
Friday, May 31, 2024

Hasso von Manteuffel and Oldwig von Natzmer

Generalleutnant Hasso von Manteuffel (in the halftrack, Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Division "Grossdeutschland") with his Operations Officer (Ia), Oberst i.G. Oldwig von Natzmer in the Eastern Front. The book "Panzergrenadier-Division Großdeutschland" by Horst Scheibert said that this picture was taken in the end of January 1944, but the summer uniform wore by Von Manteuffel and Von Natzmer suggests that it was probably taken in the spring or summer 1944. Other picture taken from the same occasion (see below) is added with the "May 1944" writing by Von Manteuffel himself.

Generalleutnant Hasso von Manteuffel (in the halftrack, Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Division "Grossdeutschland") with his Operations Officer (Ia), Oberst i.G. Oldwig von Natzmer in the Eastern Front. The book "Panzergrenadier-Division Großdeutschland" by Horst Scheibert said that this picture was taken in the end of January 1944, but the summer uniform wore by Von Manteuffel and Von Natzmer suggests that it was probably taken in the spring or summer 1944. This picture itself is added with the "May 1944" writing by Von Manteuffel himself.

Source :
"Panzergrenadier-Division Großdeutschland" by Horst Scheibert
"The History of Panzerregiment Grossdeutschland" by Hans-Joachim Jung

Hasso von Manteuffel and Bernard Montgomery

Hasso von Manteuffel (center) meeting Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery (left) who opposed him in The Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes back in 1944-45. With them at the Field Marshal's Hampshire home are Major-General Sir Francis de Guingand (right) and Tony Lazzarino (second from right), producer of a new film about the battle. This picture was published by The Daily Telegraph on 14 April 1965. Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery (17 November 1887 - 24 March 1976), 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, KG, GCB, DSO, PC, DL, nicknamed "Monty" and "The Spartan General", was a senior British Army officer who fought in both the First World War and the Second World War.

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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Hasso von Manteuffel during His Trial in Düsseldorf

Hasso von Manteufel, former commander of the 7th German Panzer Division, sits at the defendant's bench in Düsseldorf, Germany, on the opening of his trial for manslaughter before a Düsseldorf Court, 17 August 1959. Manteufel is accused of having ordered the shooting of a German soldier on 13 January 1944. although a military court had, on previous day, sentenced the soldier to a two-year jail term for dereliction of duty in the field. Manteuffel, as commandant, had the power to review the court's decision, and ordered a fatal punishment.

Original caption from Associated Press: "Today's picture by wire from Dusseldorf. Hasso von Manteuffel on trial. Hasso von Manteuffel, a renowned tank commander in the German armies of the Second World War, sits in court in Dusseldorf, Germany, today August 17, as his trial opened on a charge of manslaughter. He is charged with the illegal execution of a German soldier in 1944. The soldier had been sentenced to two years imprisonment for refusing duty. Manteuffel had him shot for cowardice in the face of the enemy. Manteuffel is 62."

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Hasso von Manteuffel Pushing a Car in the Mud

Generalmajor Hasso von Manteuffel (foreground, Kommandeur 7. Panzer-Division) in an attempt to push a stuck-up Kübelwagen out of the mud. Eastern Front, end of 1943. In the autumn previously, the battered division withdrew to the Dnieper position, crossing the river at Kremenchug. The division then fought in the defensive Battle of Kiev and the German counterattack at Zhitomir. During these battles, the division was twice cited for distinguished conduct. After this, the division fought in a series of heavy defensive battles during the long retreat across the Ukraine. On 20 November 1943, 7th Panzer Division possessed 47 tanks, of which only 16 were operational!

Generalmajor Hasso von Manteuffel (Kommandeur 7. Panzer-Division) in an attempt to push a stuck-up Kübelwagen out of the mud. Eastern Front, end of 1943. In the autumn previously, the battered division withdrew to the Dnieper position, crossing the river at Kremenchug. The division then fought in the defensive Battle of Kiev and the German counterattack at Zhitomir. During these battles, the division was twice cited for distinguished conduct. After this, the division fought in a series of heavy defensive battles during the long retreat across the Ukraine. On 20 November 1943, 7th Panzer Division possessed 47 tanks, of which only 16 were operational!

