Friday, July 5, 2024

Herbert Otto Gille with His Corps Adjutants

This picture was taken between July-November 1944. From left to right: SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandierender General IV. SS-Panzerkorps), SS-Untersturmführer Günther Lange (O5 Aide de Camp Kommandierender General IV. SS-Panzerkorps), and SS-Sturmbannführer Karl-Willy Schulze (Adjutant Kommandierender General IV. SS-Panzerkorps). Lange is holding a situation map for his corps commander. He had been serving as a platoon leader in the 2nd Battalion of SS Panzer Regiment 5 until he was selected to replace Hermann Kaufmann as Gille's O5. After the war, Lange returned to his art studio and earned a master's degree equivalent in art, while pursuing a career as an officer in the Bundeswehr, where he finally retired as a Lieutenant Colonel after 20 years of service. The picture was taken from the book "From the Realm of a Dying Sun (Volume 1): IV. SS-Panzerkorps and the Battles for Warsaw, July-November 1944" by Douglas E. Nash.

Source :
"From the Realm of a Dying Sun (Volume 1): IV. SS-Panzerkorps and the Battles for Warsaw, July-November 1944" by Douglas E. Nash

Herbert Otto Gille with the Schwerter

SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking") was awarded the Schwerter to his Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 20 February 1944 for his division’s role in the Cherkassy break-out. He poses with them here. Two months later, on April 19, Gille won the highly prestigious Brillanten after flying into surrounded Kovel and organizing its successful defense. This picture was taken from the book "Knight's Cross Winners of the Waffen SS' by Marc Rikmenspoel.
Source :
"Knight's Cross Winners of the Waffen SS' by Marc Rikmenspoel

Herbert Otto Gille Speaks at HIAG Meeting

Former general of the Waffen-SS, Herbert Otto Gille, gives a speech on the 16th of November in 1952 during a meeting of the "Hilfsgemeinschaft auf Gegenseitigkeit der Angehörigen der ehemaligen Waffen-SS e.V." (short: HIAG, translates as: "Mutual Help Association of Former Waffen-SS Members") in Gelsenkirchen. The HIAG fights for juristical and societal separation of the Waffen-SS and the Allgemeine-SS, which were on duty in the concentration camps of the Nazi period.

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Léon Degrelle and Herbert Otto Gille in Cherkassy

SS-Hauptsturmführer der Reserve Léon Degrelle (left, Kommandeur 5. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade "Wallonien") and SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking") during the Battle of Cherkassy Pocket (24 January – 16 February 1944). This picture was taken by SS-Kriegsberichter Briessa with the original press photo caption as follow: "Zu den Durchbruckskämpfen westlich Tscherkassy. Die für die erfolgreichen Durchbruchskämpfe westlich Tscherkassy Ausgezeichneten. Im Vordergrund der vom Führer mit den Schwertern zum Eichenlaub des Ritterkreuzes ausgezeichneten SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Gille und der mit dem Ritterkreuz ausgezeichnete SS-Hauptsturmführer Leon Degrelle." (On the breakthrough battles west of Cherkasy. Those awarded for the successful breakthrough battles west of Cherkasy. In the foreground, SS-Gruppenführer and Lieutenant General of the Waffen-SS Herbert Gille, who was awarded the Swords to the Oak Leaves of the Knight's Cross by the Führer, and SS-Hauptsturmführer Leon Degrelle, who was awarded the Knight's Cross).

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Herbert Otto Gille with Heer Soldier

SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (left, Kommandeur 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking") in conversation with a grenadier from Heer (Army) who was wounded during the defensive fighting in Kovel, Ukraine. This picture was taken by SS-Kriegsberichter Alois Jarolim on 2 May 1944 and was first published on 18 May 1944.

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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Waffen-SS Reunion in Verden (1952)

Former members of the Waffen-SS march through the streets of Verden, Niedersachsen, while being watched by the watchful eyes of British Military Police officer at left. They came to the post-war reunion of former members of the Waffen-SS (Nachkriegstreffen der Waffen-SS) which was held in Verden on 27 October 1952. Most likely this photo was taken just before the laying of wreaths in memory of their comrades in arms who have fallen during World War II. Second row after the wreath bearers are their leaders, from left to right: Hermann-Bernhard Ramcke, Felix Steiner and Herbert Otto Gille. Ramcke was a former general of the Fallschirmjäger (Paratroopers), while Steiner and Gille were both former commanders of the SS "Wiking" Division. Ramcke and Gille were both the recipients of Brillanten zum Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, while Steiner "only" received the Schwerter for his Ritterkreuz (one level lower than Brillanten).

Front row, from left to right: Hermann-Bernhard Ramcke (former Fallschirmjäger General), Felix Steiner (former Waffen-SS General), and Herbert Otto Gille (former Waffen-SS General). This picture was taken during post-war reunion of former members of the Waffen-SS (Nachkriegstreffen der Waffen-SS) which was held in Verden, Niedersachsen, on 27 October 1952.

These two pictures were taken during post-war reunion of former members of the Waffen-SS (Nachkriegstreffen der Waffen-SS) which was held in Verden, Niedersachsen, on 27 October 1952. Top picture shows Herbert Otto Gille (former General of the Waffen-SS) at the podium, while bottom picture shows notice boards which is showing photos of former members of the Waffen-SS whose fate is still unknown until that time

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Visit of Erwin von Witzleben to 79. Infanterie-Division

On 2 May 1940 Generaloberst Erwin von Witzleben (Oberbefehlshaber 1. Armee) and Reichsminister Rudolf Hess visiting the HQ of 79. Infanterie-Division in Saarpfalz. This picture shows the inspection of the troops by Von Witzleben (saluting), while behind him is Generalmajor Karl Strecker (Kommandeur 79. Infanterie-Division).

