
Friday, September 22, 2023

Hermann Graf and Rolf Hermichen

Original caption: "Kriegsalltag im Deutschen Reich" (Everyday wartime life in the German Reich): Oberstleutnant Hermann Graf (center, Geschwaderkommodore Jagdgeschwader 11) chats with Hauptmann Rolf Hermichen (left, Gruppenkommandeur I.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 11). The picture was taken in March 1944. On 26 March 1944 Hermichen received the news that he was being awarded the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes for the 50 aerial victories that he scored so far. On 2 April 1944, Hermichen was presented with the medal by Generaloberst Hans-Jürgen Stumpff at the airfield in Rotenburg an der Wümme. Only a couple of days previously, on 29 March 1944, Geschwaderkommodore Graf shot down two P-51 Mustangs (211th and 212th kills) that were making a fighter sweep ahead of their bomber stream. Chased and harried by the rest of their squadron, he tried to ram another before bailing out. Landing heavily, he broke both knees and fractured his arm. These would prove to be his final air victories. Prompt attention from the JG 11 medic saved Graf from losing his arm. From April to early July he spent time recovering in a hospital in his home-town of Engen.

Source :
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek photo archive (Image-No.: 50070727)

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