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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Hasso von Manteuffel with His Wife and Daughter in 1972

Old Hasso von Manteuffel in 1972 during a visit from the owner of the Snyderstreasures website to his home in Germany. The ex-general was a kind person who always answered letters from his fans and send them his pictures with autographs.

Old Hasso von Manteuffel in 1972 during a visit from the owner of the Snyderstreasures website to his home in Germany. This picture shows the ex-general with his wife Armgard and daughter Ursel. His wife is a niece of Generalfeldmarschall Ewald von Kleist.

Old Hasso von Manteuffel in 1972 during a visit from the owner of the Snyderstreasures website to his home in Germany. This picture shows the ex-general with his wife Armgard and daughter Ursel. His wife is a niece of Generalfeldmarschall Ewald von Kleist.

Old Hasso von Manteuffel in 1972 during a visit from the owner of the Snyderstreasures website to his home in Germany. This picture shows the ex-general (in the background) with his wife, Armgard Huberta von Kleist-Bornstedt. His wife is a niece of Generalfeldmarschall Ewald von Kleist

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Hasso von Manteuffel with PzKpfw III in the Background

Generalleutnant Hasso von Manteuffel as a Kommandeur of Panzergrenadier-Division "Grossdeutschland" on the front with his men, Ukraine 1944. In the background is a Befehlspanzerwagen III Ausf.K (Sd.Kfz.267). Note that the panzer commander behind Manteuffel is wearing a camouflage uniform that matches the top of his tank. The picture was taken by unknown photographer from Kriegsberichter-Zug Grossdeutschland. Akira Takiguchi photo collection.

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Walter Model and Hasso von Manteuffel

From left to right: General der Panzertruppe Hasso von Manteuffel (Oberbefehlshaber 5. Panzerarmee), Generalmajor Wolfgang Thomale (Chef des Generalstabes Generalinspekteur der Panzertruppen), and Generalfeldmarschall Walter Model (Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe B). This photo was taken in December 1944 in the Eifel, a mountainous region located in western Germany and eastern Belgium, during "Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein" a.k.a. the Ardennes Offensive a.k.a. the Battle of the Bulge (16 December 1944 - 25 January 1945).

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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Hasso von Manteuffel with Grossdeutschland Staffs

Divisionskommandeur Generalleutnant Hasso von Manteuffel (second from right) with the staff officers of Panzergrenadier-Division "Grossdeutschland" in 1944. Nearest to the camera is Oberst Wolfgang Heesemann, who would later receive the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes posthumously on 17 February 1945 as Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Regiment "Grossdeutschland" (he was KIA on 6 February previously).

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Situation Briefing of 7. Panzer-Division in Ukraine

Morning briefing in Russia: Leading units of the 7. Panzer-Division conducting a "Lagebesprechung" (situation briefing) south of Malin, Ukraine, on the morning of 8 December 1943. From left to right: Oberleutnant Otto Hohensee (Bataillonsadjutant Panzergrenadier-Regiment 7), Generalmajor Hasso von Manteuffel (Kommandeur 7. Panzer-Division), Oberstleutnant im Generalstab Otto-Heinrich Bleicken (Ia Erster Generalstabsoffizier 7. Panzer-Division), Oberst Adelbert Schulz (Kommandeur Panzer-regiment 25), Oberst Friedrich-Carl von Steinkeller (Kommandeur Panzergrenadier- Regiment 7), and Kriegsberichter Heinz Maegerlein (after the war a famous German sports reporter!). The tank on the left is the command version (Befehlspanzer) of the Panzerkampfwagen III with the tactical number usually used by the stabskompanie (staff company) of the panzer regiment. In the area around Zhitomir (including Malin), the 7. Panzer-Division fought together with the Brandenburg Division. On the night of 7/8 December 1943 Manteuffel's division attacked the Malin bridge built by the Soviets across the Irscha river and finally it was captured by the Germans on 9 December 1943.

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Hasso von Manteuffel with the Staff of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 6

Group shot of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 6 in 1942, with the Regimentskommandeur Oberst Hasso von Manteuffel in the middle. Von Manteuffel became the commander of the regiment - which was part of the 7. Panzer-Division - for the period of 25 August 1941 to 15 July 1942. Next he became the commander of 7. Panzergrenadier-Brigade (15 July 1942 - 4 November 1942) before being appointed as the commander of 7. Panzer-Division (20 August 1943 - 1 January 1944). This picture itself come from the private photo album of Oberst W. Graesemer and now in the collection of Akira Takiguchi.

