not be expected for some time due to the unclear situation. At that moment his Regiment was engaged in a counterthrust to the east, and already it was being forced to deploy drivers and clerks to the frontline. However he nonetheless took a few men out of the line and led them into the area west of Nikitowka-Belka. There he also gathered up scattered Grenadiers from the neighbouring Division. Due to the heavy losses of his own officers, leading to their consequent shortage, he personally placed himself at the spearhead of these rounded up groups. With these he launched himself against the hotly pursuing enemy forces and was able to throw them back with bloody losses via bold counterthrusts. The first one took place near Grusskoje, then near Nowosselowka, Skrebowka and finally near Baiwor. In this manner he erected a chain of individual resistance centres from the east to the west along a several kilometres wide frontline that faced northwards. With this he weakened the hostile attacking power and held up their thrust to the south. By completing such a brave and ruthless action on his own initiative, Oberst Boelsen succeeded in preventing the enemy’s intended rolling up of the north-south frontline at a very critical hour. This allowed the XXIV. Panzer-Korps (located southeast of Achtyrka) to complete its operations as planned without having to divert any of its forces.” In addition to the more generic endorsements, the following statement by the commander of 4. Panzer-Armee (namely Generaloberst Hoth) provides an interesting insight into the overall significance of this action… “The premature wavering of the 57. Division created an extraordinarily delicate situation on the 17.08.1943, as the currently disengaged 112. Infanterie-Division saw itself compelled to come back northwards to face the new southward enemy push. If the brave commander of the Pz.Gren.Rgt. 111 had not kept his nerves and inspired his men to fight through his bravery here then the crisis would have expanded to encompass the entire XXXXVIII. Panzer-Korps. This deed fulfills all the requirements for the Ritterkreuz. I have no hesitation in approving this submission.”


Hans Boelsen was born on March 6th, 1894 in Emden in Ostfriesland and joined the replacement battalion of the 2. badischen Grenadier-Regiment "Kaiser Wilhelm I" Nr. 110 on August 17th, 1914 as a volunteer. From there he moved to the replacement battalion of the 4. Badischen Infanterie-Regiment "Prinz Wilhelm" Nr. 112 on October 22, 1914 and to the replacement battalion of the 10. Württembergischen Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 180 on December 5, 1914. Into the field On April 6, 1915, he was transferred to the position of platoon commander and as such was wounded by shrapnel on June 98, 1915.

Having recovered, Boelsen joined his regiment's replacement battalion on July 13, 1915, first as a platoon leader and later in the 2nd replacement machine gun company.

From March 17, 1916, he was a machine gun platoon leader and orderly officer on the staff of the Reserve Infantry Regiment 247. At the end of August 1916, he was transferred to a hospital due to a resting illness, and then from December 11, 1916, he was transferred back to the 2.Ersatz-MG-Kompanie / 10.Württembergischen Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 180.

From there he was transferred to the 476 Infantry Regiment as a battalion adjutant on January 17, 1917, where he continued to take on the position of orderly officer and later that of deputy regimental adjutant.

From August 1, 1918, he was an orderly officer on the staff of the 242nd Infantry Division. At the end of the First World War, he joined the State Rifle Corps and the Reichswehr Rifle Regiment 7 in the Stobbe Detachment as a company and platoon leader. From there on September 3, 1919 to December 16, 1919 he was transferred back to the processing office of the 180th Infantry Regiment, where he was then released from army service on December 19, 1919 with the rank of Oberleutnant. In civilian life he completed his economics diploma in 1922 and received his doctorate in 1923. rer. pole. and in 1928 he received his Ph.D. jur.

From June 13th, 1933 to June 17th, 1933 he took part in a company leader course at the "Stahlhelm" in Mainz, and from September 10th. took part in the autumn exercise of the 12th Infantry Regiment until September 17, 1933.

