
Sunday, October 8, 2023

Ferdinand Schörner as the Commander of Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 98

Oberst Ferdinand Schörner as the Commander of Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 98, part of 1. Gebirgs-Division. Schörner became the Regimentskommandeur from 12 October 1937 to 24 May 1940. In this picture, he is wearing the neck-order Pour le Mérite, which he received during World War I on 5 December 1917 as Leutnant der Reserve and Führer 12.Kompanie / Bayerischer Leib-Infanterie-Regiment. The picture itself was taken from the album belong to the member of III.Bataillon / Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 98, with the time period between November 1938 - August 1939 during the training period in Mittenwald and in the Alps.

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