
Friday, October 22, 2021

Bio of Kapitän zur See Kurt Thoma (1901-1971)

Full nama: Otto Kurt Thoma
Nickname: unknown
Date of Birth: 4 August 1901 at Staufen, Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, Baden-Württemberg (German Empire)
Date of Death: 11 April 1971 at Oldenburg, Niedersachsen (West Germany)
NSDAP Number: unknown
SS Number: unknown
Academic Title: unknown
Family Member: unknown
Physical Feature: unknown

Beförderungen (Promotion):
01.04.1922 Matrosengefreiter
01.04.1923 Fähnrich zur See
01.10.1925 Leutnant zur See
01.07.1927 Oberleutnant zur See
01.04.1933 Kapitänleutnant
01.10.1937 Korvettenkapitän
01.09.1941 Fregattenkapitän
01.04.1943 Kapitän zur See

Karriere (Career):
Orden und Ehrenzeichen (Medals and Decorations):
02.10.1936 Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht IV.Klasse, 4 jahre
02.10.1936 Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht III.Klasse, 12 Jahre
01.04.1939 Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht II.Klasse, 18 Jahre
00.00.19__ Kriegsabzeichen für Minensuch-, U-Jagd- und Sicherungsverbände
22.11.1939 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
04.05.1940 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
06.10.1940 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as Korvettenkapitän and Chef 2. Minensuchflottille. The following press release describes why Korvettenkapitän Thoma received the Ritterkreuz: "Korvettenkapitän Thoma, commander of a Minensuchflottille, has seen constant action since the start of the war. During the Norwegian campaign and the battle for Narvik his flotilla (inferior to every enemy destroyer unit in terms of armament and speed) was fully successful. Korvettenkapitän Thoma has conducted all of his operations with calm and pragmatism. The numerous successes of the flotilla can largely be attributed to the skill of its commander."
01.11.1941 Croce al Merito di Guerra (Italy)


* In November 1941, Geißler was transferred to Sturmartillerie-Abteilung 232 after recovery from his wounds at the hospital. He fought among other things. during the relief attempt at Stalingrad , as commander of an assault gun training division at the battle of Monte Cassino and in the Kurland pocket (as Ib, then Ia of an infantry division ).

Source :
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-L09671,_Kurt

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