
Monday, December 19, 2022

Bio of Generalmajor Gottfried Frölich (1894-1959)

Raimund Erwin Gottfried Frölich

DATE OF BIRTH: 3 June 1894
DATE OF DEATH: 30 July 1959
PLACE OF DEATH: Heidenheim
RELIGION: Evangelical
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 174lbs
NEXT OF KIN: Liselotte Froehlich, (British Zone)

12.08.1914 Fahnenjunker
09.10.1914 Fahnenjunker-Gefreiter
23.12.1914 Fahnenjunker-Unteroffizier
06.03.1915 Fähnrich
16.05.1915 Leutnant (Patent 23 May 1914; later changed to 1 September 1915)
01.04.1925 Oberleutnant
01.10.1929 Hauptmann
01.10.1935 Major
01.06.1938 Oberstleutnant
01.07.1941 Oberst (RDA later changed to 1 August 1940)
01.12.1943 Generalmajor

Entered Army Service (12 Aug 1914)
Fahnenjunker in the II. Replacement-Battalion of the 48th Field-Artillery-Regiment (12 Aug 1914-06 Feb 1915)
In the Field with the 48th Field-Artillery-Regiment (06 Feb 1915-16 May 1916)
Detached to Gas Course in Leverkusen (10 Aug 1915-16 Aug 1915)
Wounded, in Hospital (16 May 1916-06 Jul 1916)
Transferred to the II. Replacement-Battalion of the 48th Field-Artillery-Regiment (06 Jul 1916-21 Aug 1916)
In the Field with the 48th Field-Artillery-Regiment (21 Aug 1916-20 Dec 1918)
Adjutant of the I. Battalion of the 48th Field-Artillery-Regiment (15 Aug 1917-07 Dec 1917)
Detached to Firing-School in Remberlow (26 Jan 1918-20 Feb 1918)
Court-Officer and Executive of the Mobilisation-Detachment of the II. Replacement-Battalion of the 48th Field-Artillery-Regiment (20 Dec 1918-19 Aug 1919)
Regiments-Adjutant of the 48th Part-Time-Volunteer-Field-Artillery-Regiment (19 Aug 1919-10 Dec 1919)
Transferred into the 12th Reichswehr-Artillery-Regiment (10 Dec 1919-20 Oct 1920)
Detached to the 12th Transport-Battalion (20 Oct 1920-01 Jan 1921)
Transferred into the 4th Transport-Battalion (01 Jan 1921-01 Oct 1922)
Detached to Signals-Course with the 4th Signals-Battalion (01 Feb 1921-27 Feb 1921)
Transferred into the 4th Medical-Battalion (01 Oct 1922-01 Feb 1925)
Detached to Firing Course in Königsberg (20 Sep 1923-19 Oct 1923)
Detached to the 5th Pioneer-Battalion (11 Nov 1924-26 Nov 1924)
Transferred back into the 4th Transport-Battalion (01 Feb 1925-01 Oct 1927)
Detached to Transport and Equipment Course in Hannover (01 Jun 1926-31 Jul 1926)
Detached to Officer-Weapons-School-Course in Dresden (01 Oct 1926-20 Feb 1927)
Battalion-Adjutant of the 4th Transport-Battalion (01 Oct 1927-01 Oct 1929)
Transferred to the 6th Battery of the 4th Artillery-Regiment (01 Oct 1929-01 Oct 1930)
Detached to Firing Course for Artillery-Officers in Jüterbog (25 Sep 1930-05 Nov 1930)
Hauptmann with the Staff of the II. Battalion of the 4th Artillery-Regiment (01 Oct 1930-01 Oct 1931)
Chief of the 5th Battery of the 4th Artillery-Regiment (01 Oct 1931-01 Apr 1934)
Adjutant of Artillery-Leader IV (01 Apr 1934-01 Oct 1934)
Commander of the I. Battalion of the Artillery-Regiment Naumburg (01 Oct 1934-15 Oct 1935)
Commander of the I. Battalion of the 14th Artillery-Regiment (15 Oct 1935-10 Nov 1938)
Detached for Reinforcement of the Instruction-Staff of the Artillery-School Jüterbog (29 Jul 1937-27 Aug 1937)
Commander of the II. Battalion of the 76th Artillery-Regiment (10 Nov 1938-19 Oct 1939)
Commander of the 78th Panzer-Artillery-Regiment (19 Oct 1939-1943)
Delegated with the Leadership of the 7th Grenadier-Regiment (1943-09 Jun 1943)
Führer-Reserve OKH (09 Jun 1943-12 Sep 1943)
Delegated with the Leadership of the 36th Infantry-Regiment (12 Sep 1943-20 Sep 1943)
Delegated with the Temporary Leadership of the 8th Panzer-Division (20 Sep 1943-05 Nov 1943)
Delegated with the Leadership of the 8th Panzer-Division (05 Nov 1943-01 Dec 1943)
Commander of the 8th Panzer-Division (01 Dec 1943-01 Apr 1944)
Führer-Reserve OKH, in Hospital (01 Apr 1944-20 Jul 1944)
Commander of the 8th Panzer-Division (20 Jul 1944-22 Jan 1945)
Führer-Reserve OKH, in Hospital (22 Jan 1945-18 Mar 1945)
Leader of Corps-Group von Tettau (18 Mar 1945-10 Apr 1945)
Higher Artillery Commander of the 3rd Panzer-Army (Higher Artillery Commander 313) (10 Apr 1945-02 May 1945)
In Captivity (02 May 1945-19 May 1948)
Released (19 May 1948)

