
Sunday, February 21, 2021

Ace Pilots of Jagdgeschwader 53

Pictured in front of the Deutsche Forschungsansalt für Segelflug (German Gliding Research Institute) hangar at Darmstadt-Griesheim, these five pilots of 2.Staffel / I.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 53 (JG 53) destroyed an entire formation of RAF Battles west of Saarbrücken on 30 September 1939. They are, from left to right: Unteroffizier Josef ‘Sepp’ Wurmheller, Unteroffizier Franz Kaiser, Oberleutnant Rolf Pingel (Staffelkapitän), Stabsfeldwebel Ignaz ‘Igel’ Prestele and Unteroffizier Hans Kornatz. All of them would subsequently become aces.

Source :
"Jagdgeschwader 53 'Pik'As' Bf 109 Aces of 1940" by Chris Goss and Chris Davey

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