Thursday, August 15, 2024

Alfred Jodl Speech about the Military Situation (24 February 1944)

Alfred Jodl was a German General and chief of the Operations Staff of the German Army High Command from 1940-1945.

He acted as the Chief of Staff during the Invasion of Norway and Denmark, and signed both the Commisar Order and Commando Order, which stipulates that captured Red Army Commisars and Allied Commando soldiers are to be shot immediatly after capture.

He was later tried and convicted at the Nuremberg Trials, and hanged in October 1946.

In this speech, he talked about the general military situation on the Eastern and Italian front, and about the fight against Titos partisans in Yugoslavia, as well as the impeding allied invasion of France.

Some excerpt from the video above:

3:05 The XI. Corps was a German army formation first deployed in 1936. It saw action in Poland, was then used as reserve during the Battle of France. It saw action again during the Balkan campaign, and then assigned to the Army Group South (11th Army)  during Operation Barbarossa. It was encircled and destroyed during the Battle of Stalingrad, then re-depolyed in January 1943 and assigned to the 8th Army. What Jodl is talking about here is the encirclement of the Corp, togehther with large parts of the 8th Army, during the Korsun–Cherkasy pocket battle, where it was destroyed again. It was re-deployed once more in April 1944 and assigned to the 1.Tank Army. It capitulated north of Prague in May 1945.

4:22 Mountain AOK 20: The Mountain AOK 20 (also called 20th Army, Lappland-Army and AOK Lappland) was a German army formed in January 1942, stationed in the northern parts of the Finnish front. The front there remained largley stable, so the Army didnt saw much action. After Finnland switched sides, it retreated to northern Norway where it capitulated in May 1945.

7:17 Agram is an old German name for Zagreb, the capital of Croatia.

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