Source :
Akira Takiguchi photo collection

Ritterkreuz Award Ceremony for Hasso von Manteuffel

Ritterkreuz award ceremony for Oberst Hasso von Manteuffel (Kommandeur Schützen-Regiment 6 / 7.Panzer-Division) which were held in the Eastern Front, early 1942. Manteuffel formally received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 31 December 1941 for capturing the undamaged bridge over the Moscow-Volga canal at Jachroma on 28 November 1941.

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Hasso von Manteuffel in a Schwimmwagen

Generalleutnant Hasso von Manteuffel (left, Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Division "Grossdeutschland") with his driver in a VW-166 schwimmwagen. In 1944, Battalion headquarters of Grossdeutschland Division composed of headquarters company, 3 fully-equipped Tigers (88mm KwK and light 2 machine-guns). Headquarters company included a signals platoon with three armoured vehicles, medium-wave radio squad, reconnaissance platoon with 3 medium and 4 light armoured personnel carriers, pioneer platoon with 2 armoured personnel carriers and 4 trucks. Flak platoon with three 20mm quadruple flak on self-propelled carriages. Scouting platoon with 4 Schwimmwagen, 4 motorcycle-sidecar combinations and 2 solo motorcycles.

Source :
"Grossdeutschland volume II" by Wydawnictwo militaria
"The History of the Panzerkorps Grossdeutschland volume II" by Helmuth Spaeter

Hasso von Manteuffel and Karl Lorenz

Two officers of Grossdeutschland Division in the Eastern Front, summer 1944. From left to right: Oberst Karl Lorenz (Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Regiment "Grossdeutschland") and Generalleutnant Hasso von Manteuffel (Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Division "Grossdeutschland"). In the background is a Panther tank belong to the division's Panzer Regiment.

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Hasso von Manteuffel and Harald Krieg at Târgu Frumos

Generalleutnant Hasso von Manteuffel (left, Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Division "Grossdeutschland") and Major Harald Krieg (right, Abteilungsführer in Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment "Grossdeutschland" / Panzergrenadier-Division "Grossdeutschland) in the trench during the second battle of Târgu Frumos in Romania, May 1944. The officer in the center of the picture wears slip-on covers over his shoulder straps. Von Manteuffel and the man in the center both wear the soft-topped "old-style" officer's field cap, while Major Krieg wears the popular Einheitsfeldmütze, introduced in June 1943, without Waffenfarbe chevron. According to accounts by von Manteuffel, one of the two German division commanders, and Ferdinand Maria von Senger und Etterlin, the German forces defeated a Soviet offensive by the 2nd Ukrainian Front that was expected to be a precursor of a much larger offensive in Northern Ukraine. The battle of Târgu Frumos has been used as a case study in officer tactical education in the United States Army and other armies, teaching how a mobile defense can defeat an armoured spearhead. There are however questions about the accounts by the two German officers, relating to the failure to include Romanian forces into their account.

Generalleutnant Hasso von Manteuffel (left, Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Division "Grossdeutschland") and Major Harald Krieg (right, Abteilungsführer in Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment "Grossdeutschland" / Panzergrenadier-Division "Grossdeutschland) in the trench during the second battle of Târgu Frumos in Romania, May 1944. The officer in the center of the picture wears slip-on covers over his shoulder straps. Von Manteuffel and the man in the center both wear the soft-topped "old-style" officer's field cap, while Major Krieg wears the popular Einheitsfeldmütze, introduced in June 1943, without Waffenfarbe chevron. According to accounts by von Manteuffel, one of the two German division commanders, and Ferdinand Maria von Senger und Etterlin, the German forces defeated a Soviet offensive by the 2nd Ukrainian Front that was expected to be a precursor of a much larger offensive in Northern Ukraine. The battle of Târgu Frumos has been used as a case study in officer tactical education in the United States Army and other armies, teaching how a mobile defense can defeat an armoured spearhead. There are however questions about the accounts by the two German officers, relating to the failure to include Romanian forces into their account.

