Leutnant Karl Gottfried Nordmann (right) plays with an eagle with his fellow Luftwaffe pilot. The eagle is most likely the mascot of the unit in which he served: I.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 77 (JG 77) "Herz As". This photo itself was taken in the spring of 1940, and most likely in March when Nordmann was Staffelkapitän of 3.Staffel in his Gruppe. By this time he was already an experienced pilot but still not quite an "ace" (five or more aerial victories). Nordmann had his first victory in early September 1939 over Poland, while further victories were recorded over France. In the Battle of Britain he recorded seven enemy planes being shot down (though over a very long period of time, from July 1940 to July 1941!). Overall, Nordmann claimed 78 victories in more than 800 combat missions. Nearly all of his victories were recorded in Russia where he fought until the end of 1942.
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