Monday, December 25, 2023

Ritterkreuz Action of Johann Thaler


Johann Thaler (6 February 1920 - 7 April 1945) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 14 August 1943 as SS-Unterscharführer and Panzerfahrer in 6.Kompanie / II.Abteilung / SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 / SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Das Reich". Thaler's Ritterkreuz recommendation reads as follows: "During the attack upon Teterewino, Grasnoje and Kotschetowka, Thaler drove his tank at high speed towards the enemy. Together with two other tanks, they succeeded in cutting off seventeen enemy tanks. Three of these were quickly knocked out. Soon after, Thaler's tank received a heavy frontal hit that led to the accelerator and gear shaft being damaged badly. The tank commander knew this damage was crippling and announced over the radio that this was the end of the line for them. Johannes Thaler, however, had other thoughts. He personally worked on the damaged parts, and using some improvisation and under extreme physical exertion managed to get the tank working again. It was during this physical exertion, that Thaler suffered damage to his left hand. This left him only being able to use his right hand for all required actions. All of this was done under heavy enemy fire. Once this was done, this tank went on to destroy seven more of the enemy tanks that were nearby. Thaler remained at the driving controls and maneuvered the tank into the correct position each time, despite the extreme pain he was suffering due to the earlier wound. He did not stop there and after the destruction of their tenth enemy tank, they recognized an enemy anti-tank position about 100 metres away. They advanced towards this, again under very difficult circumstances in relation to the mechanical state of the tank and the physical state of its driver. They succeeded in destroying two anti-tank guns and prevented the remaining two from firing, thereby removing this enemy threat. These additional achievements, not to mention the fact that a disabled tank surrounded by the enemy was an easy target, can be attributed solely to the quick independent actions of this brave tank driver. It resulted in a decisive outcome for the company and altogether thirty enemy tanks were destroyed, as well as the anti-tank guns."

The Ritterkreuz recommendation was submitted on 18 July 1943, while preliminary document and decoration on 19 August 1943 to Heeresgruppe Süd.

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