Karl Jakob Heinrich Brenner
Date of Birth: 19.05.1895 - Mannheim, Baden (German Empire)
Date of Death: 15.02.1954 - Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg (West Germany), heart failure
NSDAP-Nr.: 3 460 685 (Joined 01.05.1933)
SS-Nr.: 307 786 (Joined 11.09.1938 [with seniority from 01.07.1938])
18.01.1917 Leutnant (mit Patent vom 01.09.1915)
01.04.1923 Polizei-Oberleutnant (mit RDA vom 01.04.1925)
01.04.1932 Polizei-Hauptmann (mit RDA vom 01.02.1930)
01.11.1935 Polizei-Major (mit RDA vom 09.11.1935)
01.09.1936 Charakter als Oberstleutnant der Landespolizei
20.04.1937 Oberstleutnant der Landespolizei (mit Wirkung vom 01.04.1937 & RDA vom 20.04.1937)
01.07.1938 SS-Mann
11.09.1938 SS-Obersturmbannführer (mit Wirkung vom 01.07.1938)
20.04.1939 Oberst der Schutzpolizei
15.08.1939 SS-Standartenführer
09.11.1941 SS-Oberführer
09.11.1941 Charakter als Generalmajor der Polizei
30.01.1942 SS-Brigadeführer
30.01.1942 Generalmajor der Polizei (mit RDA vom 21.10.1941)
15.03.1944 Generalleutnant der Polizei (mit Wirkung vom 01.01.1944 & RDA vom 01.03.1944)
16.03.1944 SS-Gruppenführer (mit Wirkung vom 15.03.1944)
[17.11.1944] Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS und der Polizei (precise date of promotion unknown)
ca. 1900 – ca. 1904 Attended Volksschule.
00.00.1904 – 00.00.19__ Attended a Handelshochsschule (trade high school). Graduated Untersekunda..
03.08.1914 – 17.10.1914 Entered service as Kriegsfreiwilliger, assigned to Ersatz-Abteilung / Feldartillerie-Regiment 30 (Base: Rastatt).
17.10.1914 – 00.11.1918 Frontline service with Feldartillerie-Regiment “von Scharnhorst” (1.Hannoversches) Nr. 10, assigned from 1917 to 1918 as Zugführer, Batterieführer, and Regiments-Adjutant. Wounded four times in World War I, on one of these occasions losing his left eye.
15.01.1919 – 01.04.1920 Führer of Badische Freiwilligen-Batterie Ost in Badischen Freiwilligen-Bataillon Ost. Participated in the Kapp Putsch, Berlin, 03.1920.
01.09.1919 – 01.04.1920 Service with Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment 17, then Infanterie-Begleit-Batterie 61.
01.04.1920 – 00.00.1935 Entered the Sicherheitspolizei in Baden, assigned as Zugführer and Hundertschaftsführer, then for several years as a Sportoffizier (Sports Officer); later transferred to the Baden Landespolizei. He excelled in sports, being a Landesmeister in the 10km road race and a Polizei-Meister in ski racing.
00.00.1926 – 01.03.1935 Hitler-Jugend service in Baden (rising to rank of HJ-Bannführer assigned to HJ-Gebiet 21, Baden). Left the HJ but retained his rank in that organization.
01.05.1933 Joined the NSDAP.
00.00.1935 – 00.00.1935 Attended an instructional course at the Landespolizei-Führerschule in Berlin.
00.02.1935 – 00.09.1936 Leiter of the Zentralabteilung (Central Department) of the “Reichsstab der Preussischen Landespolizei” and Adjutant to the “Befehlshaber der Preussischen Landespolizei” (Kurt Daluege), Berlin.
01.05.1935 – 01.06.1935 Attended an instructional course at the Artillerie-Schießschule Jüterbog.
00.09.1935 – 00.09.1935 Training with Artillerie-Regiment 41 (Base: Ulm).
00.10.1936 – 01.08.1939 Transferred from the Landespolizei to the Schutzpolizei, assigned as Amtsleiter K/R (Reit- und Fahrwesen / Riding and Driving Matters) in Stab Chef der Ordnungspolizei.
12.03.1938 – 22.03.1938 Assigned to the Berittenen (Mounted) Schutzpolizei-Gruppe in the annexation of Austria.
