
Monday, July 20, 2020

Ritterkreuz Action of Peter Eil

Peter Eil received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 11 January 1944 as Feldwebel der Reserve and Zugführer in 1.Kompanie / I.Bataillon / Grenadier-Regiment 105 / 72.Infanterie-Division. Eil’s Ritterkreuz recommendation reads as follows…

“Feldwebel Eil has belonged to the Regiment since the beginning of the war, and has participated in the French, Balkans and Russian campaigns. Throughout all this fighting he was shown himself to be a brave, energetic soldier and NCO who always gives the utmost of himself in every situation.

In the bitter struggles around the city of Cherkassy Feldwebel Eil once again outstandingly distinguished himself through the following action:

On the early morning of the 20.11.1943 the Russians attacked the city of Cherkassy with strong infantry forces. A force of 7 tanks and 3 assault guns with mounted and follow-up infantry succeeding in thrusting past the railroad that ran to the northwest of Cherkassy, and was ultimately able to penetrate into the city itself. He advanced behind the right wing of the I. Bataillon and threatened the rear of the right neighbour (the Divisions-Bataillon 72). The I. Bataillon initially offered heavy resistance in the city. At 09:00 it launched a counterthrust with the support of 2 Sturmgeschütze and 1 Panzer. The goal was to roll up the trenches behind the railway embankment towards the north. The 1. Kompanie, commanded by Knight’s Cross Holder Leutnant Wernig, fought on the right wing of the Bataillon and constituted the focal point of this friendly attack.

When Leutnant Wernig fell just after the start of the assault in bitter urban combat the attack of the now leaderless 1. Kompanie threatened to grind to a halt. Immediately recognizing the situation for what it was, Feldwebel Eil took over the leadership of the Kompanie. He reordered the squads with lightning speed and led them to resume the attack with exemplary courage. He stormed with his men at the front of the fighting, eliminated one resistance nest after another with machine-pistol and hand grenades. The furious combat against a much larger enemy force went back and forth with unabated intensity, however Feldwebel Eil did not lose sight of his goal to restore the old situation.

Showing exemplary devotion to duty, he defended alongside his men against the desperate enemy counterthrusts, which were smashed with heavy losses for the foe. Rushing from one focal point to another, he repeatedly employed his squads in a skillful fashion and inspired them to carry out their required duties. His model of bravery reinforced the fighting spirit of his men in the extremely difficult fighting, which was partially conducted in an urban environment. However thanks to his skillful leadership friendly losses remained low. Meter after meter was wrested from the Russians until the elusive goal was finally achieved at around 16:00. The enemy was thrown out of Cherkassy and pushed back to their jump-off positions.

The decisive deed by Feldwebel Eil did not only clear the right neighbour’s rear area of the enemy, it also ejected the enemy from Cherkassy altogether. As such the conditions were set for the successful defense in the coming days against several enemy attacks. Without this success the enemy would undoubtedly have succeeded in expanding their breach due to the unfavourable possibilities for a defense under the circumstances.

During this bold counterattack we captured the following from the enemy:

3 anti-tank guns (4.5 cm)
1 light machine-gun
8 heavy machine-guns
12 machine-pistols
2 anti-tank rifles
42 rifles
14 prisoners.

82 enemy dead were counted on the battlefield.

This outstandingly brave officer has distinguished himself in numerous engagements of the Regiment, and has not held back in the fulfillment of his duties. I thereby hold him as being fully worthy of being awarded the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes.”

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