Max Josef Ibel
Date of Birth: 01.01.1896 - Münich, Bayern (German Empire)
Date of Death: 19.03.1981 - Münich, Bayern (West Germany)
Parents: Adolf Ibel and Mathilde Weinreich
Wife: Lore von Unold (married in 1932)
Children: Hugbert Ibel (1935) and Konrad Ibel (10.08.1938 - 03.11.2017)
Buried: Waldfriedhof München
27.11.1915 Fahnenjunker-Unteroffizier
13.05.1916 Fähnrich
06.07.1916 Offizier-Stellvertreter
18.10.1916 Leutnant
31.07.1925 Oberleutnant
01.12.1932 Hauptmann
01.11.1935 Major
01.06.1938 Oberstleutnant
21.07.1940 Oberst
01.01.1944 Generalmajor
01.10.1957 Brigadegeneral (Bundeswehr)
05.07.1915 - 09.09.1915 Kriegsfreiwilliger in the Königlich Bayerischen 1. Pionier-Ersatz-Bataillon
10.09.1915 - 07.03.1916 1.Ersatz-Kompanie / 1.Pionier-Ersatz-Bataillon
08.03.1916 - 05.07.1916 Served in 3.Feld-Pionier-Kompanie / I.Bayerischen Armeekorps
02.07.1916 - 15.07.1916 Granted homeleave
06.07.1916 Offizier-Stellvertreter in 3.Feld-Pionier-Kompanie / I.Bayerischen Armeekorps
00.00.19__ - 29.04.1918 Zugführer in 3.Feld-Pionier-Kompanie / I.Bayerischen Armeekorps
30.11.1916 - 15.12.1916 Granted homeleave
16.03.1917 - 31.03.1917 Granted homeleave
28.05.1917 - 01.07.1917 Trench warfare in Chemins des Dames
14.06.1917 - 29.06.1917 Granted homeleave
27.07.1917 - 28.12.1917 Trench warfare in Champagne
20.08.1917 - 25.08.1917 40. Lehrgang at Heeresgasschule
28.08.1917 - 12.09.1917 Granted homeleave
04.11.1917 - 15.12.1917 4. Lehrgang at Pionierschule I
24.01.1918 - 24.02.1918 Trench warfare in Argonne
24.02.1918 - 20.03.1918 On rest in the area behind the 18. Armee
21.03.1918 - 31.03.1918 Participated in the Ludendorff Offensive
21.03.1918 - 22.03.1918 Breakthrough battle at St. Quentin - La Fere
23.03.1918 - 24.03.1918 Fighting over the Somme and the Crozat Canal
25.03.1918 - 31.03.1918 Pursuit fighting followed to Montdidier-Noyon
30.04.1918 - 18.04.1918 Transferred into the 1. bayerischen Pionier-Ersatz-Bataillon
19.04.1918 - 08.12.1918 Garde-Reserve-Pionier-Regiment (flammenwerfer)
22.04.1918 - 30.04.1918 Trench warfare in Champagne
30.04.1918 Marched to Nouzon-Charleville
30.04.1918 - 17.07.1918 Trained with 4.Kompanie / Garde-Reserve-Pionier-Regiment
17.07.1918 Participated in the Battle of the Marne
09.12.1918 - 14.12.1918 Assigned to Ersatz-Pionier-Bataillon
14.12.1918 - 25.02.1919 Reported to 3.Kompanie / Ersatz-Pionier-Bataillon
26.02.1919 - 05.05.1919 Granted Leave
06.05.1919 - 13.07.1919 With the Königlich Bayerisches 1. Pionier-Bataillon
14.07.1919 - 31.03.1920 Adjutant Königlich Bayerisches 1. Pionier-Bataillon
01.04.1920 - 30.09.1920 Zugführer in 1.Kompanie / Reichswehr-Pionier-Bataillon 21
01.10.1920 - 05.11.1922 Company-Officer in 7. (Bayerisches) Pionier-Bataillon
06.11.1922 - 24.11.1922 Detached to the Infanterie-Regiment 19
25.11.1922 - 31.07.1928 Company-Officer in 1.Kompanie / 7.Pionier-Bataillon
31.07.1928 Retired
01.08.1928 - 30.09.1931 Secret Flying Training outside Germany
01.10.1931 - 31.03.1934 Reactivated to Army Service as Chef 1.Kompanie / 7.Pionier-Bataillon
01.04.1934 - 28.02.1935 Transferred to Luftwaffe Service as Teacher at the Fliegerschule Schleißheim
01.03.1935 - 14.05.1936 Flugzeugführer bei der Inspektion der Schulen im Reichsluftfahrtministerium
15.05.1936 - 30.08.1936 Verbandsführer in Jagdgeschwader 134 in Dortmund
08.10.1936 - 30.11.1936 Extended Pilot-Light at the Blind-Flight-School Celle
01.12.1936 - 28.02.1937 Staffelkapitän in I.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 232 in Bernburg
01.03.1937 - 31.10.1938 Gruppenkommandeur I.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 135
01.11.1938 - 26.09.1939 Geschwaderkommodore Jagdgeschwader 231 (later JG 3)
27.09.1939 - 12.10.1940 Geschwaderkommodore Jagdgeschwader 27
13.10.1940 - 05.06.1941 Kommandeur Jagdfliegerschule 4 in Fürth
06.06.1941 - 30.11.1942 Jagdfliegerführer 3
01.12.1942 - 12.09.1943 Höherer Jagdfliegerführer West
15.09.1943 - 30.09.1943 Führerreserve OKL (Oberkommando der Luftwaffe)
01.10.1943 - 31.12.1944 Kommandeur 2. Jagd-Division
01.01.1945 - 15.02.1945 Führerreserve OKL (Oberkommando der Luftwaffe)
