
Friday, December 25, 2020

Ritterkreuz Action of Herbert von Böckmann

Herbert von Böckmann (24 July 1886 - 10 March 1974) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 4 December 1941 as Generalleutnant and Kommandeur 11. Infanterie-Division. The following wartime excerpt describes why Böckmann was awarded the Ritterkreuz: “On the 28 October 1941 the 11. and 21. Infanterie-Divisionen were collectively designated as a single unit (attack group Volkhov) under the command of Generalleutnant von Böckmann. Their mission was to capture Wolchowstroj through a ruthless push to the north. In this context Generalleutnant von Böckmann made the decision to concentrate all available forces on the right wing. Here they would advance along the Volkhov river with fire support from the 21. Infanterie-Division and break through the enemy positions on a narrow frontage. Through this swift decision and its energetic prosecution it was possible to carry the attack as far as Andrejewo. In the process 5 layers of enemy defenses were broken through, and 533 strongly constructed combat bunkers were captured.”


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