From 1 February until 28 February 1934, Boelsen took part in a course at the SA leadership school of the SA Group Hesse as an adjutant of SA Standarte 25 and was employed in the 1st Battalion of Infantry Regiment 15 from July 15, 1934. As early as July 16, 1934, Boelsen attended a course at the training staff of the Döberitz Infantry School, returned to his regiment on September 14, 1934 and took over the position of chief of the 3rd company in the Giessen Infantry Regiment on October 1, 1934. On October 15, 1935, he took over the same position in Infantry Regiment 36 until it was relocated to the Rhineland as Infantry Regiment 105. As of October 6th, 1936, Boelsen was head of the 11th company in the 115th Infantry Regiment and visited from November 21st. a staff officer course for the 33rd Division until December 11, 1937. Furthermore, on March 25, 1938, he received the title of Dr. Dr. to be allowed to wear alongside his military rank.

Working as a tactics teacher at the Potsdam War School since November 3rd, 1938, he came to the Döberitz Infantry School on August 17th, 1939, also as a tactics teacher. With effect from October 15, 1939 he was appointed to the staff of the XXII. Army Corps transferred and took over the post of IIa. From there, on March 6, 1940, he was appointed IIa in the staff of Kleist's group, with which he took part in the Western campaign.

From July 13, 1940 as IIa again on the staff of the XXII. Army Corps, he took over the position of IIa on the staff of Panzergruppe 1 on November 16, 1940. Shortly before the start of the Eastern campaign, Boelsen moved to the 111 Rifle Regiment as commander of the II Battalion with effect from May 16, 1941 and was appointed on June 26. Wounded on the Eastern Front in 1941. Transferred to the Führer reserve during his recovery, he was appointed commander of the Motorcycle Rifle Battalion 160 (motorized) with effect from July 29, 1941. As such, he particularly proved himself in the battle near Rublevka on August 13th and 14th, 1941.

After he fell ill on December 4th, 1941, he was transferred to the Führer reserve on February 21st, 1942 and was assigned to Teaching Department III of the Döberitz Infantry School with effect from March 1st, 1942. There he was appointed commander of Training Department III (for motorized infantry) with effect from March 9, 1942. With effect from January 15, 1943, he was transferred to the school's command staff.

On July 10, 1943, Boelsen was appointed commander of the 111th Panzer Grenadier Regiment, as part of the 11th Panzer Division, with effect from May 15, 1943. With this division, his regiment took part in the heavy defensive battles following the withdrawal of the 4th Panzer Army west of Belgorod in the Trostyanets area. There, on August 17, 1943, the enemy succeeded in making a deep breakthrough into their northern neighbor with three mechanized Guards brigades, a Guards tank brigade, a tank regiment and three rifle divisions. On August 18, 1943, this break-in extended further to the west and also overran the withdrawn lines of the division where the break-in took place. This threatened the open left flank of the 11th Panzer Division. On this left wing the regiment was under the command of Boelsen, who at this time was leading a relief attack to the east. This attack was already carried out with expendable entourage. Aware of the threatening situation on the division's left wing, he withdraws some of these troops and leads them into the Nikitowka-Belka area, where he gathers scattered units from the neighboring division. Due to the loss of many officers, Boelsen personally placed himself at the head of this combat group and led it against the enemy, which he repelled first at Grusskoje, then at Novoselovka, at Skrebowka and at Baivor in dashing, dynamic counterattacks, with bloody losses. In this way, Boelsen gradually builds up a northern front several kilometers wide from east to west, weakens the enemy's attack force and stops the thrust into the rear of the 11th Panzer Division. For this he was nominated for the Knight's Cross by the leader of the 11th Panzer Division, Wend von Wietersheim. Also the commanding general of XXXXVIII. Panzer-Korps, General of the Panzertruppe von Knobelsdorff, warmly supported this proposal after Boelsen had already been unsuccessfully proposed for the Knight's Cross on July 20, 1943 (instead of the Knight's Cross, Boelsen received the honorary clasp for an act on July 11th and 12th, 1943 near Kochetowka).

