
Sunday, November 6, 2022

Ritterkreuz Award Ceremony of Lehrgeschwader 2

After the official awards ceremony photograph, three of II.Gruppe (schlacht) / Lehrgeschwader 2's four Ritterkreuzträger (Knight's Cross recipients) of 21 August 1941 gather round their GOC for an informal chat. From left to right: Major Otto Weiss (Gruppenkommandeur II./LG 2), Generaloberst Alfred Keller (Chef Luftflotte 1), Oberleutnant Georg Dörffel (back to the camera, Staffelkapitän 5./LG 2), Oberleutnant Werner Dörnbrack (Staffelkapitän 4./LG 2), and Oberleutnant Bruno Meyer (Staffelkapitän 5./LG 2).

Oberleutnant Georg "Orge" Dörffel (27 July 1914 - 26 May 1944). Received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 21 August 1941 as Staffelkapitän of 5.Staffel / II.Gruppe (schlacht) / Lehrgeschwader 2 (LG 2) after flying over 200 sorties, all while distinguishing himself in the Polish, Western, British and Eastern campaigns (he particularly distinguished himself on 17 May 1940 when he helped to crush a dangerous Allied tank attack north of Cambrai that was directed at the flank of marching German forces). Received the Eichenlaub #231 for his Ritterkreuz on 14 April 1943 as Hauptmann and stellvertretender Gruppenkommandeur (mit der Führung beauftragt) of I.Gruppe / Schlachtgeschwader 1 (SG 1) after flying over 750 ground attack sorties. KIA on 26 May 1944 following an attack in his F-8 on four-engine bombers ten miles north of Rome. After he bailed, it is thought his head struck the tailplane, and thus, did not open his chute. It was his third mission in Italy. He was buried in Pomezia, Italy. 1004 combat missions. He scored his 30th victory the day of his 1000th mission in his F-3. 1004 total missions. Last rank: Oberstleutnant (posthumously).

Oberleutnant Werner "Prinzchen" Dörnbrack (29 February 1916 - 16 March 1981). Received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 21 August 1941 as Staffelkapitän of 4.Staffel / II.Gruppe (schlacht) / Lehrgeschwader 2 (LG 2) after flying over 200 ground attack sorties on all fronts (he particularly distinguished himself as a pilot during the pocket battle of Byalistok). Received the Eichenlaub #660 for his Ritterkreuz on 25 November 1944 as Major and Gruppenkommandeur I.Gruppe / Schlachtgeschwader 4 (SG 4) after flying over 1000 ground attack sorties. "Little Prince", as he was nick-named. Channel pilot. 1118 combat missions. 11 victories in the East, 18 in the Mediterranean area. Captured by American troops on 9 May, 1945 and handed over to the Soviets six days later. He escaped two days later, and managed to reach his home successfully. His first known Soviet victory, an I-16 Rata 3 km W of Martowka on 12 May, 1942. An I-61 on 18 May, 1942. An I-16 Rata E of Staryy Saltov on 15 June, 1942. One known victory, while in 7/SG-2, a Spitfire 2 km northeast of Campo (Calabria) Italy, 24 September, 1943. Serving in I/SG-4, he downed a Soviet MiG-3 on 4 August, 1944. A Yak-9 on 9 October, 1944. On 16 October, 1944, he downed two Yak-9s, a B-25, an La-5 and an Il-2 SW of Vilkaviskis. A Yak-9 8 km NE of Ebernek on 18 October, 1944. An Er-7 on 20 October, 1944. A Yak-9 on 23 October, 1944. Last rank: Major.

Oberleutnant Bruno Meyer (13 November 1915 - 16 November 1990). Received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 21 August 1941 as Staffelkapitän of 10.Staffel / II.Gruppe (schlacht) / Lehrgeschwader 2 (LG 2) after flying over 200 ground attack sorties on all fronts. Served as Kdr IV/SG-9 in October, 1944 flying the Hs129B. His last command was I/SG-104, flying the Fw 190F & G and the Ju 87 D & G. At least 500 missions. About 50 destroyed tanks. During aerial combat with a female Russian pilot, his ac caught fire, and he jettisoned his canopy which struck her AC, causing her to crash. He landed near her crashsite, and found she had no rank, identification or parachute (Colin Fuller). Deceased 16 November, 1990 Australia (P. Bastin). Last rank: Major.

Source :,_Werner

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