Münich, 27 January 1941: Deputy Führer and Reichsminister Rudolf Hess, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund (German National-Socialist Student Association), greeting officers of the German Wehrmacht, all holders of the Knight's Cross (Ritterkreuzträger) and all of whom had been members of the NSD-Studetenbund. From left to right: Oberleutnant Wilhelm Walther (Ritterkreuz on 24 June 1940 as Stoßtruppführer 4.Kompanie / Baulehr-Bataillon zur besonderen Verwendungen 800 "Brandenburg"), Leutnant der Reserve Helmut Ringler (Ritterkreuz on 15 May 1940 as MG-Halbzugführer in Sturmgruppe "Stahl" / Fallschirmjäger-Sturm-Abteilung "Koch"), Leutnant der Reserve Fritz Steger (Ritterkreuz on 15 August 1940 as Zugführer in Infanterie-Regiment 20 [motorisiert] / 10.Infanterie-Division [motorisiert]), and Leutnant der Reserve Franz Berger (Ritterkreuz on 19 July 1940 as Stoßtruppführer 11.Kompanie / Infanterie-Regiment 130 / 45.Infanterie-Division).
Source :
"German Army Uniforms and Insignia 1933-1945" by Brian L. Davis
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