The illustration by Ramiro Bujeiro showing Hasso von Manteuffel and Harald Krieg with the schwimmwagen in the background. This painting is taken from the book "Knight's Cross with Diamonds Recipients 1941-45" by Gordon Williamson.

Source :
"Panzer-Grenadier Division Grossdeutschland" by Bruce Quarrie and Mike Chappell

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Hasso von Manteuffel Visiting U.S.A.

This silent footage shows a visit to the United States by Hasso Eccard von Manteuffel, a former Wehrmacht general who went on to become a member of the West German legislature and an advisor on the formation of the new army, the Bundeswehr. The film starts at National Airport with Manteuffel arriving on an American Airlines DC-6. He is then whisked to the Pentagon for meetings. Hasso Eccard von Manteuffel (14 January 1897 – 24 September 1978) was a German general during World War II who commanded the 5th Panzer Army. He was a recipient of the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub, Schwerter und Brillanten of Nazi Germany. After the war, he was elected to the Bundestag (West German legislature) and was the spokesman for defense of the Liberal Party. A proponent of rearmament, he was responsible for coining the new name for the post-World War II German armed forces, the Bundeswehr. At first after the war, Manteuffel was interned at the British-administered Island Farm Special Camp 11 for high-ranking Wehrmacht officers. In 1946 he was handed over to the Americans and took part in the U.S. Army Historical Division project, for which he produced a monograph on the mobile warfare aspect of the Ardennes Offensive. After his release in December 1946, he entered politics and was a representative of the Free Democratic Party of Germany (FDP) in the German Bundestag from 1953 to 1957. In 1957 he joined the German Party. In the early 1950s Manteuffel advised on the redevelopment of the Bundeswehr. Manteuffel was charged in 1959 for having a deserter shot in 1944 (he reversed the court martial's original verdict of imprisonment and decided for a death sentence, using the Führer Order No.7 as a basis). He was convicted and sentenced to two years in prison. Alaric Searle comments that Manteuffel exceeded his powers as a divisional commander, but at the same time, "Manteuffel’s purely military arguments — that signs of disintegration had appeared on other sectors of the front, that the night before the incident a case of desertion had occurred, and that his division’s task, in a precarious situation, was to help protect a critical evacuation point—would probably have been accepted in most other Western countries as justifying his action". Searle agrees with Hermann Balck's comment that such a trial would be "unthinkable" for a French or British officer. His English was eloquent; in 1968 he lectured at the United States Military Academy at West Point, speaking about combat in deep snow conditions and worked as a technical adviser on war films. Manteuffel died in 1978. This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit

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Adolf Hitler and Hasso von Manteuffel

This picture shows Adolf Hitler (Führer und Oberster Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht) shaking hands with General der Panzertruppe Hasso von Manteuffel (Oberbefehlshaber 5. Panzerarmee), while Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel looks on. Signed on the lower right "Adolf Hitler - 11. Dez. 1944" in ink. Mounted on passepartout. Only a few days later, the Ardennes Offensive started on 16 December 1944, the last major operation of the German Wehrmacht during which von Manteuffel was awarded the 24th Brillanten to his Ritterkreuz.

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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Hasso von Manteuffel Speaking in a Convention

4 April 1954: Pictured here is former Wehrmacht General Hasso von Manteuffel speaking in Reinickendorfer Schützenhaus, Berlin. Outside the hall there was a tumult caused by communists who had come from the East sector. There was also a commotion in the hall when a heckler spoke up.

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Schwerter Award Ceremony for Hasso von Manteuffel

Generalleutnant Hasso von Manteuffel (Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Division "Grossdeutschland") meeting with Hitler at Berghof Obersalzberg on 14 May 1944 on the occasion of receiving a Schwerter #50 for his Ritterkreuz, which he formally received since 22 February 1944. Von Manteuffel was a very tiny man as can be clearly seen in this photo! Note the "Großdeutschland" cuff title on his right sleeve: von Manteuffel commanded this elite Army panzer division on the Eastern Front from February to September 1944.