13.04.1938 Submitted application for membership in the SS.
01.07.1938 – 20.04.1939 Joined the SS, attached to the Stab SS-Hauptamt.
20.04.1939 – 01.09.1944 Attached to the Stab Reichsführer-SS.
00.01.1939 – 01.08.1939 Leiter of Amtsgruppe Sport (Office Group for Sports) in the “Kommandoamt des Hauptamtes Ordnungspolizei.”
00.00.1939 – 00.00.1945 Member of the Lebensborn Society.
01.08.1939 – 04.11.1939 Kommandeur of the “Sportschule der Polizei” in Berlin-Spandau. Succeeded by Major Niemann.
04.11.1939 – 12.03.1940 Kommandeur of Polizei-Regiment 3 (redesignated Polizei-Regiment “Warschau” on 19.10.1939) and “Kommandeur der Ordnungspolizei in Distrikt Warschau. First holder of these posts. Succeeded in both by Max Montua.
00.01.1940 – 00.03.1940 Chef des Stabes to the “Befehlshaber der Ordnungspolizei im Generalgouvernement” (Krakau).
12.03.1940 – 04.05.1940 Kommandeur (temporary) of Artillerie-Standarte / SS-Totenkopf-Division. First commander of this newly established unit. Succeeded by Fritz Allihn.
04.05.1940 – 01.11.1941 Kommandeur of SS-Polizei-Artillerie-Regiment / SS-Polizei-Division. First to hold this post. Succeeded by Fritz Schmedes.
00.10.1941 Wounded in the right thigh by a landmine explosion near Leningrad.
28.10.1941 – ca. 00.12.1941 Hospitalized at the “SS- und Polizei-Lazarett Berlin-Lichterfelde.”
09.11.1941 – 08.05.1945 Attached to the Stab Reichsführer-SS.
01.12.1941 – 06.02.1942 “Befehlshaber der Waffen-SS beim Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer in die Niederlanden” (Short title: “Befehlshaber der Waffen-SS Nordwest.” HQ: Den Haag). Succeeded Kurt Knoblauch. Succeeded by Alfred Karrasch.
01.12.1941 – 06.02.1942 Kommandeur of the Ersatz-Einheiten (Replacement Units) / SS-Polizei-Division
06.02.1942 – 01.07.1942 “Inspekteur der Ordnungspolizei beim Höheren SS- und Polizeiführer Alpenland im Wehrkreis XVIII” in Salzburg (subordinate to the HSSPF Alpenland, Erwin Rösener). Succeeded Helmut Mascus. Succeeded by Oskar Knofe. He actually left the post in 06.1942 to assist in forming the SS-Generalkommando.
00.06.1942 – 07.10.1942 Assigned to the Aufstellungsstab (Formation Staff) of the SS-Generalkommando (SS Army Corps HQ).
07.10.1942 – 01.02.1943 Artillerie-Kommandeur (Arko) of the SS-Generalkommando (redesignated Generalkommando SS-Panzerkorps on 14.09.1942). Succeeded Curt Brasack. Relieved of this command by the Reichsführer-SS based on telex from Paul Hausser documenting Brenner’s lack of fitness for the post (see text in notes, below).
25.11.1942 – 00.12.1942 Kommandeur of SS-Kampfgruppe “Brenner” (also known as Kampfgruppe Hafen Toulon). One of 4 battle groups operating under the SS-Panzer-Korps used in “Operation Lila”, the attempt to take over the French fleet at Toulon. The particular task of Brenner’s Kampfgruppe was to follow Kampfgruppe A under Army Oberst Edgar Feuchtinger and occupy the Sanary area of Toulon.
01.02.1943 – 07.03.1943 Assigned as an Amtsleiter in Hauptamt Ordnungspolizei, Berlin.
07.03.1943 – 30.09.1943 “Befehlshaber der Ordnungspolizei beim Höheren SS- und Polizeiführer Alpenland im Wehrkreis XVII” in Salzburg and “militärischer Einsatzführer der Bandenkampf in Oberkrain-Untersteiermark” (Military Operations leader for combating partisans in Upper Carniola and Upper Styria, subordinated to HSSPF “Alpenland” [Erwin Rösener]). Succeeded Oskar Knofe. Succeeded by Walter Griep.
