
Sunday, February 21, 2021

Ritterkreuz Actions of Heinrich Götz


Heinrich Götz (1 January 1896 – 31 January 1960) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 3 May 1942 as Oberstleutnant and Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 466 / 257.Infanterie-Division. The medal was awarded for his holding of two strongpoints (Haigorodek and Majaki) during the heavy fighting in the time period of 18-31 January 1942. While all other nearby German strongpoints along the Donez were given up one by one, and the Soviets approached ever closer to Sslawjansk, Götz and his men were able to successfully defend their assigned sector against these same heavy attacks. Through this it was demonstrated that it was indeed possible to hold strongpoints despite the cold and the enemy superiority. Thanks to Götz’s example the entire local frontline attained a feeling of superiority over the Soviets and a fresh confidence in the correctness of this tactic.

Götz received the Eichenlaub #765 for his Ritterkreuz on 5 March 1945 as Generalmajor and Kommandeur 21. Infanterie-Division. During February 1945, in the fighting for East Prussia, Generalmajor Götz succeeded in eliminating a Soviet penetration with a hastily assembled assault group comprised of forces that had been ruthlessly stripped from other frontline sectors that had not been attacked. In the newly won position he furthermore fended off another 24 Soviet attacks with his Grenadiers. He would be awarded the Eichenlaub for his outstanding performance here.

Source :
Denis Daum photo collection

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