Taken from 'Die Deutsche Wochenschau' Nr. 722 -5 July 1944: Black 4-door sedan drives up to group of German officers, doors opened by German soldier, Generaloberst Eduard Dietl wearing black leather coat steps out and is greeted by German Naval Officers. Dietl inspecting troops. Image and sound of German military snare drums, German Nazi flag waves in the breeze. Hitler arrives at state funeral for Generaloberst Dietl. Hitler shakes hands with widow, three young German girls and touches face of young German boy. Hitler delivers eulogy (no audio of Hitler). Hitler helps place large wreath at casket and gives Hitler or Nazi salute. All in attendance gives Hitler salute. Casket carried by German soldiers outside and placed on gun carriage. View of Nazi flag.
On Friday, 23 June 1944, exactly at 7:42 a.m., a Junkers Ju 52/3mg11 "A2+AA" (Werknummer 7596) transport aircraft belonging to the Wehrmacht crashed near the small village of Rettenegg, Styria (Austria). At the time of the incident, the aircraft was occupied by nine passengers, seven of whom died at the scene. Among those who lost their lives in the crash were leading Heer generals: Generaloberst Eduard Dietl (Oberbefehlshaber 20. Gebirgsarmee), General der Infanterie Thomas-Emil von Wickede (Kommandierender General X. Armeekorps), General der Gebirgstruppe Karl Eglseer (Kommandierender General XVIII. Gebirgskorps), and Generalleutnant Franz Rossi (Kommandeur Divisionsgruppe Rossi). Dietl last words were to the pilot shortly before take-off: “No, we are not going to fly over the plain. The clouds are six hundred meters above the ground. I know the area and am glad to finally be back in my mountains. I want to see them from above once more. In Finland, everything is flat. We will fly from Graz along the valley that goes to Judenberg. From there we will follow the Semmering trace that goes to Mürzuschlag and from there to Vienna.”
The "Staatsbegräbnis" (State Funeral) was held on 3 July 1944. The honor guards were high-ranking Wehrmacht officers who were also Ritterkreuzträger (recipients of the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes): General der Gebirgstruppe Rudolf Konrad (Führerreserve) and General der Gebirgstruppe Georg Ritter von Hengl (Chef Nationalsozialistische-Führungsstabes im Oberkommando des Heeres).

Wehrmacht Honor guards during "Staatsbegräbnis" (State Funeral) of Generaloberst Eduard Dietl, 3 July 1944. At front left is General der Gebirgstruppe Rudolf Konrad (Führerreserve), while at front right is General der Gebirgstruppe Georg Ritter von Hengl (Chef Nationalsozialistische-Führungsstabes im Oberkommando des Heeres).

General der Gebirgstruppe Rudolf Konrad. Received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 1 August 1942 as General der Gebirgstruppe and Kommandierender General XXXXIX. Gebirgskorps.

Major Wilhelm von Goriany. Received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 18 July 1943 as Major and Kommandeur II.Abteilung / Gebirgs-Artillerie-Regiment 85 / 101.Jäger-Division.

Feldwebel Ulrich Karg. Received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 5 July 1943 as Oberjäger and Zugführer in Radfahrzug 17 / Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 91 / 4.Gebirgs-Division.

Feldwebel Josef Ehinger. Received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 22 August 1943 as Oberjäger and Gruppenführer in 6.Kompanie / II.Bataillon / Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 10 / 5.Gebirgs-Division.

From left to right: Generalfeldmarschall Erhard Milch (Generalinspekteur der Luftwaffe) and Generalfeldmarschall Günther von Kluge (Oberbefehlshaber West und Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe D).
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