The commander in chief of the 4th Panzer Army, Colonel General Hoth, supported the proposal, as did the commander in chief of Army Group South, Field Marshal von Manstein, and the head of the Army Personnel Office, Lieutenant General Schmundt. Boelsen then received the Knight's Cross on September 17, 1943 as colonel and commander of the 111 Panzer Grenadier Regiment.

Transferred to the Führer reserve on November 7th, 1943, he took part from November 16th in the 8th Divisional Leader Short Course in Döberitz until December 21, 1943. Boelsen will move from the leadership reserve of Military District XI from March 5th. until March 20, 1944 in the OKH in the area of Army Group C and was commissioned with the deputy leadership of the 26th Panzer Division on March 30, 1944, with effect from March 1, 1944. In contrast, he led from March 5th. until March 20, 1944, initially the 29th Panzer Grenadier Division and then from April 11th. The 26th Panzer Division until May 7, 1944.

On May 14, 1944, he was assigned deputy leadership of the 114th Jäger Division. On July 19, 1944, he took over leadership of the 26th Panzer Division again, although on August 2, 1944, he asked for eight days of vacation due to repeated bomb damage. Leader of the division until August 26, 1944, he took command of the 18th Panzer Grenadier Division on September 10, 1944 and was transferred again to the leader reserve with effect from February 4, 1945, where he took over leadership of the division in March 1945 Coastal defense section Friesland, the former division zbV. 172, takes over. As the leader of this command, he was taken prisoner on March 29, 1945, from which he was released on June 30, 1947.

Dr. Dr. Hans Boelsen died on October 24, 1960 in Frankfurt/Main.

SA-Hauptscharführer Dr.rer.pol. Dr.jur. Hans Boelsen as adjutant of SA-Standarte 25. From 1 February 1934 till 28 February 1934 he took part in course of the SA-Führerschule/Gruppe Hessen. The picture was taken from the file at Bundesarchiv-Invenio > PERS 6/1112.

Major Dr.rer.pol. Dr.jur. Hans Boelsen in his office. The picture was taken in 1938 when Boelsen served as a Kompaniechef in Infanterie-Regiment 115 / 33.Infanterie-Division.

Dr.rer.pol. Dr.jur. Hans Boelsen as an Oberst after receiving the Ritterkreuz.

Dr.rer.pol. Dr.jur. Hans Boelsen as Generalmajor.

Dr.rer.pol. Dr.jur. Hans Boelsen as Generalmajor.

Dr.rer.pol. Dr.jur. Hans Boelsen as Generalmajor.

Generalleutnant Dr.rer.pol. Dr.jur. Hans Boelsen (Kommandeur Division z.b.V. 172) and an American MP (Military Police) officer after captured. Boelsen was taken prisoner at Emsland, Niedersachsen, on 29 March 1945, from which he was released on 30 June 1947. Division z.b.V. 172 itself was established on 23 November 1944 by renaming Division Nr. 172 and relocated to the West Wall near Zweibrücken. Since the division had no combat value, it was ordered to retreat east before it came into contact with the enemy. The Bamberg-Bayreuth-Erlangen area was assigned as the new accommodation area with division headquarters in Waischenfeld. The division was moved to the new space at the end of March / beginning of April 1945. From here, as soon as training had begun, the division marched into the area north and west of Landshut. The division was disbanded there on 30 April 1945 after the capture of Divisionskommandeur Boelsen. The subordinate units were taken over by the 36. and 347. Infanterie-Divisions. The division staff was transferred to the field army and became the division staff z.b.V. 617 (Command Coastal Defense Section Friesland). Other pictures from this sequence can be seen HERE.

A "Fragebogen" (Questionnaire) of Dr.rer.pol. Dr.jur. Hans Boelsen.

Signature of Dr.rer.pol. Dr.jur. Hans Boelsen.

The grave of Hans Boelsen at Hauptfriedhof Frankfurt.

