
Friday, October 22, 2021

Ritterkreuz Action of Kurt Thoma

Kurt Thoma (4 August 1901 - 11 April 1971) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 6 October 1940 as Korvettenkapitän and Chef 2. Minensuchflottille. The following press release describes why Korvettenkapitän Thoma received the Ritterkreuz: "Korvettenkapitän Thoma, commander of a Minensuchflottille, has seen constant action since the start of the war. During the Norwegian campaign and the battle for Narvik his flotilla (inferior to every enemy destroyer unit in terms of armament and speed) was fully successful. Korvettenkapitän Thoma has conducted all of his operations with calm and pragmatism. The numerous successes of the flotilla can largely be attributed to the skill of its commander."

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