Arnold von Roon
Date of Birth: 19.07.1914 - Berlin-Friedenau, Brandenburg (German Empire)
Date of Death: 24.10.1990 - Miesbach, Bayern (Germany)
Burial: Luisen-Friedhof I, Charlottenburg, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Berlin, Germany
01.04.1936 Leutnant
01.11.1938 Oberleutnant
01.10.1940 Hauptmann
01.01.1942 Major im Generalstab (advanced from 01.09.43)
01.08.1944 Oberstleutnant im Generalstab
01.04.1934 entered service with the Heer (Kavallerie)
01.11.1935 transferred to the Luftwaffe
01.11.1935 ordered to Fliegerschule Hildesheim for Beobachter (observer) training
10.03.1936 transferred to Aufklärungsgruppe 122 (Prenzlau) as a Beobachter and Nafü
01.10.1936 received the Luftwaffe Beobachter license
06.11.1936 transferred to Aufklärungsstaffel (F) A/88 (Legion Condor) as a Beobachter and Nafü
01.06.1937 Beobachter and Adjutant in Aufklärungsgruppe 22 (Prenzlau)
01.09.1938 Ia 7.Flieger-Division
01.06.1939 Chef 3.Kompanie / I.Bataillon / Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 2
01.01.1942 - 21.01.1944 Ia XI. Fliegerkorps
01.12.1942 transferred into the Generalstab der Luftwaffe (did not attend the Luftkriegsakademie)
22.01.1944 Ia 4. Fallschirmjäger-Division
01.03.1944 Ia 1. Fallschirmarmee
17.01.1945 reappointed as Ia 1. Fallschirmarmee
Awards and Decorations:
00.00.193_ Flugzeugführerabzeichen
17.04.1936 Flugzeugbeobachterabzeichen
01.12.1938 Cruz de Guerra de España
28.03.1939 Fallschirmschützenabzeichen der Luftwaffe
06.06.1939 Spanienkreuz in Gold mit Schwertern
15.05.1940 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
15.05.1940 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
09.07.1941 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as Oberleutnant and Chef 3.Kompanie / I.Bataillon / Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 2 / 7.Flieger-Division. Awarded for the leadership of his Kompanie during the battle for Crete in May 1941. With his men he was able to capture a number of important objectives, culminating in the seizure of the all-important Hill 156 from the Allies on the 27.05.1941. Later on his Kompanie would play a key role in the final fighting on the island, when on the 30.05.1941 he and his Kompanie launched an attack towards the west (near the oil factory) and made contact with friendly Gebirgsjäger.
15.06.1943 Ärmelband Kreta

Major i.G. Arnold von Roon in color.

From left to right: Oberst Heinrich "Heinz" Trettner and Major i.G. Arnold von Roon. No information about when and where this pic was taken, but possibly in the period between January - July 1944, when Trettner was delegated with the leadership of 4. Fallschirmjäger-Division in the Italian Front and Roon became his Ia (Chief of Operations). They are both wearing tropenuniform (tropical uniform).
Source :
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-L19498
"Die Bildchronik der Fallschirmtruppe 1935-1945" by Arnold von Roon
"Fallschirmjägers in Crete" by Jean-Yves Nasse
"Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries" by Henry L. deZeng IV and Douglas G. Stankey,_Arnold_von_Roon_(cropped).jpg
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