
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Ritterkreuz Action of Jobst-Hilmar Graf von Bose

Jobst-Hilmar Graf von Bose (21 September 1897 - 26 March 1949) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 4 December 1941 as Oberstleutnant and Kommandeur I.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 289 / 98.Infanterie-Division. The following wartime excerpt describes why Bose was awarded the Ritterkreuz: “Oberstleutnant von Bose made the independent decision to launch a surprise attack against Malachowka in the evening hours, and he succeeded in capturing the village while also creating a breach in the enemy’s flank position. By doing this he spared the Division unnecessary losses, accelerated the fall of the fortifications near Detschino along with the destruction of an infantry regiment and enabled the Division to pursue the enemy forces that fled to the northeast. During this pursuit 16 heavy anti-aircraft guns and numerous weapons fell into the hands of the Division. By doing this Oberstleutnant von Bose achieved an outstanding success for the conduct of the combat in the area, one which can be added to the extremely brave behaviour he demonstrated on two other occasions.”

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