
Sunday, October 8, 2023

Bio of Oberleutnant Ernst Alex (1915-1965)

Ernst Alex

Date of Birth: 01.03.1915 - Seifersdorf-Schweidnitz, Schlesien, (German Empire)
Date of Death: 25.10.1965 - Kassel, Hesse (West Germany)

Battles and Operations: Annexation of the Sudetenland (1938), Invasion of Poland (1939), Battle of France (1940), Operation Barbarossa (1941), and Battle of Uman (1941)

00.00.193_ Gefreiter
00.00.193_ Obergefreiter
01.10.1938 Wachtmeister
01.10.1940 Oberwachtmeister
01.06.1943 Leutnant
01.04.1945 Oberleutnant

01.10.1935 VI.Abteilung / Artillerie-Regiment 29 in Kassel
10.05.1941 Zugführer in 1.Kompanie / Sturmgeschützabteilung 243
27.06.1941 Geschützführer in III.Bataillon / Gebrgsjäger-Regiment 99
08.02.1943 Führerreserve
00.00.194_ Offiziersausbildung

Awards and Decorations:
00.00.193_ Schützenabzeichen des Heeres
00.00.193_ Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht IV.Klasse (4 Jahre)
00.00.1939 Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
00.00.193_ Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz
16.09.1939 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
00.00.193_ Allgemeines-Sturmabzeichen
00.00.194_ Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber
02.07.1941 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
01.08.1941 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as Oberwachtmeister and Zugführer in 1.Batterie / Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 243. The following newspaper article describes why Alex received the Ritterkreuz: “Oberwachtmeister Ernst Alex… was awarded the Ritterkreuz on the 01.08.1841. Oberwachtmeister Alex destroyed a total of 10 enemy tanks with his Sturmgeschütz during the tank battle at Jaworow on the 26.06.1941 and during a nocturnal attack on the night of the 27./28.06.1941. These swift and determined actions established the appropriate conditions for a rapid advance on Lemberg by his Division [1. Gebirgs-Division]. During this continued forward advance he encountered a Soviet armoured train at the Kopysynac railway station. He opened fire on it from very close range and successfully destroyed its heavy 15-cm gun. Pursuing the enemy closely, his greatest achievement came on the 23.07.1941. Fighting at the head of his Division, he secured the crossing over the Bug river at Brazlaf on this day. In the process he became badly wounded.” Alex was awarded the Ritterkreuz for these achievements as well as for reaching a personal total of 27 tanks destroyed.
00.00.1945 Verwundetenabzeichen in Gold


Ernst Alex joined the Wehrmacht on October 1, 1935 and assigned to VI. Abteilung of the 29th Artillery Regiment in Kassel. On October 1, 1938 he was appointed Wachtmeister (sergeant) and on October 1, 1940 he was appointed Oberwachtmeister (senior sergeant). On May 10, 1941, he was transferred to the newly formed Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 243. On June 27, 1941, Ernst Alex was subordinate to the III./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 99 as gun commander. With this division he and a second assault gun pushed through the forest to Janow. He shot down 10 enemy tanks with his gun. This created the conditions for a rapid advance by the 1st Mountain Infantry Division towards Leberg. As he continued to advance, Alex came across a Soviet armored train near the Kopysynac train station and destroyed the train's 15 cm gun. On July 23, 1941, at the head of the 1st Mountain Division, he forced the crossing over the Bug near Brazlaf. He was seriously wounded. For his achievements he was awarded the Knight's Cross on August 1, 1941. He was not used at the front again until February 8, 1943. After a short time in the OKH reserve commanders, he received officer training. On June 1, 1943 he was promoted to Leutnant (second lieutenant). After various commands, he was promoted to Oberleutnant (first lieutenant) on April 1, 1945. Ernst Alex was discharged from active duty after losing both his legs, shortly before the end of World War Two.

Source :,_Ernst

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