
Friday, July 31, 2020

Ritterkreuz Actions of Fritz Müller

Fritz Müller (3 October 1907 - 26 January 1994) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 25 August 1942 as Hauptmann and Kommandeur II.Bataillon / Jäger-Regiment 38 / 8.Jäger-Division. The medal was awarded for the exemplary defense of his battalion while positioned along the Demyansk corridor on 10 August 1942. Here they were charged with defending the so called “Feuerberg”. In total the battalion repelled 12 overwhelming enemy attacks on this day, which were supported by tanks, artillery and Katyushas. Multiple break-ins were cleaned up via counterattacks launched by the exhausted defenders. Fritz Müller’s leadership was critical in the successful outcome of the fighting on this day, and for this he would receive the coveted Ritterkreuz. He had already been recommended for the award unsuccessfully in light of his brilliant attack during the fighting to recapture Wassiljewtschina (19-24 July 1942).

On 14 May 1944 Müller received the Eichenlaub #477 for his Ritterkreuz as Oberst and Kommandeur Grenadier-Regiment 208 / 79.Infanterie-Division. The medal was awarded for the defense accomplishments of his Regiment during the fighting around Nikopol in the previous April. The Wehrmachtbericht of 29 April 1944 edition mentioned his name: "In the heavy fighting in recent days, the German Grenadier-Regiment 208 under the leadership of Ritterkreuzträger Oberst Fritz Müller, and the Romanian Cavalry Regiment 11 under command of Colonel Cheruvin, have particularly distinguished themselves."

Source :
Kenneth Hellmann photo collection

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