Max Albert Adolf Christian Wandrey
Date of Birth: 08.04.1910 - Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg (German Empire)
Date of Death: 21.02.1945 - in a Lazarett near Kruschwitz, Rothenburg/Oberlausitz, Sachsen (Germany). Mortally wounded near Sprottisch-Waldau on 20.02.1945 when his Kubelwagen ran over a mine.
Buried: Friedhof von Krauschwitz, Muskau, Oberlausitz (Germany)
Battles and Operations: Invasion of Poland (1939), Battle of France (1940), Operation Barbarossa (1941), Battle of Smolensk (1941), Battle of Moscow (1941-1942), Battles of Rzhev (1942-1943), Dodecanese Campaign (1943), Battle of Leros (1943), Battle of Memel (1944), and Vistula–Oder Offensive (1945)
NSDAP-Number: 125 004 (Joined 01.01.1929)
SS-Number: 50 313 (Joined 00.00.1932)
Religion: Gottgläubig (Believe in God)
Mother: Martha Wandrey
Spouse: Hel. Seyfarth (21.11.1910)
Children: Erika and Gerhard Wandrey
00.12.1928 SA-Mann
00.02.1932 SS-Mann
00.00.1932 Unterführeranwärter
00.00.1933 Gefreiter der Reserve
00.00.1935 Feldwebel der Reserve
20.04.1935 SS-Untersturmführer der Allgemeine-SS
20.04.1936 SS-Obersturmführer der Allgemeine-SS
30.01.1937 SS-Haupsturmführer der Allgemeine-SS
01.06.1940 Leutnant der Reserve
01.06.1942 Oberleutnant der Reserve
30.01.1943 SS-Sturmbannführer der Allgemeine-SS
09.01.1944 Hauptmann der Reserve
01.10.1944 Major der Reserve
00.06.1925 - 00.08.1928 Wehrverband Hindenburg
00.12.1928 - 00.02.1932 member of SA (Sturmabteilung)
00.00.1935 member of 28. SS-Standarte (Hamburg)
31.08.1936 - 25.10.1936 Ergänzungs-Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 69
25.10.1936 - 13.05.1937 member of Infanterie-Regiment 69
00.00.1937 full time member of SS-Abschnitt XV (Hamburg)
14.09.1939 called up again after the mobilisation
14.09.1939 - 12.11.1940 Zugführer in 9.Kompanie / Infanterie-Regiment 26 / 20.Infanterie-Division
00.11.1940 transferred to Infanterie-Regiment 254 / 110.Infanterie-Division
10.12.1940 - 04.10.1942 Adjutant II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 254 / 110.Infanterie-Division
00.00.1943 Führer II.Bataillon / SS-Standarte 28 (Hauptamtlicher SS-Führer der Allgemeinen SS)
00.11.1943 Chef 11.Kompanie / Jäger-Regiment 1 "Brandenburg"
01.10.1944 Kommandeur II.Bataillon / Jäger-Regiment 1 "Brandenburg"
Awards and Decorations:
00.02.1934 Ehrenwinkel der Alten Kämpfer
16.12.1935 Julleuchter der SS
01.12.1936 DRL Sportabzeichen in Bronze
01.12.1936 SS-Ehrenring
01.12.1937 SA-Sportabzeichen in Bronze
01.04.1939 Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP 10 Jahre
01.04.1939 Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP 15 Jahre
01.06.1940 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse (document signed by Divisionskommandeur Kurt von Briesen)
29.07.1940 Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber
01.10.1940 Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz
07.08.1941 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse (document signed by Divisionskommandeur Ernst Seifert)
13.05.1942 Deutsches Kreuz in Gold
00.00.1942 Medaille "Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42" (Ostmedaille)
00.00.194_ Ärmelband Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Brandenburg"
00.00.1943 Nahkampfspange in Bronze
09.01.1944 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as Oberleutnant der Reserve and Chef 11.Kompanie / III.Bataillon / Jäger-Regiment 1 "Brandenburg" / Kampfgruppe "Müller" (22. Infanterie-Division). Awarded for his contribution to the German conquest of Leros in November 1943. Landing on the island on the 16th of that month, Wandrey's Kompanie commander was quickly wounded and so Wandrey stepped in to fill this role. At around 15:00 that day Wandrey stormed the dominant Hill 204 with about 50 men, and located the British HQ there. With 20 soldiers, Wandrey stormed the command post and took the British General Tilney prisoner.
16.03.1945 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub #787 (posthumously), as Major der Reserve and Kommandeur II.Bataillon / Jäger-Regiment 1 "Brandenburg" / Panzergrenadier-Division “Brandenburg”. Awarded for the major role he played in the breakout of Gruppe von Saucken in early 1945. Around mid-February, as commander of an inexperienced Bataillon of the Panzergrenadier-Division "Brandenburg", Wandrey led a stubborn defense east of Sprottisch-Waldau. The leadership of Saucken's moving pocket thus oriented their breakout efforts towards this point, pushing north from the Primkenauer forest and linking up with Wandrey's forces on the 11-12.02.1945.
Max Wandrey joined the 69th Infantry Regiment in 1936, where he completed his one-year military service. In 1937 he was a full-time SS leader in Hamburg and was called up to Infantry Regiment 69 at the start of the war.
On June 1, 1940, he was promoted to Leutnant der Reserve and joined the 254 Infantry Regiment in November 1940. From July 1941 he took part in the Russian campaign and was awarded the German Cross in Gold on May 13, 1942. On June 1, 1942, he was promoted to Oberleutnant der reserve and at the beginning of 1943 became chief of the 11th company of the 1st “Brandenburg” (Jäger) Regiment.
With the elite unit he took part in the disarmament of Italian units (→ Axis case) in Greece and the Aegean. After his decisive role in the conquest of the island of Leros by the “Müller” combat group during Operation “Leopard” in mid-November 1943, he was awarded the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes (Knight's Cross of the Iron Crosses) on January 9, 1944. At the same time he was promoted to Hauptmann der reserve. With a 20-man strike force, he surprisingly attacked and eliminated the British-Italian position system on Monte Meraviglia on Leros from the east. Wandrey was personally responsible for the capture of British Forces Commander Brigadier Robert Tilney on November 16, 1943.
On October 1, 1944, he was promoted to major in the reserve and commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 1st Jäger Regiment “Brandenburg”. With this he fought in the defense of the Danube position in the Esseg area in the fall of 1944, in southern Hungary at the end of 1944 and then moved to the Lodz area in Poland at the beginning of 1945. The Panzergrenadier-Division “Brandenburg” has now been subordinated to the Panzerkorps "Grossdeutschland".
On February 16, 1945, Wandrey and his unit once again particularly distinguished themselves when they achieved a defensive success against the Soviet 23rd Guards Rifle Division with the 2nd Battalion in the fighting in the southern part of the Sagan Forest/Silesia. On the orders of regimental commander Erich von Brückner, Wandrey and his battalion had to withdraw; there were heavy retreats from the Litzmannstadt area via Petrikau to the Neisse. On February 20, 1945, the Red Army's 12th Guards Tank Brigade surrounded Wandrey's battalion. It was able to take out eight T-34/85s before an attempt was made to break out on armored personnel carriers. During this outbreak - Wandrey was on the last vehicle - suffered a serious wound when he hit a mine on February 20, 1945, from which he died on February 21, 1945 in the hospital in Krauschwitz in Lower Silesia. He was posthumously awarded the Eichenlaub to his Ritterkreuz on 16 March 1945.
Max Wandrey in M32 black Allgemeine-SS uniform.
Max Wandrey in civilian uniform, probably before he joined the Wehrmacht.