Source :
"Panzertruppen: Les troupes blindées allemandes - German armored troops 1935-1945" by John Lee,_Hauptfriedhof,_Grab_Hans_Boelsen.JPG,_%D0%93%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%81

The Capture of Hans Boelsen

Generalleutnant Dr.rer.pol. Dr.jur. Hans Boelsen (Kommandeur Division z.b.V. 172) and an American MP (Military Police) officer after captured. Boelsen was taken prisoner at Emsland, Niedersachsen, on 29 March 1945, from which he was released on 30 June 1947. Division z.b.V. 172 itself was established on 23 November 1944 by renaming Division Nr. 172 and relocated to the West Wall near Zweibrücken. Since the division had no combat value, it was ordered to retreat east before it came into contact with the enemy. The Bamberg-Bayreuth-Erlangen area was assigned as the new accommodation area with division headquarters in Waischenfeld. The division was moved to the new space at the end of March / beginning of April 1945. From here, as soon as training had begun, the division marched into the area north and west of Landshut. The division was disbanded there on 30 April 1945 after the capture of Divisionskommandeur Boelsen. The subordinate units were taken over by the 36. and 347. Infanterie-Divisions. The division staff was transferred to the field army and became the division staff z.b.V. 617 (Command Coastal Defense Section Friesland).

Source :

Friday, September 29, 2023

Award Ceremony for the "Cherkassy Heroes"

Award ceremony with Hitler for the three "Cherkassy Heroes" who led their men escaping from the Red Army encirclement in Korsun-Cherkassy pocket (24 January - 16 February 1944). The ceremony was held at Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze in Rastenburg, East Prussia, on 20 February 1944. The recipients are: Generalleutnant Theobald "Theo-Helmut" Lieb (Kommandierender General XXXXII. Armeekorps), SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking"), and SS-Hauptsturmführer der Reserve Léon Degrelle (Kommandeur 5. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade "Wallonien"). Lieb received both the Ritterkreuz (7 February 1944) and Eichenlaub (18 February 1944)  at the same time; Gille received the Schwerter (20 February 1944); while Degrelle received the Ritterkreuz (20 February 1944). The award ceremony was attended by the Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler (Chef der SS und deutschen Polizei) and SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS Hermann Fegelein (Verbindungsoffizier der Waffen-SS zum Führerhauptquartier).

Adolf Hitler (Führer und Oberster Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht) congratulates SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking") during the award ceremony for "Cherkassy Heroes" which were held at the Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze in Rastenburg, East Prussia, on 20 February 1944. At left is another recipient, SS-Hauptsturmführer der Reserve Léon Degrelle (Kommandeur 5. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade "Wallonien"), while at right is SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS Hermann Fegelein (Verbindungsoffizier der Waffen-SS zum Führerhauptquartier) and Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler (Chef der SS und deutschen Polizei).

Adolf Hitler (Führer und Oberster Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht) congratulates SS-Hauptsturmführer der Reserve Léon Degrelle (Kommandeur 5. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade "Wallonien") during the award ceremony for "Cherkassy Heroes" which were held at the Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze in Rastenburg, East Prussia, on 20 February 1944. In the center is another recipient, SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking"), while second from right is SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS Hermann Fegelein (Verbindungsoffizier der Waffen-SS zum Führerhauptquartier).

Press conference held at the Reichspropagandaministerium in Berlin on 21 February 1944, one day after the award ceremony for the heroes of the Battle of Cherkassy at the Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze. From left to right: SS-Hauptsturmführer der Reserve Léon Degrelle (Kommandeur 5. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade "Wallonien"), Generalleutnant Theobald "Theo-Helmut" Lieb (Kommandierender General XXXXII. Armeekorps), SS-Obergruppenführer Dr.rer.pol. Otto Dietrich (Reichspressechef der NSDAP), and SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking").

Press conference held at the Reichspropagandaministerium in Berlin on 21 February 1944, one day after the award ceremony for the heroes of the Battle of Cherkassy at the Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze. Generalleutnant Theobald "Theo-Helmut" Lieb (standing, Kommandierender General XXXXII. Armeekorps) is making a speech, while behind him are, from left to right: SS-Hauptsturmführer der Reserve Léon Degrelle (Kommandeur 5. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade "Wallonien"), SS-Obergruppenführer Dr.rer.pol. Otto Dietrich (Reichspressechef der NSDAP), SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking"), and two unknown civilian.

