
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Brillanten Award Ceremony for Herbert Otto Gille

Brillanten award ceremony for SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Gille (Kommandeur 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking"). Gille formally received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub, Schwerter und Brillanten #12 on 19 April 1944, while the ceremony with Hitler itself was held in the Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze, Rastenburg, on 29 April 1944. Gille’s Brillanten recommendation reads as follows: "The weeks-long, heroic defense of the totally encircled Fortress Kovel despite the greatest of supply difficulties and significant losses against a much superior enemy is solely attributable to the determined leadership and great personal bravery of the General [Gille]. This recommendation is being sent as a radio message due to the situation at the front. A written submission will follow.” The Vorschlag dated 9 April 1944 and signed by Korpskommandeur General der Infanterie Friedrich Hossbach; Countersigned by Armee Oberbefehlshaber Generaloberst Walter Weiβ, Heeresgruppe Oberbefehlshaber Generalfeldmarschall Ernst Busch, and on 19 April 1944 by by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler.

Source :
"Die SS-Panzer-Division Wiking" by Jean Mabire

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