
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Regimentskommandeur Herbert Otto Gille in 1942

SS-Oberführer Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur SS-Artillerie-Regiment / SS-Division "Wiking") in 1942. Regiment formed at Truppenübungsplatz Amersfoort in the Netherlands in 1940. While in this command, Gille proved to be an apolitical soldier who led from the front. One revealing instance of this is recounted by Heinz Höhne: "[Like Felix Steiner], Standartenführer Gille, Steiner's Artillery Commander, was also in the Reichsführer's bad books. Gille was an entirely non-political officer who would have nothing to do with ideology. To Obersturmbannführer [Ernst] Fick, the divisional ideological observer, he growled: `Wearing of the brown shirt is not permitted in this aristocratic artillery regiment. I'll put a clean-out squad into your room." (Höhne, The Order of the Death's Head, p. 544, citing letter from Fick to Karl Wolff, 27.01.1942, RFSS Microfilm 38) Although Fick reported this "disrespect" to the chief of Himmler's personal staff, Karl Wolff, Steiner ensured that there were no reprisals against Gille for his political unorthodoxy and evident dislike of Fick, a belief that Steiner apparently shared." (Douglas E. Nash, From the Realm of a Dying Sun, Volume 1)

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