
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Bio of Oberst Heinz Wittchow von Brese-Winiary (1914-1995)

Heinz Leopold Wittchow von Brese-Winiary

Date of Birth: 13.01.1914 - Dresden, Sachsen (German Empire)
Date of Death: 03.12.1995 - Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg (Germany)

Parents: Wilhelm Wittchow von Brese-Winiary, official in Reichslandbund (died 30.12.1933) and Elsa Fischer

20.04.1936 Leutnant mit RDA vom 01.04.1936 (985)
01.04.1939 Oberleutnant (259)
01.03.1942 Hauptmann (207)
20.04.1942 neues RDA vom 01.12.1941 (8a) erhalten
30.01.1943 neues RDA vom 01.10.1940 (24b) erhalten
30.04.1943 Major mit RDA vom 01.04.1943 (16a)
01.04.1944 Oberstleutnant mit RDA vom 01.02.1944 (98)
01.09.1944 Oberst (58)

04.04.1934 Entered Infanterie-Regiment 10 (Löbau)
06.10.1936 Served in 7.Kompanie / Infanterie-Regiment 10 (Kamenz)
10.11.1938 Adjutant II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 10 (Kamenz)
29.01.1940 Chef 6.Kompanie / Infanterie-Regiment 10
15.08.1940 Chef 6.Kompanie / Schützen-Regiment 108
12.05.1942 Führer I.Bataillon / Schützen-Regiment 108
xx.xx.1942 Führer II.Bataillon / Schützen-Regiment 103
08.08.1942 Wounded, in hospital
14.12.1942 - 22.02.1943 Kommandeur Kampfgruppe Brese
23.02.1943 Wounded, in hospital
17.04.1943 Kommandeur II.Bataillon / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108 / 14.Panzer-Division
06.11.1943 Führer Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108 / 14.Panzer-Division
17.02.1944 Führerreserve OKH (IV)
11.05.1944 - 07.06.1944 Moved to Panzertruppenschule Bergen
08.08.1944 13. Divisionsführerlehrgang
31.08.1944 - 02.09.1944 Kurzlehrgang für Panzeroffiziere
06.09.1944 Kommandeur Panzerfüsilier-Regiments "Großdeutschland"
08.02.1945 Führerreserve OKH (HGr Nord)

Awards and Decorations:
00.00.1938 Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV.Klasse (4 jahre)
00.00.1939 Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange "Prager Burg"
24.10.1939 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
24.06.1940 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
31.10.1940 Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber
10.11.1941 Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz
24.12.1941 Deutsches Kreuz in Gold
24.04.1942 Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber
18.09.1942 Verwundetenabzeichen in Gold
11.04.1943 Medaille "Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42" (Ostmedaille)
15.05.1943 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, as Major and Führer II.Bataillon / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108 / 14.Panzer-Division. Awarded for his achievements during the critical winter of 1942-43 on the southern sector of the eastern front. He led a scratch regimental battlegroup with soldiers from various units in the following actions: 1) Fighting at the Chir river in the densely forested area east of Kustowskoj, 2) Serving as the ready reserve of Korpsgruppe Mieth, where it especially distinguished itself in a counterattack east of Kar Beljanski on the Bjelaja river, 3) Ejecting a group of Soviets that had infiltrated German positions at the end of January 1943, thus preventing an early abandonment of the Manytsch position.
02.03.1944 Nahkampfspange in Silber
06.04.1944 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub #441, as Major and Führer II.Bataillon / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108 / 14.Panzer-Division. Awarded for the leadership of his Kampfgruppe during the Cherkassy encirclement, where he and his men were separated from their parent division but managed to break out with other German forces encircled in the pocket.


Heinz Wittchow von Brese-Winiary was born on January 13, 1914 in Dresden. Brese-Winiary's name goes back to his great-great-grandfather, who, as a fortress inspector, built a new type of fortress on the Winiary hill near Posen in 1856, for which he received a noble title.

He joined the 10th Infantry Regiment in Dresden in April 1934 and was promoted to lieutenant on May 1, 1936. He initially belonged to the 7th and later to the 8th Company, and continued to be a communications officer in the 2nd Battalion.

