
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Léon Degrelle in a Studio Portrait (September 1944)

SS-Sturmbannführer der Reserve Léon Degrelle (Kommandeur 28. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division "Wallonië") in a studio photo taken in September 1944, one month after he received the Eichenlaub to his Ritterkreuz. Apart from the above-mentioned medal, in this picture we can also see other decorations: Deutsches Kreuz in Gold, Nahkampfspange in Gold, Verwundetenabzeichen in Gold, Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber, Ostmedaille ribbon, Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse, and Walloon Honor Rexist Badge

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