
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Photo Album of XXX. Armeekorps (1939)

"Zur Erinnerung an die Zeit vom September bis Dezember 1939 - Braunschweig - Moers - Wadern - Dagstuhl. Weihnachten 1939 Die Offiziere und Beamten des Gen. Kdos. XXX. A.K." (In memory of the period from September to December 1939 - Braunschweig - Moers - Wadern - Dagstuhl. Christmas 1939. The officers and officials of the Gen. Kdos. XXX. A.K.)

From left to right: Oberst Rudolf Sintzenich (Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 61 / 7.Infanterie-Division), Generalleutnant Otto Hartmann (Kommandeur 7. Infanterie-Division), and Generalmajor Kurt Brennecke (Chef des Generalstabes 4. Armee).

The three officers were greeted by the locals.

Greetings from the locals.

Greetings from the locals.

Greetings from the locals.

Korpskommandeur vehicle.



At the border.

At the border.


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