SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Das Reich" during the Third Battle of Kharkov (19 February - 15 March 1943). Standing in the middle is SS-Obersturmbannführer Heinz Harmel (Kommandeur SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment "Deutschland"), while looking through binoculars at right right is Regimentsarzt Dr. Heuck. During this fighting, Regimentskommandeur Harmel led from an armoured radio car in the midst of the combat despite the enemy anti-tank gun threat. He personally directed the Panzer-Kompanie and ensured the total destruction of the enemy. Thanks to the bold and his swift action, as well as his success in expanding the bridgehead at Pereschtschepino, the Division was able to launch a swift pursuit thrust to the south and the further advance of the enemy towards the west was brought to a halt. For his achievement Harmel was awardede with the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 31 March 1943.
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