Major Hermann Graf speaks in front of NSFK (Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps) audience at the Sportpalast, Berlin, 13 January 1943. After he received the Brillanten in September 1942, for the next few months, after home leave, Graf was sent on propaganda tours across Germany. He was also able to meet the Germany national football team and went to several of their international matches. The picture was taken by Kriegsberichter Stiehr.

NSFK (Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps) event at the Sportpalast, Berlin, 13 January 1943. Sitting on the front row, from left to right: Emil Stürtz (Gauleiter von Brandenburg), NSFK-Brigadeführer Arno Kehrberg (Chef des Stabes des NS-Fliegerkorps), SA-Gruppenführer Artur Görlitzer (stellvertretender Gauleiter von Berlin), Luftwaffe ace Major Hermann Graf, and unknown.

Major Hermann Graf is giving a speech at a propaganda event of the National Socialists in the Sportpalast. Among the participants there are also wounded soldiers accompanied by Red Cross nurses.
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