Awards & Decorations:
27.10.1915 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
30.04.1917 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
19.02.1916 Ritterkreuz II.Klasse des Königlich Sächsische Albrechts-Orden mit Schwertern
20.03.1916 Komturkreuz II. Klasse des Königliche Sächsische Verdienstorden
15.04.1918 Ritterkreuz des königlichen Sächsen Militär St. Heinrichs-Orden
19.08.1918 Verwundetenabzeichen (1918)
14.11.1918 Ritter des Königlicher Preussischer Hausordens von Hohenzollern
15.01.1935 Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer 1914-1918
02.10.1936 Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht II.Klasse, 18 Jahre
27.09.1939 1939 Spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
10.11.1939 1939 Spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse (according to other sources on 16.11.1939)
20.08.1942 Medaille "Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942" (Ostmedaille)
02.01.1942 Deutsches Kreuz in Gold
11.11.1943 Mentioned in Wehrmachtbericht
20.12.1943 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as Oberst and Führer 8. Panzer-Division
19.10.1944 Mentioned in Wehrmachtbericht


Gottfried Frölich (3 June 1894 – 30 July 1959) was born in Dresden on 3 June 1894, Frölich joined the army of Imperial Germany in 1914, upon the outbreak of World War I, as a Fahnenjunker (officer cadet). Posted to the Wuerttemberger 49th Field Artillery Regiment, he was commissioned a leutnant (second lieutenant) the following year. His regiment was attached to the 27th Infantry Division which was serving on the Western Front as part of the XIII (Royal Württemberg) Corps. He was wounded in May 1916 while participating in the corps' offensive in the Ypres Salient. After recovering from his wounds, he was posted to his regiment's I. Battalion as its adjutant. He continued to serve on the Western Front for the remainder of the war, seeing action in the areas around the Somme, Cambrai and Flanders.

Frölich was retained in the postwar Reichswehr (Imperial Defence) and served initially with the 12th Artillery Regiment. He then held a series of battalion posts, none of which were in the artillery, and by 1929 was the adjutant of the 4th Transportation Battalion. He was then placed on the staff of the 4th Artillery Regiment and from 1931 to 1934 was a battery commander. By 1938, he was a Oberstleutnant (lieutenant colonel) commanding the II. Battalion, 76th Panzer Artillery Regiment. His regiment was attached to the 1st Light Division during the Invasion of Poland.

After serving in Poland, the 1st Light Division returned to Germany, where it began converting to a Panzer division. However, shortly after this process began, Frölich was appointed the commander of the 78th Panzer Artillery Regiment, which was part of the 7th Panzer Division, led by Generalmajor Erwin Rommel. He remained in command of the regiment throughout the Battle of France and then in Operation Barbarossa, where it was particularly effective in supporting the division as it advanced towards Moscow. Apart from a period in France while the division was resting after being heavily involved in the offensive mounted by the Soviet Army over the winter of 1941–42, Frölich served on the Eastern Front until after the Battle of Kursk in July 1943. He was then given command of the 36th Infantry Division, which he led for only a few weeks before appointed commander of 8th Panzer Division in late September. His new command was then serving on the Eastern Front and would be in extensive action for several months. In December 1943, he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and promoted to generalmajor.

In March 1944, Frölich became sick and ceded command of the 8th Panzer Division to a former staff officer, Oberst Werner Friebe. However, Freibe proved to be an inadequate commander at divisional level and performed poorly in operations mounted in early July to rescue the XIII Corps, encircled by Soviet forces. The day after several regimental commanders of the division did not follow orders to advance, Frölich returned to his former command. He restored some order and launched an attack to relieve the XIII Corps but this failed and it was largely lost to the Soviets. Over 2,000 personnel of the division were casualties but it remained on the front lines. He led it adequately in the fighting retreat into Hungary, where the division destroyed the 34th Guards Rifle Division in early 1945. However, when sent to the Hungarian city of Komárom, in which there were oil refineries still supplying the Nazi war effort, Frölich was unable to prevent the Soviet advance. It was only the intervention of German reinforcements that secured Komárom. For his failure, Frölich was relieved of his command.

Frölich, in mid-March 1945, took over command of the Korpsgruppe von Tettau (Corps Group von Tettau). This was an ad-hoc formation largely made up of Volkssturm and training units. Expected to defend two key cities in Pomerania along the Baltic Coast, he could do little to prevent their capture by the Soviets. The following month he was named Harko (Higher Artillery Commander) of the 3rd Panzer Army by General der Panzertruppe Hasso von Manteuffel, with whom he had served during his time with the 7th Panzer Division. When the 3rd Panzer Army moved west in May 1945, it, and Frölich, surrendered to British forces. He was released in May 1948 and lived in Meisenheim. He died in Heidenheim on 30 July 1959.

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