Three "Heroes of Cherkassy" with SS-Obergruppenführer Dr.rer.pol. Otto Dietrich (right, Reichspressechef der NSDAP). From left to right: SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking"), Generalleutnant Theobald "Theo-Helmut" Lieb (Kommandierender General XXXXII. Armeekorps), and SS-Hauptsturmführer der Reserve Léon Degrelle (Kommandeur 5. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade "Wallonien". The picture was taken by the unknown photographer from Presse-Illustrationen Heinrich Hoffmann at the Reichspropagandaministerium in Berlin on 21 February 1944, one day after the award ceremony at the Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze in Rastenburg, East Prussia.

Three "Heroes of Cherkassy" with SS-Obergruppenführer Dr.rer.pol. Otto Dietrich (right, Reichspressechef der NSDAP). From left to right: SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking"), Generalleutnant Theobald "Theo-Helmut" Lieb (Kommandierender General XXXXII. Armeekorps), and SS-Hauptsturmführer der Reserve Léon Degrelle (Kommandeur 5. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade "Wallonien"). The picture was taken by the unknown photographer from Presse-Illustrationen Heinrich Hoffmann at the Reichspropagandaministerium in Berlin on 21 February 1944, one day after the award ceremony at the Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze in Rastenburg, East Prussia.

Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler (Chef der SS und deutschen Polizei) sharing a lighter moment with two of the "Cherkassy Heroes" from Waffen-SS: SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (left, Kommandeur 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking") and SS-Hauptsturmführer der Reserve Léon Degrelle (right, Kommandeur 5. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade "Wallonien"). The picture was taken by the unknown photographer from Presse-Illustrationen Heinrich Hoffmann on 21 February 1944, one day after the award ceremony at the Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze in Rastenburg, East Prussia.

Source :
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek photo archive (Image-No.: 30028861)

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Léon Degrelle and SS General

SS-Sturmbannführer der Reserve Léon Degrelle (Kommandeur 5. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade "Wallonien") and SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Polizei Richard Jungclaus (Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer Belgien-Nordfrankreich). The picture was taken on 1 April 1944 at Place Charles II Charleroi, Belgium, during the Sturmbrigade Wallonien's "Return to Homeland" parade. Other pictures from this sequence can be seen HERE.

Colorized image by R. White.

Source :

Léon Degrelle with His Soldiers in the Trench

SS-Obersturmbannführer der Reserve Léon Degrelle (Kommandeur 28. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division "Wallonien") distributes cigarettes to his soldiers. The picture was taken by SS-Kriegsberichter Niquille near Stargard, Pomerania (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek said that the photo was taken on 7 March 1945, while Bundesarchiv said that it was taken at the end of February 1945). The Soviet counter-offensive, launched on 1 March 1945, pushed the Wallonien before it, and over the next few weeks was in almost constant combat throughout Central Pomerania until it reached the Oder near Stettin. The Wallonien, fighting alongside the Langemarck managed to hold a thin strip of land on the eastern bank of the Oder until it was forced back across the river in early April, 1945.

Source :
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-J28764
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek photo archive (Image-No.: 50090409)

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Bio of Hauptmann Rudolf Becker (1923-1944)

Rudolf Becker

Date of Birth: 07.01.1923 - Königsborn bei Magdeburg, Sachsen (Germany)
Date of Death: 13.10.1944 - northwest Püspökladány, Hajdú-Bihar County (Hungary)
Buried: German-Hungarian War Cemetery Budaörs (Hungary)

Battles and Campaigns: Operation Barbarossa (1941), Battle of the Caucasus (1942), Lower Dnieper Offensive (1943), Dnieper–Carpathian Offensive (1943-1944), Cherkassy Pocket (1944), and Jassy–Kishinev Offensive (1944)