15.12.1943 – 01.06.1944 “Befehlshaber der Ordnungspolizei im Reichskommissariat Ukraine” (HQ:
Rowno). Succeeded Werner Lorge. Succeeded by the same officer, who, by that time was head of the winding-up staff based in Breslau.
10.02.1944 – 27.03.1944 “Stellvertreter-Kommandeur und militärischer Führer” (Deputy Commander and Military Leader) of Kampfgruppe “Prützmann” (under Hans-Adolf Prützmann), attached to Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 4.
27.03.1944 – 29.03.1944 Führer of Polizei-Kampfgruppe “Brenner.”
17.04.1944 – 26.04.1944 Führer of Gruppe “Brenner”, subordinated to XIII.Armee-Korps / 4.Panzer-
Armee / Heeresgruppe Nord.
06.06.1944 – 23.07.1944 “militärischer-Führer der Bandenkampfaktionen” (Military Leader of Anti-Partisan Actions) attached to the HSSPF “Russland-Mitte und Weissruthenien” (Curt von Gottberg).
02.07.1944 – 23.07.1944 Führer of Gruppe “von Gottberg.”
00.07.1944 – 26.08.1944 “Vertreter des Chefs der Bandenkampfverbände” (Deputy to the Chief of Anti-Partisan Forces), Erich von dem Bach.
23.07.1944 – 01.09.1944 Führer of Korpsgruppe “von Gottberg” (also known as Gruppe “Brenner” from 02.08.1944 – 05.08.1944). Succeeded Curt von Gottberg.
01.09.1944 – 10.03.1945 Kommandeur of 6.SS-Gebirgs-Division “Nord.” Succeeded Friedrich-Wilhelm Krüger. Succeeded by Franz Schreiber.
02.04.1945 Surendered to U.S. Army troops. After his release from a U.S. internment camp, he lived in Karlsruhe. In 1953, Brenner was a candidate for election to the Bundestag (representing the “Nationalen Sammlung” in Wahlkreis 175 [City of Karlsruhe]).
Awards and Decorations:
00.00.191_ 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
00.00.191_ 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
00.00.191_ Ehrenkreuz II.Klasse der Haus und Verdienstorden von Herzog Peter Friedrich Ludwig
00.00.191_ Ehrenkreuz I.Klasse der Haus und Verdienstorden von Herzog Peter Friedrich Ludwig
31.01.1917 Militär Karl-Friedrich-Silberne Verdienstmedaille
10.11.1917 Ritter II.Klasse zu dem Orden der Löwen von Zähringen mit Schwertern
00.00.191_ Ehrenkreuz II.Klasse des Königlicher Preussischer Hausordens von Hohenzollern
00.00.191_ Ehrenkreuz I.Klasse des Königlicher Preussischer Hausordens von Hohenzollern
00.00.191_ Friedrich-August Kreuz II.Klasse
00.00.191_ Friedrich-August Kreuz I.Klasse
00.00.19__ Kriegverdienstkreuz 1914-1918 für Kämpfer II.Klasse
00.00.19__ Kriegverdienstkreuz 1914-1918 für Kämpfer I.Klasse
00.00.1918 Verwundetenabzeichen 1918 in Schwarz
00.00.1918 Verwundetenabzeichen 1918 in Silber
00.02.1934 Ehrenwinkel der Alten Kämpfer
00.00.1934 Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
00.00.1936 Goldenes Hitlerjugend Ehrenabzeichen #12410
00.00.1936 Deutsches Olympia Ehrenzeichen II.Klasse
00.00.1937 Kriegserinnerungsmedaille mit Schwertern
00.00.1937 Magyar Haborus Emlékérem kardokkal és sisakkal (Hungary)
00.00.1937 Za Uchastie V Evropeĭskata Voĭna (Bulgarian Royal WW1 Veteran Medal)
00.00.1937 Deutsches Reiterabzeichen in Silber
00.00.1937 Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft Abzeichen in Bronze
01.12.1937 DRL Sportabzeichen in Gold
00.00.1938 SS-Zivilabzeichen #164277
01.08.1938 Polizei Dienstauszeichnung 2.Stufe (with effect from 14.05.1938)
01.12.1938 Julleuchter der SS
01.12.1938 SS-Ehrenring
30.01.1939 Ehrendegen des Reichsführers-SS
01.08.1939 Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP 10 Jahre
00.00.1939 Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938
05.07.1939 Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
24.07.1940 Kriegsverdienstkreuz II.Klasse mit Schwertern
04.08.1941 1939 spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
17.08.1941 1939 spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
27.09.1941 Verwundetenabzeichen in Gold
00.00.1942 SS-Dienstauszeichnung 4.Stufe (4 Jahre)
00.00.1942 Medaille "Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42" (Ostmedaille)
01.09.1942 Kriegsverdienstkreuz I.Klasse mit Schwertern
16.05.1944 Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber (other sources indicates 28.05.1944)