16.02.1945 - 05.05.1945 Inspekteur für den Strahleinsatz beim Bevollmächtigten für den Strahleinsatz
04.05.1945 - 04.03.1948 Captured by the US in Lake Tegernsee (then in British Captivity)
04.03.1948 Released
01.10.1957 - 30.09.1961 Entered Bundeswehr Service as Kommandeur 1. Luftverteidigungsdivision
30.09.1961 Retired
Awards and Decorations:
01.06.1916 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
00.00.191_ Königlich Bayerische Militär-Verdienstorden IV.Klasse mit Schwertern
25.07.1919 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
00.00.193_ Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer 1914-1918
00.00.193_ Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis II.Klasse
00.00.19__ 1939 spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
00.00.19__ 1939 spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
22.08.1940 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as Oberst and Geschwaderkommodore Jagdgeschwader 27 (JG 27)
Max Ibel (1 January 1896 – 19 March 1981) is credited as one of the creators of the Luftwaffe. He was born in 1896 in Munich and joined the Army as a cadet in July 1915, serving with the 1st Bavarian Pioneer battalion, and was commissioned as an officer in August 1916.
When the war ended he remained in the German Army, serving with the First Engineer Battalion in Munich, becoming adjutant in mid 1919. In July 1928 he left the Army for pilot training at the Lipetsk fighter-pilot school in the Soviet Union, where Luftwaffe aircrew were secretly trained.
After returning to Germany, in May 1932 Ibel was promoted to Hauptmann, and served as an Instructor with the flight school (Jagdfliegerschule) in Schleissheim.
In November 1935 he was promoted to Major.
In May 1936, he was transferred to command Jagdgeschwader 134 in Dortmund. From December 1936 to February 1937, Ibel commanded the I. Gruppe of Jagdgeschwader 232 in Bernburg and in March commanded I./Jagdgeschwader 135.
In November 1938, he was commander of Jagdgeschwader 231 which was later renamed Jagdgeschwader 3.
Ibel then was Geschwaderkommodore of the new Jagdgeschwader 27 (JG 27), and led JG 27 successfully during the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain until October 1940. He received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes (Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross) on 22 August 1940.
In October 1940, Oberst Ibel became Kommandeur of Jagdfliegerschule 4 (Fighter Pilot School), where he remained until June 1941, when he was promoted to Generalmajor, and appointed Jagdfliegerführer 3 (Jafü 3) in occupied France. In February 1942 Ibel acted as liaison officer with the Kriegsmarine during the Channel Dash when the Luftwaffe provided effective air cover over the battle cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, and heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen passage through the English Channel.
In December 1942, he became the Jagdfliegerführer West, and in October 1943 assumed command of 2. Jagd-Division, located in northern Germany. During the last two years of the War Ibel was commander of 2. Jagd-Division and at the very end of the War he became Inspector of Jet operations.
After time as a POW with the Western Allies, Ibel was released in 1948. He rejoined the German Air Force in October 1957 as a Brigadier General.
From left to right: Oberst Max Ibel, unknown Hauptmann, Generalmajor Werner Junck, and Generalmajor Eduard Ritter von Schleich.
Oberst Max Ibel (Jagdfliegerführer West) in Gouvieux, Oise, France, September 1943.
Oberst Max Ibel (Jagdfliegerführer West) in Gouvieux, Oise, France, September 1943.

Oberst Max Ibel.
Oberst Max Ibel (Jagdfliegerführer West) in Gouvieux, Oise, France, September 1943.
Oberst Max Ibel (Jagdfliegerführer West) in Gouvieux, Oise, France, September 1943.
Generalmajor Adolf Galland and Oberst Max-Josef Ibel in the officers'
lounge, village of Gouvieux near Creil airbase, September 1943.
Adolf Galland and Max Ibel
Oberst Max Ibel.

Source :
ECPAD Archives (LFT3 F2914L.09)
Jim Haley photo collection
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