00.00.1940 Rekrut
00.00.1941 Fähnrich
30.05.1942 Leutnant
08.12.1943 Oberleutnant
01.10.1944 Hauptmann (posthumously)

25.10.1940 Soldat in 1.Kompanie / Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon 66 (motorisiert)
02.05.1941 Gruppenführer in 3.Kompanie / Lehr-Infanterie-Regiment 66 (motorisiert)
28.05.1941 Gruppenführer in 3.Kompanie / Schützen-Regiment 66
09.07.1941 Lazarett
00.00.1941 stellvertretender Gruppenführer Genesenden-Kompanie / Schützen-Ersatz-Bataillon 66
07.12.1941 Gruppenführer Genesenden-Kompanie / Schützen-Ersatz-Bataillon 66
00.00.194? Zugführer in 1.Kompanie / Schützen-Ersatz-Bataillon 66
25.02.1942 9. Offiziers-Anwärter-Lehrgang
01.06.1942 Rekruten-Offizier/Zugführer
02.07.1942 Führer-Reserve Heeresgruppe A
02.09.1942 Ordonnanz-Offizier, Kommandant des Rückwärtigen Armeegebiets 531
02.10.1942 Adjutant Feldkommandantur 679
04.11.1942 Ordonnanz-Offizier I.Bataillon / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 66
03.12.1942 Zugführer in 3.Kompanie / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 66
26.01.1943 Zugführer in 1.Kompanie / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 66
30.08.1943 Führer 1.Kompanie / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 66
00.00.194? Chef 1.Kompanie / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 66

Awards and Decorations:
00.00.1941 Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz (awarded for a wound received on 09.07.1941)
00.00.1942 Medaille "Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42" (Ostmedaille)
00.00.194_ Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber
00.00.194_ Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen
20.01.1943 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
08.03.1943 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
26.06.1943 Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze
07.08.1943 Anerkennungsurkunde des Oberbefehlshabers des Heeres
07.08.1943 Ehrenblattspange des Heeres und Waffen-SS
01.10.1943 Nahkampfspange in Bronze
29.10.1943 Deutsches Kreuz in Gold
01.11.1943 Nahkampfspange in Silber
13.11.1943 Verwundetenabzeichen in Gold
15.02.1944 Nahkampfspange in Gold
23.02.1944 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as Oberleutnant and Chef 1.Kompanie / I.Bataillon / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 66 / 13.Panzer-Division
00.00.1944 Kubanschild (posthumously)


“One Year to Get the Close Combat Clasp in Gold!”

Rudolf Becker was born on 7 January 1923 in Königsberg in the vicinity of Magdeburg. He grew up there under comfortable middle-class conditions.

When the war started he was still too young to wear a uniform, but he entered the military facilities of Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon 66 when he turned 18 in October 1940. After his basic training, he was sent directly to the 13. Panzer-Division. This division had initially gathered its combat experiences in Poland and France as an infantry division but was reorganized as an armored division after those campaigns. In June 1941, it also entered the war against the Soviet Union.

The division’s Schützen-Brigade 13 was employed in the Lemberg Bend, where it scored its initial victories at Irpen and along the Uman. The brigade was commanded by Oberst Traugott Herr, who would later also gain renown as a highly decorated officer. By this time, Becker was an Obergefreiter and serving as a squad leader in the 3./Schützen-Regiment 66. On 8 July, he was wounded, however, and had to be evacuated to a hospital.

After convalescing at the replacement battalion of the regiment, Becker was able to transform his long-time desire to become an officer into action: He received permission to attend the necessary courses of instruction as an officer candidate.

He was promoted to Leutnant on 30 May 1942. After long utilization in headquarters in the rear, he returned to his old company—redesignated as the 3./Panzergrenadier- Regiment 66 in the meantime—in the fall of 1942. He was given a platoon, where the young go-getter sure under the served tutelage of his company commander, Hauptmann Brux, a Knight’s Cross recipient. Brux would continue to make a name for himself as the war progressed, eventually earning the Oakleaves. He would go on to serve in the Bundeswehr, where he would eventually rise to the rank of Oberst.

