picture actually shows Heinz Harmel as SS-Obersturmbannführer, but
already edited in war-time to become SS-Standartenführer, complete with
Kragenspiegel (collar tabs) and additional rangstern (pips) in the
shoulder boards. The Ritterkreuz also added, and only the Deutsches
Kreuz in Gold is real. The original picture was taken in the end of 1942
by Kriegsberichter Neumann when Harmel served as the Kommandeur of
SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment "Deutschland" / SS-Panzergrenadier-Division
"Das Reich". The photo retouch practice was quite common when a photo agency did not have an up-to-date image to support a news or story. They just dug out an old image and "brought it up-to-date" by raising the rank and/or adding decorations. The above photo of Harmel is typical.

Other picture that was taken in the same timeframe. Now the Kragenspiegel is showing the correct rank (SS-Obersturmbannführer), but the Ritterkreuz is still obviously added. Also note the sleeve eagle that has been put in the peaked cap!
Source :,_Heinz_Harmel.jpg
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