16.06.1944 Deutsches Kreuz in Gold, as SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Polizei (for his part in anti-partisan operations in Byelorussia; award recommendation written and submitted by Heinrich Himmler on 10.06.1944)
27.12.1944 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS und Polizei and Kommandeur 6. SS-Gebirgs-Division "Nord". Award based on recommendation by General der Infanterie Friedrich Hochbaum dated 17.11.1944; approved by Oberbefehlshaber 20.(Gebirgs-)Armee, Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic on 25.11.1944). Brenner’s Ritterkreuz recommendation reads as follows: “Within the context of the XVIII. (Geb.) Armee-Korps’ withdrawal movements from its previous positions in Karelia, the subordinated 6. SS-Geb.Div. Nord had the mission of defending against an early Bolshevik pursuit thrust towards Kuusamo from its own position at Kiestinki. By defending its position here it would also enable the evacuation of the supplies stored at Kuusamo. On the 19.09.1944 the Bolsheviks succeeded in getting one of their Regiments to block the retreat path of the Division’s rearguard (consisting of two reinforced Jäger-Bataillonen and an Artillerie-Abteilung) while it was still tied down in heavy frontal battles near the Finnish-Russian border. The Ia of the Division became a casualty at 09:10 on the 19.09.1944 while conducting a reconnaissance probe from the west against these encircling forces. At this time the bulk of the Division was currently in the process of withdrawing and setting up the Kuusamo static position about 70 km to the west. Although SS-Gruppenführer Brenner had only taken over command of the Division just 14 days before, his prudence and energy ensured that there was no disruption of the issuing of orders caused by the sudden falling out of the Ia. Sparing himself no quarter, he immediately rushed forward to his hard-pressed rearguard in order to personally lead the fight to break open the encirclement ring (see attachment - clipping from map 1:100000 Bl. Q 36 X West). Fighting his way through the Bolshevik troops sent out ahead along the main road, Brenner and his small escort arrived at the Finnish border right along the perimeter of the encirclement ring. There he recognized that it was necessary for the Division to enable the encircled friendly elements to break out westwards and simultaneously prevent the Bolsheviks from advancing against the not yet ready Kuusamo static position. He therefore decided to create a new defensive front along both sides of the road and establish contact with the encircled friendly elements through an attack (16:00, 19.09.1944). By assembling all stragglers, drivers and co-drivers he created a Kompanie sized unit that was immediately assigned to the new defensive position. Gruppenführer Brenner called up an additional Bataillon and sent it eastwards to fight its way through to the trapped rearguard. He led this unit personally with ruthlessness and spirit, and by doing this he laid the groundwork for the success of the breakout. This success was first and foremost thanks to SS-Gruppenführer Brenner. Although his previously sustained injuries (namely the loss of an eye) continued to hinder him, his personal example and bravery were nonetheless outstanding. His swift and independent initiative mastered the challenging situation. The enemy ring around the two Jäger-Bataillone and the Artillerie-Abteilung was broken. The conditions were also created for the orderly occupation of the Kuusamo static position. This guaranteed the continued smooth withdrawal by the Division. The evacuation of all the important supplies for the Korps from the Kuusamo depots was likewise secured. On the grounds of his outstanding devotion to duty and successes, I recommend SS-Gruppenführer Brenner for the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes.”
* Son of the salesman Georg Jakob Brenner and his wife Anna Elisabeth, née Leucht.
* Religion: Protestant until 1940, then declared himself “gottgläubig.”
* 30% disabled in World War I.