A studio portrait of Leutnant der Reserve Max Wandrey before he received the Ritterkreuz. Interestingly, he is wearing both the Ribbon bar for the NSDAP Service Award of 10 and 15 Years!

Oberleutnant der Reserve Max Wandrey with the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold which he received on 13 May 1942 as Leutnant der Reserve and Adjutant II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 254 / 110.Infanterie-Division. He was promoted to Oberleutnant d.R. on 9 January 1944.

Oberleutnant der Reserve Max Wandrey with the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold which he received on 13 May 1942 as Leutnant der Reserve and Adjutant II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 254 / 110.Infanterie-Division. He was promoted to Oberleutnant d.R. on 9 January 1944.

Oberleutnant der Reserve Max Wandrey with the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold which he received on 13 May 1942 as Leutnant der Reserve and Adjutant II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 254 / 110.Infanterie-Division. He was promoted to Oberleutnant d.R. on 9 January 1944.

Ritterkreuz award ceremony for Oberleutnant der Reserve Max Wandrey (Chef 11.Kompanie / III.Bataillon / Jäger-Regiment 1 "Brandenburg" / Division "Brandenburg") which was held in Crete Island, Greece, January 1944. Flanking Wandrey (center) were Major Wilhelm Walther (Kommandeur Jäger-Regiment 1 "Brandenburg" / Division "Brandenburg") who wore the same tropical colored stahlhelm as Wandrey, and General der Flieger Hellmuth Felmy (Kommandierender General LXVIII. Armeekorps) wearing a tropical Luftwaffe uniform complete with his "Hermann Meyer" cap. Wandrey was awarded the Ritterkreuz on 9 January 1944 for his performance in the attack on the island of Leros during Operation Leopard. Later he would also receive the Eichenlaub #787 posthumously on 16 March 1945 as Major der Reserve and Kommandeur II.Bataillon / Jäger-Regiment 1 "Brandenburg". Other pictures from this ceremony can be seen HERE.

Grouping from the estate of Major der Reserve Max Wandrey, The 787th recipient of the Eichenlaub to the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes. This grouping were auctioned by Andreas Thies with the price of 13.000 €. Other pictures from this grouping can be seen HERE.
Source :
Michael D. Miller photo collection
"Jump Into Hell: German Paratroopers in World War II" by Franz Kurowski,_Max
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