
Friday, July 31, 2020

Friedrich Dollmann Inspects Fallschirmjäger Position

From left to right: General der Artillerie Erich Marcks (Kommandierender General LXXXIV. Armeekorps), Generaloberst Friedrich Dollmann (Oberbefehlshaber 7. Armee), Hauptmann Emil Priekschat (Kommandeur I.Bataillon / Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 6), and Major Dr.jur. Friedrich-August Freiherr von der Heydte (Kommandeur Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 6). This picture was taken between 13 May - 5 June 1944 by Hermann Czirnich, when Generaloberst Dollmann inspects the defensive position of Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 6. Between Lessay and Périers, the parachutists led by Commander (Major) von der Heydte occupy strategic positions near the Gorges marshes and the fields that bristling with stakes (Rommel's asparagus). Three person depicted in this picture would be dead just a month later: Marcks killed by Allied air attack on 12 June 1944; Dollmann committed suicide in his command post on 29 June 1944; and Priekschat was reported missing or killed in action on 8 June 1944 somewhere near St. Marie du Mont.

Source :
ECPAD Archives (courtesy of Blanluet Christophe)

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