high ranking officers gathered at the victory parade of the German
troops at the Place de la Concorde, Paris, which held on Friday, June
14, 1940. On that day the French capital fell to the Nazis, while
2,000,000 of its citizens had already fled. In preparation for the
parade, the new authorities forbade local residents to approach the
vicinity of the Place de la Concorde from 08:00 AM until the afternoon.
Front row from left to right: Generalleutnant Hans von Salmuth (Chef des
Generalstabes Heeresgruppe B), General der Artillerie Georg von Küchler
(Oberbefehlshaber 18. Armee), Oberleutnant der Reserve Heinrich Graf
von Lehndorff-Steinort (Adjutant Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe B),
General der Kavallerie Georg Stumme (with his back to the camera,
Kommandierender General XXXX. Panzerkorps), and Generaloberst Fedor von
Bock (Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe B). In the background were rows of
parked luxury cars, which were most likely the special rides of the
high-ranking German officers who attended the event. The three cars on
the right are, in order from left to right: Opel Admiral, Opel Kapitän,
and Horch 830 BL. This original color photo was taken by one of Hitler's
personal photographers, Hugo Jaeger, who "toured" together with
Heeresgruppe B in the invasion of the Low Countries (Netherlands Belgium
Luxemburg) and France in the summer of 1940.
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