
Sunday, September 3, 2023

Bio of Leutnant Josef Dörfel (1915-2002)

Josef Dörfel

Date of Birth: 02.03.1915 - Bachheiden, Kreis Guttentag, Oberschlesien (German Empire)
Date of Death: 03.04.2002 - Stadthagen, Schaumburg, Niedersachsen (Germany)

00.00.19__ Oberfeldwebel
00.00.194_ Leutnant

00.00.19__ Zugführer in 6.Kompanie / II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 439 / 134.Infanterie-Division

Awards and Decorations:
00.00.19__ Schützenschnur
00.00.19__ Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
00.00.194_ Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber
00.00.194_ Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
00.00.194_ Verwundetenabzeichen
04.03.1942 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as Oberfeldwebel and Zugführer in 6.Kompanie / II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 439 / 134.Infanterie-Division. Awarded for his actions near the end of 1941, as described in the following wartime excerpt: “Oberfeldwebel Dörfel showed exceptional energy as he and his encircled Zug fought their way out of enemy territory under the most difficult of circumstances. After he and his weary soldiers reached the delaying position only to encounter the enemy a second time he once again initiated a breakthrough, leading at the head of his Zug and encouraging them to fight through the enemy once more. It is only thanks to the indomitable willpower and toughness of Oberfeldwebel Dörfel himself that this Zug was able to make contact with its Bataillon after an almost 48-hour operation while enduring temperatures of -23 degrees, constant snowstorms, a lack of supplies and no opportunities to warm up.”

Ritterkreuz award ceremony for Oberfeldwebel Josef Dörfel (Zugführer in 6.Kompanie / II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 439 / 134.Infanterie-Division) which were held in March 1942 (Dörfel received the announcement from 4 March 1942). Awarding the medal is Generalmajor Hans Schlemmer (left, Kommandeur 134. Infanterie-Division). Other pictures from this series can be seen HERE.

Josef Dörfel as Oberfeldwebel.

Josef Dörfel as Oberfeldwebel.

This propaganda photo shows three women donating money to two soldiers representing the Kriegswinterhilfswerk, a regular fundraising program aimed at helping underprivileged Germans in winter. The two soldier asking for donations themselves were not ordinary soldiers, but war heroes and Ritterkreuzträger from the Wachbataillon (Watch Battalion) Großdeutschland. They are, from left to right: Leutnant Karl Hausmann (Ritterkreuz on 15 May 1942 as Oberfeldwebel and Führer 3.Kompanie / I.Bataillon / Jäger-Regiment 28 / 8. leichte Infanterie-Division) and Oberfeldwebel Josef Dörfel (Ritterkreuz on 4 March 1942 as Oberfeldwebel and Zugführer in 6.Kompanie / II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 439 / 134.Infanterie-Division). This photo itself was taken in March 1943

Ritterkreuzträger Oberfeldwebel Josef Dörfel (2 March 1915 - 3 April 2002) chats with the youth member of Hitlerjugend. Dörfel received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 4 March 1942 as a Zugführer in Infanterie-Regiment 439 / 134.Infanterie-Division, but later transferred to Großdeutschland Division.

A Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth) member is being trained for the usage of Panzerfaust by the soldier of Panzergrenadier-Division "Großdeutschland". The "Panzerknacker" is made of woods. The soldier is Oberfeldwebel Josef "Jupp" Dörfel from Panzergrenadier-Regiment "Großdeutschland", who received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 4 March 1942 when he was still in 134. Infanterie-Division. The picture itself was taken by Kriegsberichter Hamann on 21 November 1944

Source :
Fakatona photo collection

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