Generalleutnant Hasso von Manteuffel (Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Division "Grossdeutschland") photographed by Walter Frentz at the Berghof Obersalzberg after the Schwerter award ceremony with Hitler on 14 May 1944. The medal was formally awarded on 22 February 1944 for further successes in the Zhitomir-Kiev area. After repelling a Soviet thrust to Korosten, the 7. Panzer-Division (previous unit of von Manteuffel) began its own thrust on 20 November 1943 towards the crossing over the Teterew. By 22 November 1943, near Nebyliza, the Division had under Manteuffel’s leadership advanced a distance of 65 kilometres. After a short regrouping the village of Njanewka (12 km SW of Malin on the Irscha) was reached on 7 December 1943. Three days later the village of Malin was stormed. In this attack Manteuffel personally led the attack spearhead of 6 Panzers and a Kompanie of the divisional Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung against the Soviet defense that was spread out on three sides. Despite the hostile resistance Manteuffel’s soldiers reached the centre of the village, threw strong Soviet infantry forces back and smashed the Soviet armoured group south of the village (destroying 25 tanks in the process).

Source :'s-hand

Hasso von Manteuffel Memorabilia and Grouping

Hasso von Manteuffel (1897-1978) private memorabilia - a seal, a blind stamp press and other items Seal from the time of the First World War in the form of an eagle standing on a column with laurel wreath and miniature of the Iron Cross 1914, the seal matrix chiselled with the coat of arms of the Manteuffel family, patinated bronze, height 80 mm. Also newspaper clippings and coat of arms calendar 1909. Blind stamp press with the Manteuffel coat of arms, polychrome iron, total length 12.5 cm. A pile of Manteuffel's personal envelopes with blind-stamped coat of arms, and also a pencil sharpener.

Brillanten and Soldbuch.

Award certificates.

Schwerter attributed to General der Panzertruppe Hasso von Manteuffel, sento to a collector in 1975.

Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes.

Hasso von Manteuffel - an officer's dagger, with sword knot and hanger. Dagger blade, manufacturer "WKC". Silver-plated hilt with Manteuffel's coat of arms engraved on the reverse side of the quillons. Yellow plastic grip. Silver-plated scabbard. Sword knot and hanger. Very fine condition. There is also written confirmation by von Manteuffel.

Preliminary possession document for the Brillanten to the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, with signature in ink of General der Infanterie Wilhelm Burgdorf.

Schwerter formal award document to General der Panzertruppe Hasso von Manteuffel.

Preliminary possession document for the Eichenlaub to the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, printed form with the typewritten supplement "Der Führer hat dem Generalmajor Frhr.Von Manteuffel Kommandeur 7.Pz.Division das 23.11.1943 verliehen.HQu.OKH,den 29.November 1943".With stamping "Oberkommando des Heeres - Heeres-Personalamt" with signature in ink of Generalmajor Wilhelm Burgdorf.

Award document for the Golden Hitler Youth Badge of Honour Red and gold decorative award text dated 23 May 1944,blind-stamped seal,original signature in ink of Baldur von Schirach. Dimensions ca. 29.5 x 20.7 cm. Manteuffel gave in person this award document to a french collector in the sixties.

Recognition document from the Supreme Commander of Heeresgruppe B "In thankful memory of the Ride in the Ardennes to the commander of 5. Panzerarmee, General der Panzertruppe von Manteuffel" (translation). Imprinted army eagle above a Clausewitz quote and calligraphy dedication as well as date "H.Qu. den 4. Febr. 1945" (Headquarters, 4 February 1945) and signature in ink of Generalfeldmarschall Walter Model. Holed, paper size DIN A4.

Soldbuch (pay book) Issued on 20 September 1939 as a Major in Cavalry School 8, ID photo with Ritterkreuz, many entries: promotions up to General der Panzertruppen, award date of Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze and Silber, Ritterkreuz, Eichenlaub, Schwerter and Brillanten. Obvious signs of use, the cover is worn out.

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Hasso von Manteuffel and His Dislike to the SS

Hasso von Manteuffel appears to have been distinguished by an emphatic dislike of the SS, Gestapo, Security Police, and the Nazi murder machine in general. In a postwar interview, SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Karl Wolff was asked about instances of resistance to "special operations" in the East on the part of Heer commanders. He cited Manteuffel who, according to Wolff, on assuming a command in the East (presumably of Grossdeutschland), cordially informed the local SS and Police command that "special" security details would not be permitted to operate in his rear area without his personal permission (seldom if ever granted); and that police personnel entering his rear area without the required position would be shot. This was justified by the assertion that Manteuffel, as a senior Army commander, was competent and entitled to assume responsibility for security in his own rear area. According to Wolff, Himmler was most upset by this message, and reported it to Hitler. The Führer, however, was less exercised. He told Himmler that as far as he was concerned, "the Count" (Manteuffel) had his situation well under control - and that was the end of it. A very talented commander, realistic and practical, in any event.

