The first Ritterkreuzträger (Knight's Cross recipient) in Tunisia: Stabsfeldwebel Ewald Mrusek (some sources spelled his last name as "Mrousek") received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 19 january 1943 for heroism while serving as a Zugführer (Platoon Leader) in 2.Kompanie / Feld-Bataillon "Tunis 1" / Infanterie-Regiment "Tunis" (part of 5. Panzerarmee), a unit that was formed from inhabitans of North Africa in Winter 1942/43 in Tunis. There were three such Batallions (T1-T3), and they were disbanded after the Axis capitulation in Tunis. Mrusek received the coveted medal after he defended an important elevated position in the Tunisian forward area with only nine men and, thanks to them, a strategically important section of land could be reclaimed from the Allied forces. The Ritterkreuz award ceremony would be held a month later, on.17 February 1943, in Tunisia, North Africa. This pictures was taken on that date. Mrusek himself was born on 26 December 1911 in Beuthen/Silesia, Germany, and died on 24 March 1981 in Bremen, Germany. His other medals and decorations: Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht 4.Klasse, 4 Jahre; Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse und I.Klasse; Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber; Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz; and Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42
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