By the fall of 1942, after long fighting in the Rostov sector, the German forces along the southern front had advanced far to the east and south deep into the Caucasus. The 13. Panzer-Division was an important asset to the Heeresgruppe and was constantly being employed in the hot spots of the fighting. After weeks of hard fighting, the German forces had advanced as far as the Terek River, where they were within binocular range of the Soviet oil fields. At that point, however, the Red Army launched a counteroffensive that forced the German forces to pull back. The division was occasionally threatened with being cut off. Due to the high casualties, Leutnant Becker was given acting command of the 1./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 66. For his steady hand in commanding his newly entrusted men, Leutnant Becker was awarded the Iron Cross, Second Class in January 1943. Becker’s new battalion commander, Hauptmann Waldemar von Gazen, who was a tremendous example to the young officer, was awarded the Oakleaves for the bravery of his battalion at the same time.

In the months that followed, Becker was officially designated as the company commander of his unit and continuously showed his capabilities during the fighting withdrawals and the accompanying positional warfare. He was always the master of the situation when surrounded by his grenadiers in dozens of defensive engagements. He was respected by all of his men, many of whom were much older than he. By March 1943, he had already received the Iron Cross, First Class.

During the fighting in the bitterly contested Krimshaya sector, Bataillon Gaza was able to turn back untold infantry and armor attacks. During this period, Leutnant Becker became somewhat of a specialist in leading combat patrols and conducting immediate counterattacks. He was continuously successful in those efforts and, by the fall, he had received the German Cross in Gold. He seemed to have a “nose” for picking the right routes in combat patrols, using the right tactics and discerning the enemy’s intentions.

After the division received a necessary battlefield reconstitution along the Mius River, it was again thrown back into the front, where it experienced many a hard month in the area around Melitopol. Using a lot of initiative, it was able to break out of an encirclement around Jefremowka, among other places. At Kirowograd, it was used in the hot spots to serve as a life preserver for the weakened infantry divisions. It was at Kirowograd that the regiment lost its dynamic commander, Major von Gazen, as a result of a shrapnel wound. Von Gazen had only just received the Swords to the Knight’s Cross; he would later return to the division as its Operations Officer.

In February 1944, the tanks and grenadiers of the combat-experienced division were sent to the area of the Tscherkassy Pocket, where they were part of the intended relief force. It was there that the ever-aggressive Becker, who had been promoted to Oberleutnant in the meantime, earned his Knight’s Cross. At the same time, his regimental commander was able to confirm his 50th day of close combat, meaning that Becker received the highest level of that award at almost the same time. This impressive number had been racked up by the young company commander—he had just turned 21—in the timeframe of a single year of combat at the front!

In the course of the offensive operations and defensive fighting in the Ukraine, the impressive officer had survived three different wounds, received the Army’s Recognition Certificate and had also earned a place on the Army’s Honor Roll!

After a well-earned leave for his brave service at the front, Becker turned down a duty position in the homeland in order to return to the head of his beloved company. He not only felt at home there, he was also the unquestioned commander due to his personality, his successes and his knowledge of people.

In August 1944, the division occupied a blocking position in the vicinity of Ermocilia and Leova for a lengthy period. The tankers and grenadiers then received a difficult mission: They had to cover the withdrawal of a battered corps across the Danube and into Hungary. Due to the heavy enemy pressure on both flanks, only elements of the division were able to save themselves by also crossing the river. Large portions of the division were either wiped out or went into Soviet captivity! Becker’s company— reduced by half—had succeeded in making it to the salvation of the western bank of the river, all the while under heavy enemy fire. There it was incorporated into the Restkampfgruppe 13. Panzer-Division, roughly: The 13th Armored Division Battle Group (Remnant).

The division formed part of the defenses of the Hungarian capital of Budapest along with other Army and Waffen-SS formations. Although there were innumerable defensive successes, in the long run, Budapest was lost.