* Married on 11.04.1935 to Ursula Moninger (born 26.03.1915 / died 1983); divorced 01.12.1941 (his first wife had an affair- and a son out of wedlock- with “Sepp” Dietrich, marrying him on 19.01.1942; despite this, Brenner and Dietrich remained friends). Remarried on 19.01.1943 to Ursula (Ursel) Spielhagen, née Bueb, born 05.08.1905 in Berlin, member of NSV). One son (Bolko [?], born 16.02.1939) and three daughters (born 11.08.1932; 01.02.1934; and 24.02.1944).
* Height: 5 ft., 11 in (181 cm).
* The following is the telex from Paul Hausser, commander of the SS-Panzer-Korps, to Himmler concerning the need to relieve Brenner of his Artillery Commander assignment with that formation (followed by Himmler’s reply)(translations courtesy of Guenter Thalhaeuser):
Telex 30.1.43
Repeat recommendation to disband the Stab – Artillerie-Kommandeur of the Generalkommando. Remainder of staff to be utilized as Generalkommando - artillery staff officers. Brenner not transferred from Generalkommando. (I have) no previous knowledge of service history. After transfer (Brenner) agitated to commence duties.
Assessment: Brenner is unsuited for position. No overview skills [poor situational awareness]
Not able to think for himself, inadequate practical and theoretical knowledge of the leadership requirements for larger artillery forces. This last absolutely necessary in the East.
Acting (position) as subordinate to an artillery commander requested and approved by Army Group.
Request consideration be given for recall of Brenner. Not suited for divisional commander.
[signed] Hausser
T e l e x
To the
Disbanding of Stab – Artillerie-Kommandeur for Generalkommando SS-Panzer-Korps as per request by SS-Obergruppenführer Hausser is hereby granted.
Recall of SS-Brigadeführer B r e n n e r due to urgent requirement within the Provincial Police. His reassignment as Inspekteur der Ordnungspolizei for Oberabschnitte Alpenland, Steiermark, and Kärnten is necessary given the current situation within these areas.
SS-Obergruppenführer Hausser is formally requested, in my name, to notify Brenner of the unsuitability and lack of qualifications which have resulted in his departure. This to avoid a situation whereby Brenner may be convinced that he is being unjustly demoted despite exemplary performance of his duties.
[signed] H. H i m m l e r
* The following character assessment was submitted by Brenner’s superior SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei Erwin Rösener from Laibach (Ljubljana, Slovenia) on 09.11.1943:
“Generalmajor Brenner served again from 7.03.1943 until 30.09.1943 as Befehlshaber der Ordnungspolizei Alpenland and acted as military task force leader for anti-partisan activities in Oberkrain-Untersteiermark.
“Generalmajor Brenner carried out his assignments with great passion and care and is a man who possesses great feelings of camaraderie. In the last half-year, General Brenner’s overall manner has changed greatly to his credit and I can only award him praise. He enjoys a glass or two without losing his composure.”

Karl-Heinrich Brenner as Polizei-Oberleutnant in Baden, 1927.

Establishment of the Polizei-Artillerie-Regiment for the newly created Polizei-Division at Dahme/Mark Brandenburg, June 1940. On the right is the Regimentskommandeur, Oberst der Schutzpolizei Karl-Heinrich Brenner. Brenner was the first First to hold this post, before succeeded by Fritz Schmedes in November 1941.

Establishment of the Polizei-Artillerie-Regiment for the newly created Polizei-Division at Dahme/Mark Brandenburg, June 1940. On the right is the Regimentskommandeur, Oberst der Schutzpolizei Karl-Heinrich Brenner. Brenner was the first First to hold this post, before succeeded by Fritz Schmedes in November 1941.

Karl-Heinrich Brenner (right) and General der Artillerie Kurt Jahn (2nd from right).

Karl-Heinrich Brenner "mit Zigarettenspitze und Augenklappe".

SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS und Polizei Karl-Heinrich Brenner in Lyck, Ostpreußen, August 1944. The picture was taken by Kriegsberichter Hoffmann of PK (Propaganda-Kompanie) 689.

SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS und Polizei Karl-Heinrich Brenner in Lyck, Ostpreußen, August 1944. The picture was taken by Kriegsberichter Hoffmann of PK (Propaganda-Kompanie) 689.
Source :
Bundesarchiv photo collection
Dr. Dieter Zinke photo collection
"Leaders of the SS and German Police, volume 1" by Michael D. Miller
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