Source :'s-hand

Hasso von Manteuffel in a Centurion Tank

German soldier and politician Hasso von Manteuffel in the driving seat of a Centurion tank, with Major H.S. Long standing by, at the Vehicle Testing Centre, Chobham, England, 10 November 1955. Photo by Reg Burkett. Respect and admiration followed Manteuffel into civilian life. He was elected to the town council of Neuss-on-the-Rhine in 1947 (he was working for a manufacturing firm at the time), and from 1953 to 1957 he served in the West German Bundestag (Parliament). He was also a guest of several foreign military commands, including the Pentagon in Washington, and lectured at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

Original caption: Members of Federal German Bundestag Security Committee see Army vehicles tested. Members of the Federal German Bundestag Security Committee - who are here for a 12-day visit- today (11 November 1955) visited the Vehicle Testing Centre at Chobham, where they witnessed a demonstration of various types of army vehicles undergoing test. Among the party is Herr Hasso Ecard von Mantsuffel, a former Wehrmacht General, who commanded German armoured troops in the 1944 Ardennes offensive.

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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Founding of the Freie Volkspartei in 1956

Founding of the Freie Volkspartei (Free People's Party) in 1956. Vice Chancellor and Minister for Economic Cooperation Franz Blücher (center), Housing Minister Victor-Emanuel Preusker (left), and retired General Hasso von Manteuffel (right) in front of the press in Bonn on April 23, 1956 shortly after the party was founded. The so-called Euler Group, consisting of 16 FDP MPs, including the four FDP federal ministers, left the FDP faction in the German Bundestag in February 1956. Photo by Kurt Rohwedder.

16 delegates leave FDP Bundestag faction in 1956. Leading personalities of the split off group, which had shortly before left the FDP Bundestag faction, consult with each other on the 23rd of February in 1956 in the office of vice president of the Bundestag Ludwig Schneider in Bonn. A group of 16 delegates, amongst them four Federal ministers and vice president of the Bundestag Schneider, had left the faction as protest against the politics of FDP federal chairman Thomas Dehler. Dehler had decided to cancel the government coalition with the CDU/CSU. To be seen (l-r) Hans Wellhausen, Hermann Schäfer, Fritz Neumayer, Ludwig Preiss, General Hasso von Manteuffel and Hermann Berg. Photo by Kurt Rohwedder.

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Hasso von Manteuffel Investigated for War Crime

This picture was taken on 6 February 1968 and it shows Hasso von Manteuffel before the HS-30 investigative committee in the Bonn Federal Palace. He was one of the most decorated generals of World War II. From 1953 to 1957 he was a member of the FDP in the German Bundestag. A Düsseldorf court sentenced him to 18 months in prison in August 1959 because he had a soldier shot on March 1, 1944. He was pardoned after four months in prison and then retired to private life. Hasso von Manteuffel was born on January 14, 1897 in Potsdam and died on September 24, 1978 in Reith (Austria). Photographer: Egon Steiner.

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Hasso von Manteuffel Observe the Attack of his Troops

Generalleutnant Hasso von Manteuffel (Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Division "Grossdeutschland") watching the progress of the attack of his troops to the Soviet defence line through binoculars from the trench of the forward position, 20 May 1944. Original caption: "In vorderster Linie beobachtet Generalleutnant von Manteuffel, der Kommandeur der Pz.Gren.Div. 'Grossdeutschland', den Angriff seiner Panzer und Grenadiere. Wie der OKW-Bericht meldete, hat sich die Pz.Gren.Div. 'Grossdeutschland' bei der grossen Abwehrschlacht am rumämischen Sereth besonders ausgezeichnet." (In the front line, Lieutenant General von Manteuffel, the commander of the Pz.Gren.Div. 'Grossdeutschland', the attack of its tanks and grenadiers. As the OKW report reported, the Pz.Gren.Div. 'Grossdeutschland' was particularly distinguished in the great defensive battle at Sereth in Romania.

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