A huge loss for the regiment was the loss of Rudolf Becker. He fell on 13 October 1944 during the defensive fighting around Püspök-Ladany, not far from Debrecen. The Knight’s Cross recipient was posthumously promoted to Hauptmann, as one of the youngest soldiers of the German Armed Forces to achieve that rank. He was buried at the military cemetery at Budaörs.

What was left of the division was lost in the final fighting of Budapest. Only small groups—often just individuals—were able to fight their way back to the German lines to the west.

The first award ceremony of Nahkampfspange in Gold for 14 Heer and Waffen-SS soldiers which was held on 27 August 1944 at the Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze, Rastenburg. Adolf Hitler (Führer und Oberster Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht) congratulates each recipients, while with him is Oberstleutnant Erik von Amsberg (Chefadjutant des Heeres beim Führer und Oberster Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht). The recipients are, from left to right: Oberleutnant Rudolf Becker (Ritterkreuzträger), SS-Obersturmführer Julius Weck, SS-Untersturmführer Wilhelm Schache, Oberfeldwebel Georg Aniol, Oberfeldwebel Franz Ingebrand, Feldwebel Kurt Buschbeck (on crutches), and Feldwebel Karl Hamberger (Ritterkreuzträger) . For the remaining recipients who are not visible in this photo - according to the row after Hamberger - they are as follow: Feldwebel Benno Paffrath, Feldwebel Franz Schmid, Unteroffizier Johann Friedberg, Unteroffizier Anton Hermann, Unteroffizier Fritz Willno*, Unteroffizier Oskar Menz*, and Obergefreiter Hans-Georg Rusdorf* (what is marked * means I don't know their position in the line).

Source :
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek photo archive (Image-No.: 50040906)
"Face of Courage: The 98 Men Who Received the Knight's Cross and the Close-Combat Clasp in Gold" by Florian Berger,_Rudolf

The First Award Ceremony of Nahkampfspange in Gold

The first award ceremony of Nahkampfspange in Gold for 14 Heer and Waffen-SS soldiers which was held on 27 August 1944 at the Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze, Rastenburg. Adolf Hitler (Führer und Oberster Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht) congratulates each recipients, while with him is Oberstleutnant Erik von Amsberg (Chefadjutant des Heeres beim Führer und Oberster Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht). The recipients are, from left to right: Oberleutnant Rudolf Becker (Ritterkreuzträger), SS-Obersturmführer Julius Weck, SS-Untersturmführer Wilhelm Schache, Oberfeldwebel Georg Aniol, Oberfeldwebel Franz Ingebrand, Feldwebel Kurt Buschbeck (on crutches), and Feldwebel Karl Hamberger (Ritterkreuzträger) . For the remaining recipients who are not visible in this photo - according to the row after Hamberger - they are as follow: Feldwebel Benno Paffrath, Feldwebel Franz Schmid, Unteroffizier Johann Friedberg, Unteroffizier Anton Hermann, Unteroffizier Fritz Willno*, Unteroffizier Oskar Menz*, and Obergefreiter Hans-Georg Rusdorf* (what is marked * means I don't know their position in the line).

Source :
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek photo archive (Image-No.: 50040906)

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Léon Degrelle and Lucien Lippert

This picture was taken in July 1943 and it shows Kommandeur of Wallonische Infanterie-Bataillon 373, Hauptmann Lucien Lippert (left), and his deputy, Oberleutnant der Reserve Léon Degrelle. Lippert, a Belgian royalist, joined the Wallonian Legion to prevent it being used as an instrument of Wallonian separatism, allegedly at the request of influential figures close to the King (although without the King's knowledge). Once it became obvious that Degrelle had gained the upper hand and was steering it in a separatist direction - joining the Waffen-SS was the turning point - Lippert made several attempts to leave the Legion. He died before this was possible, disilusioned that the royalists who encouraged him to join Hitler's forces had turned their backs on him as the war moved in the Allies' favour.

Source :

Léon Degrelle Documents

Source :
Grégory Bouysse photo collection
"Encyclopédie de l'Ordre Nouveau: Histoire du SOL, de la Milice Française & des mouvements de la Collaboration" by Grégory Bouysse