Wearing a Cossack fur hat called kubanka, SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS und Polizei Heinz Reinefarth (second from left, Kommandeur Kampfgruppe Reinefarth) having a discussion with members of Kosaken-Regiment 3 on Wola street during the Warsaw Uprising. The 3rd Cossack Regiment - led by Oberst Jakub Bondarenko (second from right) - composed of both Don and Kuban Cossacks. Cossack units constituted the largest ethnic group among foreigners fighting against the Polish insurgents. The SS officer in the center might be SS-Hauptsturmführer Alfred Spilker, the head of a special SD task force that carried out a large number of murders in the Wola area between 5 and 8 August 1944.
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