
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Waffen-SS Reunion in Verden (1952)

Former members of the Waffen-SS march through the streets of Verden, Niedersachsen, while being watched by the watchful eyes of British Military Police officer at left. They came to the post-war reunion of former members of the Waffen-SS (Nachkriegstreffen der Waffen-SS) which was held in Verden on 27 October 1952. Most likely this photo was taken just before the laying of wreaths in memory of their comrades in arms who have fallen during World War II. Second row after the wreath bearers are their leaders, from left to right: Hermann-Bernhard Ramcke, Felix Steiner and Herbert Otto Gille. Ramcke was a former general of the Fallschirmjäger (Paratroopers), while Steiner and Gille were both former commanders of the SS "Wiking" Division. Ramcke and Gille were both the recipients of Brillanten zum Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, while Steiner "only" received the Schwerter for his Ritterkreuz (one level lower than Brillanten).

Front row, from left to right: Hermann-Bernhard Ramcke (former Fallschirmjäger General), Felix Steiner (former Waffen-SS General), and Herbert Otto Gille (former Waffen-SS General). This picture was taken during post-war reunion of former members of the Waffen-SS (Nachkriegstreffen der Waffen-SS) which was held in Verden, Niedersachsen, on 27 October 1952.

These two pictures were taken during post-war reunion of former members of the Waffen-SS (Nachkriegstreffen der Waffen-SS) which was held in Verden, Niedersachsen, on 27 October 1952. Top picture shows Herbert Otto Gille (former General of the Waffen-SS) at the podium, while bottom picture shows notice boards which is showing photos of former members of the Waffen-SS whose fate is still unknown until that time

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