
Friday, December 25, 2020

Ritterkreuz Action of Hans Bartels


Hans Bartels (5 July 1919 - 31 July 1945) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 16 May 1940 as Käpitanleutnant and Kommandant "M 1". The following press article (dated 19 May 1940) describes why Bartels was awarded the Ritterkreuz: “Kapitänleutnant Hans Bartels, the captain of a minesweeper, showed great decisiveness while operating in the naval area around Bergen at the beginning of the Norwegian campaign. In this time he skillfully utilized all the offensive opportunities that presented themselves, demonstrating outstanding courage while supporting land operations and attacking Norwegian naval units. Although he had only minimal combat power at his disposal he managed to achieve practical naval supremacy over Bergen and the adjacent fjords through his boldness and brave devotion to duty. The occupation of Haugesund is an achievement for which he takes primary credit. Along with this high honour the Führer has simultaneously decorated his crew.”

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