Rudolf Bittner
Date of Birth: 18.12.1921 - Sachsenhausen, Bernau (Germany)
Date of Death: 21.01.1945 - Kreuzburg, Oberschlesien (Germany)
00.00.194_ Gefreiter
00.00.194_ Unteroffizier
00.00.194_ Feldwebel
00.08.1939 2.Kompanie / Panzerabwehrabteilung 561
00.06.1941 Richtschütze in 2 Kompanie / Panzerjäger-Abteilung 561
Awards and Decorations:
00.00.193_ SA-Sportabzeichen
00.00.19__ Schützenschnur des Heeres
00.00.194_ Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
00.00.194_ Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
00.00.194_ Allgemeines-Sturmabzeichen
00.00.194_ Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz
00.00.194_ Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber
28.11.1942 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as Gefreiter and Richtkanonier in 2.Kompanie / Panzerjäger-Abteilung 561. The medal was awarded for his actions on 9 September 1942. On this day the Soviets broke into the German frontline near Uwarowa, and Bittner would rise to the challenge in response to this dangerous situation. A detailed description of these actions is provided by an Abteilung special order from the start of December 1942: “… The Russians intended to turn this initial success into a breakthrough, and they carried on their attack with strong infantry forces while deploying 5 KV-1 tanks for flank protection. A German counterthrust collapsed under their fire. However the gunner of Unteroffizier Brill’s gun crew, Gefreiter Bittner, destroyed 4 of these tanks and damaged the fifth in such a way that it was forced to withdraw. This created the possibility of launching a counterthrust into the enemy’s now open flank. The breakthrough was prevented, and one of the more commanding positions for the entire sector was recaptured. The most noteworthy part of this battle-deciding deed was that Bittner had changed positions beforehand in order to have a better field of fire. As a Pak gunner he has by now destroyed a total of 23 enemy tanks.”
Rudolf Bittner was born on December 18, 1921 in Sachsenhausen near Oranienburg. His father was a plumber. After serving in the Reichsarbeitsdienst as a Obertruppführer (senior squad leader), at the end of August 1939 he transferred to the 2nd company of the Panzerabwehrabteilung 561 (anti-tank battalion 561), which was reorganized in Berlin-Dahlem. The battalion, later renamed the Panzerjäger-Abteilung (tank destroyer detachment), was intended as an army force.
In the summer of 1941, Bittner first distinguished himself as a gunner during the fighting in the Wydra and Rshew areas. This was under the then company commander Oberleutnant Werner Hofer, who later became the last commander of Panzerjäger-Abteilung 561.
On August 6, 1942, as a gunner of a 7.5 cm anti-tank gun, Bittner destroyed 7 Russian heavy tanks during a tank attack on the Subzow bridgehead.
On 9 September 1942 the enemy managed to break into the front line near Uvarowo with strong forces in order to be able to expand the break-in into a breakthrough. By deploying infantry and five heavy KV 1 tanks for flank protection, they brought a German counterattack to a halt. Bittner, as the gunner for Unteroffizier Brill's gun crew, set fire to four of the tanks and damaged the fifth tank in such a way that the Russian had to turn away. This left the enemy's flank open and became the target of another German counterattack, this time a successful one. The enemy's breakthrough was thus prevented and a dominating height could also be recaptured. For this feat Bittner is submitted for the Knight's Cross, which was awarded to him on November 28, 1942 as a Gefreiter. He was the second Ritterkreuzträger of Panzerjäger-Abteilung 561 after the commander, Hauptmann Schlausener. What was special about his act was that Bittner had previously changed his position of his own accord in order to have a better field of fire.
After the award, he was given special leave to Berlin together with Richard Rambow, the second Ritterkreuzträger, to be introduced to Dr. Joseph Goebbels and to serve as a soldier's example to the public. The former commander of the department and now the OKH's liaison officer with the Ministry of Propaganda, Major Balzer, arranged for this visit. He was also promoted to sergeant there.
After his later promotion to sergeant, he was given command of a "Marder" tank destroyer platoon.
After the start of the major Soviet offensive on January 12, 1945 from the Baranow bridgehead, Bittner has been missing since January 20, 1945. His then commander and former company commander reports on Bittner's last sighting. Hofe had previously transferred Bittner to the convoy so that he could rest a little there and lay in a large forest area near Kreuzburg/Upper Silesia. After the enemy launched a major attack, the Abteilung was surrounded in Kreuzburg on January 20, 1945, while the enemy advanced further to the Oder near Breslau. Bittner heard the approaching noise of battle, but did not want to move the baggage train across the Oder without the express permission of the commander. Since there was also no radio contact, Bittner set out on a reconnaissance trip with a kettenkrad, hoping to get through to Kreuzburg. The motorcyclist later reported that Bittner suspected troops ahead of him, had them stopped and stalked ahead alone. However, he never came back from that.
Rudolf Bittner was only 23 years old.
According to the information available to the “Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge” association, Rudolf Bittner has been missing in the Oppeln/Burkardsdorf/Kirchwalde combat area since January 1, 1945; other sources give the date of January 21, 1945. The name and personal data are in the memorial book of the Nädlingen cemetery of the Knight's Cross holder.
Rudolf Bittner.

"Ritterkreuzträger im Mannschaftsstand" Rudolf Bittner, who has meanwhile been promoted to Unteroffizier.

Rudolf Bittner in RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst) uniform.

RAD-Obertruppfuhrer Rudolf Bittner (center) and RAD-Generalarbeitsführer Carl von Wenckstern (right).

Shooting training for members of the Reich Labor Service (RAD). A private supervised by Ritterkreuzträger Rudolf Bittner aims a Kar98k rifle. The picture was taken in November 1943.
Source :
Jim Haley photo collection,_Rudolf
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