
Monday, December 19, 2022

Ritterkreuz Action of Gottfried Frölich

Gottfried Frölich (3 June 1894 - 30 July 1959) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 20 December 1943 as Oberst and Führer 8.Panzer-Division / 4.Panzerarmee / Heeresgruppe Süd. Frölich’s Ritterkreuz recommendation reads as follows:

“On the afternoon of 7 November 1943 a far superior enemy force attacked the 8. Panzer-Division (at the time positioned for defense near Lipowka, on the right wing of the XIII. Armeekorps) with the aim of breaking through to the west. The divisional commander, Oberst Frölich, immediately rushed forwards to his right-wing Regiment. Disregarding the strong enemy artillery/mortar fire, he brought the retreating soldiers to a halt, reorganized them and set them up for a renewed defense. His fearless personal attitude was responsible for reversing this dangerous crisis and the creation of a new defense line along the Makaroff—Korolewka road, which was then held against all enemy thrusts.

However over the course of the evening the enemy pressure against the Division’s open right flank became ever stronger. Oberst Frölich realized that if the enemy succeeded in tying down or pushing back the 8. Panzer-Division (and consequently open the path to the Kiev—Zhitomir road) it would create an extraordinary danger both for the Korps as well as the entire overall situation.

The situation continued to build up. Waiting for orders was impossible as the communication links to the Korps were destroyed, and its’ intent was unknown. Therefore Oberst Frölich resolved to block the way to the Kiev—Zhitomir road with his Division on his own initiative. As such he ordered his men to retreat from the enemy and establish a new defensive line Szitnjaki—Maliwaikowka. When he received an order from the Korps just after midnight to occupy the line Motyshin—Makaroff, Oberst Frölich stood by his original decision given his full knowledge of the situation. The commanding general would eventually agree with Frölich’s decision, and the later course of the battle would demonstrate the decisive importance of this move.

On that same night the enemy tried to break through at Mainjaki with tanks and infantry, however they were thrown back thanks to the timely defensive measures taken. The next day the enemy would continue to attempt thrusts around and north of Szitnjaki with tanks and far superior infantry and artillery forces. In these battles Oberst Frölich would again constantly remain near his foremost strongpoints.

The personal example of the divisional commander inspired his soldiers throughout the ceaseless heavy fighting, and as such they were able to ward off all enemy attacks for the entire day despite the massive enemy artillery support and their great numerical superiority. This prevented a surprise enemy thrust along the Kiev—Zhitomir road towards Zhitomir. This success was made possible by Oberst Frölich’s independent and game-changing decision.

The Division was named in the Wehrmachtbericht of 10 November 1943 in light of its achievements.”

Submitted on December 15th 1943.
Preliminary document and decoration on December 24th 1943 to Pz.AOK 4.

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