
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Hasso von Manteuffel and His Dislike to the SS

Hasso von Manteuffel appears to have been distinguished by an emphatic dislike of the SS, Gestapo, Security Police, and the Nazi murder machine in general. In a postwar interview, SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Karl Wolff was asked about instances of resistance to "special operations" in the East on the part of Heer commanders. He cited Manteuffel who, according to Wolff, on assuming a command in the East (presumably of Grossdeutschland), cordially informed the local SS and Police command that "special" security details would not be permitted to operate in his rear area without his personal permission (seldom if ever granted); and that police personnel entering his rear area without the required position would be shot. This was justified by the assertion that Manteuffel, as a senior Army commander, was competent and entitled to assume responsibility for security in his own rear area. According to Wolff, Himmler was most upset by this message, and reported it to Hitler. The Führer, however, was less exercised. He told Himmler that as far as he was concerned, "the Count" (Manteuffel) had his situation well under control - and that was the end of it. A very talented commander, realistic and practical, in any event.

Source :'s-hand

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