
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Ritterkreuz Actions of Werner Ziegler

Werner Ziegler (30 April 1916 - 15 April 2001) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 31 December 1941 as Leutnant and Führer 2.Kompanie / I.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 186 / 73.Infanterie-Division. On 14 August 1941, during the battles between the Dniester and the Bug rivers, Leutnant Ziegler and his Kompanie took the heavily occupied town of Petrovskoye on the western bank of the Bug in a coup d'état and cleared out the surrounding area in bitter house fighting. More than 300 prisoners were captured in the process. Ziegler would be awarded the Ritterkreuz for this action.

Ziegler received the Eichenlaub #121 on 8 September 1942 as Oberleutnant and Führer 2.Kompanie / I.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 186 / 73.Infanterie-Division. The medal was awarded for his leadership during the urban fighting in Novorossiysk on 6 September 1942.

Ziegler received the Schwerter #102 for his Ritterkreuz on 23 October 1944 as Major and Führer Grenadier-Regiment 186 / 73.Infanterie-Division. Ziegler's Regiment participated in the final battle for Sevastopol in May 1944. On 7 May 1944, during the general Soviet attack against the German V. Armeekorps, his Regiment stood firm in its defensive positions on Windmill Hill, even after it had been surrounded. Ziegler and his men were able to hold their ground successfully until relieved by Kampfgruppen Marienfeld and Faulhaber on the morning of the next day.

Source :
Jim Haley photo collection

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