Karl-Gottfried "Karlfried" Nordmann
Date of Birth: 22.11.1915 - Gießen, Großherzogtum Hessen und bei Rhein (German Empire)
Date of Death: 22.07.1982 - Greenwich, Connecticut (USA)
Achieved 78 victories in about 840 sorties
Wife: Tina
Children: Eric and Corinne
06.04.1936 Fahnenjunker
01.01.1938 Leutnant
01.04.1940 Oberleutnant
19.09.1941 Hauptmann
18.06.1942 Major
01.08.1943 Oberstleutnant
30.01.1945 Oberst
06.04.1936 joined the Luftwaffe
01.03.1938 - 30.04.1938 1. Staffel / Kampfgeschwader 253
00.05.1938 posted to the Jagdfliegerschule Werneuchen
00.07.1938 Staffeloffizier with the Stab of I.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 77
02.11.1938 Staffeloffizier with the Stab of I.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 331 (renamed)
01.05.1939 Staffeloffizier with the Stab of I.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 77 (renamed)
03.09.1939 claimed his first victory when he shot down a Polish PZL.43
21.11.1939 Staffeloffizier with the Stab of IV.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 51 (renamed)
01.03.1940 Staffelkapitän 12.Staffel / IV.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 51
20.07.1941 Gruppenkommandeur IV.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 51
28.08.1941 claimed his 50th victory
10.04.1942 Geschwaderkommodore Jagdgeschwader 51
17.01.1943 involved in a midair collision with Hauptmann Rudolf Busch, Gruppenkommandeur of I./JG 51. Busch was killed and Nordmann, severely injured, did not fly operationally again
01.04.1944 Jagdfliegerführer Ostpreussen
04.01.1945 Inspekteur der Tagjäger Ost
04.04.1945 Kommandeur 1. Flieger-Division
Awards and Decorations:
08.10.1939 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
05.01.1940 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
28.07.1941 Luftwaffe Ehrenpokale für besondere Leistungen im Luftkrieg
01.08.1941 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as Oberleutnant and Staffelkapitän 12.Staffel / IV.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 51 (JG 51). Awarded after 31 aerial victories.
16.09.1941 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub #35, as Oberleutnant and Staffelkapitän 12.Staffel / IV.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 51 (JG 51). Awarded after 59 aerial victories.
04.05.1944 Mentioned in Wehrmachtbericht: Fighter wing "Mölders", under the leadership of Oberstleutnant Nordmann, reported its 8 000th aerial victory.
Karl-Gottfried Nordmann was born on 22 November 1915 in Giessen, at the time in the Grand Duchy of Hesse of the German Empire. He was the son of a doctor and joined the military service of the Luftwaffe on 6 April 1936 as a Fahnenjunker (officer cadet). Nordmann was promoted to Leutnant (Second Lieutenant) on 1 January 1938 and served with 1. Staffel of Kampfgeschwader 253 from 1 March to 30 April 1938. He was then posted to the Jagdfliegerschule (Fighter Pilot School) at Werneuchen, under the command of Oberst (Colonel) Theodor Osterkamp. Since July 1938, he served as a Staffeloffizier (squadron officer) with the Stab of I. Gruppe (1st group) of Jagdgeschwader 77 (JG 77—77th Fighter Wing), which later became IV./Jagdgeschwader 51 (JG 51—51st Fighter Wing).
This unit underwent a series of redesignations which started with VI./Jagdgeschwader 132 (JG 132—132nd Fighter Wing), was renamed on 2 November 1938 to I./Jagdgeschwader 331 (JG 331—331st Fighter Wing). While based at Breslau-Schöngarten (currently called Copernicus Airport Wrocław), it was redesignated again, this time to I./JG 77 on 1 May 1939, which was redesignated to IV./JG 51 on 21 November 1940.
