
Sunday, September 3, 2023

Bio of SS-Obersturmführer Ernst Stäudle (1913-1946)

Ernst Stäudle

Date of Birth: 06.06.1913 - Heidenheim an der Brenz, Württemberg (German Empire)
Date of Death: 11.07.1946 - POW-camp Jaworzno, Silesia (Poland)

NSDAP Number: 3 289 807 (Joined 00.00.1933)
SS Number: 226 097 (Joined 00.00.193_)
Spouse: Margareta Hugo from Würzburg

00.00.1935/1936 Gefreiter
00.00.194_ SS-Unterscharführer der Reserve
10.04.1942 SS-Oberscharführer der Reserve
01.09.1943 SS-Untersturmführer der Reserve
21.06.1944 SS-Obersturmführer der Reserve

00.02.1942 Vorgeschobene Beobachter (V.B.) in 8.Batterie / SS-Artillerie-Regiment "Totenkopf"
00.09.1943 instructor in SS-Artillerie-Schule II (Beneschau)
30.04.1945 Kompaniechef / SS-Artillerie-Schule II - fightings around Prag
00.05.1945 soviet POW
11.07.1946 died of hunger and mistreatment in harsh labour in a coal mine near camp Jaworzno, south of Katowice, Silesia in Poland

Awards and Decorations:
00.00.193_ SS-Zivilabzeichen
00.00.1934 Ehrenwinkel der Alten Kämpfer
00.00.193_ SA-Sportabzeichen in Bronze
00.00.193_ Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft Abzeichen in Bronze
00.00.193_ Ehrendegen des Reichsführers-SS
00.00.193_ SS-Ehrenring
00.00.193_ Julleuchter der SS
23.09.1941 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
00.00.1941 Allgemeines-Sturmabzeichen in Silber
00.02.1942 Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz (WIA 27.02.1942 to the leg and arm)
17.02.1942 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
10.04.1942 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as SS-Oberscharführer der Reserve and Vorgeschobene Beobachter (V.B.) in 8.Batterie / II.Abteilung / SS-Artillerie-Regiment "Totenkopf" / SS-Totenkopf-Division, based on a recommendation dated 01.03.1942 and approved by Div. Kdr. Theodor Eicke (read HERE for his action that got him the Ritterkreuz)
00.00.1942 Medaille "Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42" (Ostmedaille)
00.00.1943 Demjanskchild
00.00.194_ Goldenes Hitlerjugend Ehrenzeichen
00.00.194_ Goldenes Hitlerjugend Ehrenzeichen mit Eichenlaub


Ernst Stäudle was born 6. Juni. 1913, in Heidenheim, Germany. He married Margareta Hugo of Würzburg, although not much else is known about his life before WWII, aside from his service in the Hitlerjugend.

He joined the SS, and was assigned to the SS-Division "Totenkopf", and served with the Artillerie Regiment within the Division.

He was awarded the Knight’s Cross for outstanding deeds during the night battles of 26/27 Feb. 1942. Thanks to their overwhelming numbers, the Soviets came within 50 meters of the German positions in Schumilkino which were manned by just a few defenders. A German construction battalion, which had been sent in as a reinforcement, fled when attacked by the Russian soldier. In those dramatic conditions, despite a severe wound, Stäudle gathered the last survivors of the German garrison and, with only a 3.7cm-Pak 36 available, managed to keep the enemy at bay, at time firing close range. His actions prevented a Soviet breakthrough behind the German positions at Salutschje.

He survived the war, and surrendered to the Soviets. Like so many members of the Waffen-SS who were “lucky” not to be murdered or tortured to death immediately after their capture by the Red Army, Stäudle also had to perform slave labor for the enemy as a German forced laborer. Most died from mistreatment or hunger, often both, including Ernst Stäudle. He fell ill in the coal mines in Silesia, starved to death and ultimately died on July 11, 1946 in the Jaworzno central labor camp south of Polish-occupied Katowice.

Ernst Stäudle, who was a Hitler Youth leader and an early member of the SS and was registered in his parents' “Spielwaren Stäudle” at Olgastraße 3 in Heidenheim in 1935, left behind his wife Margareta, née Hugo from Würzburg. It can be assumed that children were born of the marriage, but it could not be determined.

After the war, the Jaworzno labor camp was run first by the NKVD, then by the Polish Ministry of Public Security, MBP (also known as Urząd Bezpieczeństwa or UB), which committed unimaginable atrocities against “enemies of the people”. One of the worst of the criminal commanders was the Polish Jew Schlomo Morel (1919-2007), a member of the Stalinist secret police Urząd Bezpieczeństwa, who was already considered a mass murderer of thousands of German civilians in various labor camps who could not get out of their Upper Silesian wanted to have their homeland expelled. The prisoners included all kinds of political prisoners, ethnic Germans, Silesian civilians (among them many women and children), from 1947 also victims of the forced resettlement operation Vistula, but also "Polish resistance fighters" who refused to become members of the communist party and German prisoners of war, The members of the Waffen-SS were housed separately and their suffering was even more cruel than that of the other inmates.

In 1993, the Polish government released the names of 6,987 people, mostly Germans, who died in the Jaworzno labor camp between 1945 and 1956, but estimates put the actual number many times higher.

Ernst Stäudle as SS-Unterscharfuhrer.

Ernst Stäudle as SS-Oberscharfuhrer.

Ernst Stäudle is photographed shortly after his promotion to SS-Untersturmführer.

Ernst Stäudle as SS-Obersturmführer.

Ernst Stäudle as SS-Obersturmführer.

There is no information whether in this picture Stäudle is dead or just sleeping.

Letter - signed by Ernst Stäudle - to a certain “Karl-Heinz”, thanking him for the congratulations on the occasion of his birthday, 18 June 1942.

Source :
"Knight's Cross Holders of the SS & German Police, 1940-1945" by Michael D. Miller,_Ernst

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