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The Funeral of Herbert Otto Gille

26 December 1966: The funeral of fomer SS general Herbert Otto Gille in his house in Stemmen über Hannover, Niedersachsen, West Germany. On 26 December 1966 Gille passed away after suffering a heart attack in Stemmen, age 68. He was buried at the local cemetery in the city. Unfortunately, for some reason, now the grave is no longer there!

Source :
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Image-No.: 50077487)

Regimentskommandeur Herbert Otto Gille in 1942

SS-Oberführer Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur SS-Artillerie-Regiment / SS-Division "Wiking") in 1942. Regiment formed at Truppenübungsplatz Amersfoort in the Netherlands in 1940. While in this command, Gille proved to be an apolitical soldier who led from the front. One revealing instance of this is recounted by Heinz Höhne: "[Like Felix Steiner], Standartenführer Gille, Steiner's Artillery Commander, was also in the Reichsführer's bad books. Gille was an entirely non-political officer who would have nothing to do with ideology. To Obersturmbannführer [Ernst] Fick, the divisional ideological observer, he growled: `Wearing of the brown shirt is not permitted in this aristocratic artillery regiment. I'll put a clean-out squad into your room." (Höhne, The Order of the Death's Head, p. 544, citing letter from Fick to Karl Wolff, 27.01.1942, RFSS Microfilm 38) Although Fick reported this "disrespect" to the chief of Himmler's personal staff, Karl Wolff, Steiner ensured that there were no reprisals against Gille for his political unorthodoxy and evident dislike of Fick, a belief that Steiner apparently shared." (Douglas E. Nash, From the Realm of a Dying Sun, Volume 1)

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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Herbert Otto Gille with Finnish Medal

This picture was actually taken in 1943 and showing Herbert Otto Gille as SS-Brigadeführer and Commander of Wiking Division, but we can see that the rank in the Kragenspiegel (collar tabs) and Schulterklappen (shoulder boards) had been edited so now it shows Gille as SS-Gruppenführer. It was a common practice during war time to add additional grade of medals or higher rank when the only picture available is an old one. BTW, the medal hanging below the Ritterkreuz is Vapaudenristin 1.luokka (Finnish Cross of Liberty with Swords), which was received by Gille on 6 March 1943. This picture was probably taken on the occasion of its presentation.

This picture was actually taken in 1943 and showing Herbert Otto Gille as SS-Brigadeführer and Commander of Wiking Division, but we can see that the rank in the Kragenspiegel (collar tabs) and Schulterklappen (shoulder boards) had been edited so now it shows Gille as SS-Gruppenführer. It was a common practice during war time to add additional grade of medals or higher rank when the only picture available is an old one. BTW, the medal hanging below the Ritterkreuz is Vapaudenristin 1.luokka (Finnish Cross of Liberty with Swords), which was received by Gille on 6 March 1943. This picture was probably taken on the occasion of its presentation.

Source :
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Image-No.: 50079027)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Herbert Otto Gille in Early 1944

SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking") in a picture taken in early 1944. Some source (like this one) claims that this picture was taken on 21 February 1942, which is not possible because since 20 February 1944 Gille was already received the Schwerter for his Ritterkreuz, while in this picture he is still wearing the Eichenlaub.

Source :
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Image-No.: 50090374)

Walter Model and Herbert Otto Gille

Lagebesprechung (briefing) between two Brillantenträger from Heer and Waffen-SS. From left to right: Generalfeldmarschall Walter Model (Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe Mitte), SS-Gruppenführer and Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandierender General IV. SS-Panzerkorps), unknown Oberleutnant, and SS-Hauptsturmführer Werner Westphal (Ia IV. SS-Panzerkorps). The picture was taken on 28 July 1944 when Model made his first visit to Gille's HQ in Poland within days of the activation of his SS-Panzerkorps.

Two Brillantenträger from Heer and Waffen-SS in the back seat of a car. From left to right: Generalfeldmarschall Walter Model (Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe Mitte) and SS-Gruppenführer and Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandierender General IV. SS-Panzerkorps). The picture was taken on 28 July 1944 when Model made his first visit to Gille's HQ in Poland within days of the activation of his SS-Panzerkorps.

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Herbert Otto Gille in His Workdesk

SS-Gruppenführer and Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking") photographed by Kriegsberichter Etzhold (Propaganda-Kompanie 670) in his office in the Eastern Front, 21 March 1944. In his neck is the Schwerter zum Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub which he received on 20 February 1944, while in his uniform is Deutsches Kreuz in Gold which he received on 28 February 1942.

Source :,_Russland,_Herbert_Gille.jpg

Hermann Priess, Herbert Gille, Walter Krüger and Sepp Dietrich

Commanders of the first four Waffen-SS division engaged in conversation during the lull of the fighring in the Eastern Front. From left to right: SS-Oberführer Hermann Priess (Kommandeur SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Totenkopf"), SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Wiking"), SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Walter Krüger (Kommandeur SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Das Reich"), and SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS Josef "Sepp" Dietrich (Kommandeur SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler'). The picture was taken by SS-Kriegsberichter Weill on 7 June 1943.

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