World War II in Europe began on Friday 1 September 1939 when German forces invaded Poland. Nordmann claimed his first aerial victory when he shot down a Polish PZL.43 on 3 September 1939. Nordmann achieved his next victory during the Battle of France and seven more in the Battle of Britain. He was appointed Staffelkapitän (squadron leader) of the 12. Staffel (12th squadron) of Jagdgeschwader 51 (JG 51—51st Fighter Wing) on 1 March 1940, replacing Oberleutnant (First Lieutenant) Erwin Neuerburg who became Staffelkapitän of 7. Staffel of Jagdgeschwader 3 (JG 3—3rd Fighter Wing). In this function, he was promoted to Oberleutnant on 1 April 1940. Nordmann was victorious over two Royal Air Force (RAF) Supermarine Spitfires on 17 October 1940 and achieved his ninth aerial victory on 6 May 1941.
In June 1941, JG 51 and the majority of the Luftwaffe were transferred to the Eastern Front in preparation for Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union. On 20 July 1941 Nordmann was appointed to command IV./JG 51, succeeding Major Friedrich Beckh who was selected to command JG 51 as Geschwaderkommodore (Wing Commander). Command of the 12. Staffel was passed on to Oberleutnant Heinrich Bär. Less than two weeks later, on 1 August 1941 Nordmann was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes) after a total of 31 victories which was presented to him by General der Flieger Bruno Loerzer. Unteroffizier (Sergeant) Franz-Josef Beerenbrock flew as Nordmann's Rottenflieger (wing man) around this time. Nordmann achieved his 40th victory in total on 16 August and his 50th on 28 August. Only three weeks later he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub) on 16 September 1941 after 59 victories which was presented by Adolf Hitler. Three days later, on 19 September, he was promoted to Hauptmann (captain). On 10 April 1942, Nordmann took over command of JG 51 as Geschwaderkommodore from Beckh who was transferred to the Reich Air Ministry.
Nordmann was promoted to Major (major) on 18 June 1942. On 26 June 1942 Nordmann crashed his Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-2 (Werknummer 12825—factory number). The aircraft flipped during the landing and Nordmann suffered a basilar fractured skull, an injury typical of high-speed crashes. Although he flew again shortly after the crash his injury required hospitalization in August. Nordmann, who had been assisted by Hauptmann Joachim Müncheberg as a Geschwaderkommodore in training, temporarily replaced him during his absence. On 17 January 1943 Nordmann's Focke-Wulf Fw 190 was involved in a midair collision with Hauptmann Rudolf Busch, Gruppenkommandeur of I./JG 51. Busch was killed and Nordmann, severely injured, did not fly operationally again. In total, Nordmann claimed 78 aerial victories, 69 of which on the Eastern Front, flying over 800 combat missions. Under his leadership JG 51 reported the 4,000th aerial victory on 16 December 1942, the 5,000th victory on 2 June 1943, the 6,000th victory on 27 July 1943 and the 7,000th victory on 15 September 1943.
Nordmann, who had been promoted to Oberstleutnant (lieutenant colonel) on 1 August 1943, was appointed Jagdfliegerführer Ostpreussen on 1 April 1944. This command was also later referred to as Jagdabschnittsführer 6 (leader of the 6th fighter sector), while subordinated to the Luftflotte 6 (6th Air Fleet). On 11 November, Reichsmarschall (Marshal of the Realm) Hermann Göring, in his role as commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe, organized a meeting of high-ranking Luftwaffe officers, including Nordmann. The meeting, also referred to as the "Areopag" was held at the Luftkriegsakademie (air war academy) at Berlin-Gatow. This Luftwaffe version of the Greek Areopagus—a court of justice—aimed at finding solutions to the deteriorating air was situation over Germany. He was appointed Inspekteur der Tagjäger Ost (Inspector of Fighter Operations East) on 4 January 1945 and on 30 January 1945 promoted to Oberst (Colonel). Just prior to the end of the war, on 4 April 1945, he took over command of the 1st Fighter Division until the end of the war.
After World War II, Nordmann joined Mercedes-Benz in 1950, initially working in sales. He later became head of the sales department and, in 1968, head of worldwide services. In January 1971 he was appointed president of Mercedes-Benz in North America and Canada, retiring in January 1981. Despite his retirement, he continued to hold a position as company director. During his tenure with Mercedes, Nordmann was an early mentor of Jürgen Schrempp, who later became the chief executive officer of Daimler AG. Under Nordmann's leadership, Mercedes sales in the United States increased from 30,000 cars in 1970 to 43,600 cars in 1972, a 0.4% U.S. market share. To further expand the market presence in North America, Mercedes in 1976 opened a facility in Jacksonville, Florida. In 1977 Daimler bought the Euclid Company of Ohio and Freightliner Trucks in 1981.
