
Monday, July 20, 2020

Ritterkreuz Action of Georg Bose

Georg Bose received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 21 September 1944 as Leutnant and Zugführer in 1.Batterie / Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 177. On the 23 July 1944 previously the remnants of the 292. Infanterie-Division became encircled near the village of Radziwillowka (about 50 km northwest of Brest-Litovsk), and it requested relief from the Korps. The 3. Kavallerie-Brigade was assigned for this task, however since it was itself involved in heavy defensive combat it was only able to dispatch a small Kampfgruppe that included 3 Sturmgeschützen commanded by Leutnant Bose. During the march to the area one Sturmgeschütz threw a track, and so only 2 were left to support the cavalrymen in their relief effort. Radziwillowka was captured in a short yet fierce battle on the 28 July 1944, and in the process 11 T-34/85 tanks were destroyed (including 4 by Bose himself). With this the 292. Infanterie-Division was relieved, and it was thereafter possible to create a new defensive front. Bose had shown great tactical initiative during this battle, going against the planning of the 292. Infanterie-Division’s Ia in order to achieve success. This deed was also of great importance for the whole 2. Armee as it prevented a breakthrough by strong enemy forces into its flank. For this, as well as reaching a personal total of 19 enemy tanks destroyed, Bose was awarded the Ritterkreuz. He would end the war with a final total of 44 enemy tanks destroyed.
Source :
Jim Haley photo collection

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