Sunday, May 12, 2024

Hasso von Manteuffel and Kradschützen-Bataillon 2

As the Kradschützen-Bataillon 2 parades at the Luitpold park on 1 June 1937 during the opening ceremony for their new barracks, an unknown photographer takes a few images of the assembled dignitaries. Major Hasso von Manteuffel (ex-Kompaniechef in Kradschützen-Bataillon 2) is caught in the scene, standing with an unidentified general, second officer from the right.

In the mid 1930s, while still stationed in Eisenach, during the first years following conversion of the Kradschützen-Bataillon 2 to a motorcycle infantry unit, Hauptmann Hasso von Manteuffel had been both a company commander and, following promotion to major, the senior staff officer with the unit. Manteuffel’s early career had been as a horse cavalry officer, he was an expert rider and had previously commanded horse cavalry “squadrons“ (company size units in the old Reichsheer).

As select cavalry units were motorized during the modernization of the Heer after Hitler came to power, top officers were assigned to the “fast troop“ units to command, learn and study first hand, the new equipment and tactics. This brought Manteuffel to Eisenach and the 2 Krad.

As the new barracks was being built in Bad Kissingen and Oberst von Apell, commander of the 2 Krad, visited the construction site, Hasso von Manteuffel was at work with the unit staff and missed movement with the battalion to Bad Kissingen by less than a year. 2 Panzer Division commander Guderian had recognized Manteuffel as an exceptional officer and moved him from the 2 Krad to the division staff in 1937. His new position was to oversee training and school assignments of all officer cadets and junior officers within the division. Guderian saw this as a very important task, handed the job to a key subordinate and in all probability, Manteuffel moved from Eisenach to the division HQ in Wurzburg.

Some months later, as Guderian left the division for higher command and supervision of the entire Panzer personnel training system, he brought Manteuffel to Berlin and the Panzer Troops School. Despite these rapid moves, Manteuffel did not forget his connection to the 2nd Panzer Division and the last company he commanded.

On 1 June 1937, as the 2nd Kradschutzen Battalion held the formal parade and opening ceremony for their new barracks, Major Hasso von Mauteuffel traveled from Berlin to watch the proceedings. He stood not on the formal reviewing stand but off to the side, in the crowd of visiting officers and dignitaries. He was captured on film by a local photographer and the image surfaced in a collection purchased by Norbert Ruckel. Manteuffel would have recognized most of the men of the unit as they paraded, there may have been cadets and junior officers present that held his personal interest and perhaps, he felt that had duty and Guderian not called him to Berlin, he would have stood in the lead field car as the battalion commander or senior staff officer of the motorcycle infantry unit as it occupied the barracks on the hill that honored his family name.

Source :
Norbert Ruckel photo collection

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