In 1981 Nordmann attended an aviation symposium of the International Order of Characters (IOC) held in Stamford, Connecticut. The symposium panel was made up of four former World War II fighter pilots. In addition to Nordmann, the panel included the former RAF pilots, Sir Douglas Bader and Robert Stanford Tuck, and the former United States Army Air Forces pilot Robert S. Johnson.
He died at his home on 22 July 1982 in Greenwich, Connecticut, USA. Nordmann's wife was named Tina. They had a son, Eric, and a daughter, Corinne.
Nordmann claimed 78 aerial victories, 69 of which on the Eastern Front, achieved in flying over 800 combat missions. Mathews and Foreman, authors of Luftwaffe Aces — Biographies and Victory Claims, researched the German Federal Archives and found records for 75 aerial victory claims, plus two further unconfirmed claims. This number includes 1 claim over Poland, 8 on the Western Front, and 66 on the Eastern Front.
Victory claims were logged to a map-reference (PQ = Planquadrat), for example "PQ 37432". The Luftwaffe grid map covered all of Europe, western Russia and North Africa and was composed of rectangles measuring 15 minutes of latitude by 30 minutes of longitude, an area of about 360 square miles (930 km2). These sectors were then subdivided into 36 smaller units to give a location area 3x4km in size.
Karl Gottfried Nordmann (right) plays with an eagle with his fellow
Luftwaffe pilot. The eagle is most likely the mascot of the unit in
which he served: I.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 77 (JG 77) "Herz As". This
photo itself was taken in the spring of 1940, and most likely in March
when Nordmann was Staffelkapitän of 3.Staffel in his Gruppe. By this
time he was already an experienced pilot but still not quite an "ace"
(five or more aerial victories). Nordmann had his first victory in early
September 1939 over Poland, while further victories were recorded over
France. In the Battle of Britain he recorded seven enemy planes being
shot down (though over a very long period of time, from July 1940 to
July 1941!). Overall, Nordmann claimed 78 victories in more than 800
combat missions. Nearly all of his victories were recorded in Russia
where he fought until the end of 1942.
Oberleutnant Karl-Gottfried Nordmann.
left to right: Oberstleutnant Friedrich Beckh (Geschwaderkommodore
Jagdgeschwader 51) and Hauptmann Karl-Gottfried Nordmann
(Gruppenkommandeur IV.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 51). This picture was
taken by Kriegsberichter Jütte on 18 September 1941 when Nordmann was
awarded the Eichenlaub to his Ritterkreuz by Beckh, after achieving 59
aerial victories (the awarding of the medal was already received two
days previously). Nordmann himself was appointed to command IV./JG 51,
succeeding Beckh who was selected to command JG 51 as
Geschwaderkommodore (Wing Commander) on 20 July 1941.
Hauptmann Karl-Gottfried Nordmann.

Eastern Front: Hauptmann Karl-Gottfried Nordmann (left, Geschwaderkommodore Jagdgeschwader 51) in conversation with unidentified Oberleutnant of the Luftwaffe. The picture was taken by Kriegsberichter Helmut Grosse in June 1942.

Oberstleutnant Karl-Gottfried Nordmann as Geschwaderkommodore of Jagdgeschwader 51 "Mölders", April 1943. The picture was taken in Smolensk, Eastern Front, by Kriegsberichter Fischer.

Oberstleutnant Karl-Gottfried Nordmann as Geschwaderkommodore of Jagdgeschwader 51 "Mölders", July 1943. The picture was taken in Smolensk, Eastern Front, by Kriegsberichter Fischer.

Oberstleutnant Karl-Gottfried Nordmann (right, Geschwaderkommodore Jagdgeschwader 51 "Mölders") with unknown Major, possibly the leader of 15.Spanische Staffel / JG 51 or "Escuadrilla Azul" (Blue Squadron), a group of volunteer pilots and ground crews recruited from the Spanish Air Force that fought in the side of Germany on the Eastern Front.
Bundesarchiv photo collection
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