Appointed battalion adjutant, he became battalion adjutant in May 1939 and took part in the Polish and French campaigns.

Having remained loyal to his regiment during the Russian campaign, he was promoted to captain in March 1942 and took over the 6th Company.

After becoming commander of the 2nd Company of the 108th Panzer Grenadier Regiment, he was commander of the "Kampfgruppe Brese" from December 14, 1942 to February 22, 1943 in the Chir-Donetsbogen combat area near Stalingrad. The combat group consisted of various units and had approximately the strength of a regiment. In the battles, critical situations were repeatedly resolved, enemies who had broken through were bypassed, thrown back and destroyed. In December 1942, the combat group was in the dense forest area east of Kostowskoj and then became the intervention reserve of the Mieth Corps Group. The combat group performed particularly well in the counterattack east of Kar Beljanski on the Bjelaja. At the end of January 1943, von Brese advanced from Nowotcherkassk on the Tusloff against the enemy who had broken into the Don lowlands, thus preventing the early evacuation of the Manych position. Captain von Brese, in his position as commander of the 1st Battalion of the 108th Panzer Grenadier Regiment, 14th Panzer Division, was awarded the Knight's Cross on May 15, 1943 for these battles.

Later promoted to major, von Brese's combat group (remnants of PzGren.Rgt. 108, PzAA 14, II./PzAR 4 and an anti-aircraft combat group) was pushed into the Cherkassy pocket on February 1, 1944, where it joined up with the 389th Infantry Division. The PzGrenRgt. 108 had repeatedly tried to open the pocket by flanking attacks west of Pissarimka. Von Brese's personal commitment also led to the nomination for the Oak Leaves to the Knight's Cross on March 23, 1944, which he received on April 6, 1944 as major and leader of the 108th Panzer Grenadier Regiment.

After being promoted to lieutenant colonel on April 1, 1944 and to colonel on September 1, 1944, he took command of the "Grossdeutschland" Panzer Fusilier Regiment, which he commanded until the capitulation on February 18, 1945 when he was wounded the last time.

Got excellent Beurteilungen in 1941-1944 and was rated as "fit for divisional command" by General Brennecke. The last Beurteilung by Lorenz says: "In absehbarer Zeit zum Divisionsführer nicht geeignet. Weitere Verwendung als Regimentskommandeur wird vorgeschlagen." No reasons, no comments from higher superiors. Wittchow von Brese-Winiary was wounded again in February 1945, and this would explain why he did not get a new command.

Oberst Heinz Wittchow von Brese-Winiary was dismissed by Generalmajor Karl Lorenz from command of Panzer-Füsilier-Regiment Grossdeutschland approximately on 13 February 1945.

The rumour is that Karl Lorenz had been with Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment Grossdeutschland for a long time and had a lot of loyalty and feelings for that Regiment.However he never bothered with Panzer-Füsilier-Regiment Grossdeutschland and treated the Regiment like a an poor stepsister.In fact he never once visited the Regiment while Divisional Commander.Von Brese was dismissed for protesting about the misuse of his II Batallion. Von Brese was an Oakleaf winner (As was Lorenz) and it interesting that Lorenz would dismiss such a highly decorated soldier no matter what disagreements'especially as February 1945 and how desperate the situation was.

During his imprisonment, his name was shortened to von Brese, which made it difficult to send him mail.

After his release, von Brese changed his name in 1956 and from then on called himself Heinz von Brese.
He died on December 3, 1995 in Freiburg im Breisgau.

Major Heinz Wittchow von Brese-Winiary (Führer II.Bataillon / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108 / 14.Panzer-Division) with the Ritterkreuz.

Major Heinz Wittchow von Brese-Winiary (Führer II.Bataillon / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108 / 14.Panzer-Division) with the Ritterkreuz.

Major Heinz Wittchow von Brese-Winiary (Führer II.Bataillon / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108 / 14.Panzer-Division) with the Ritterkreuz.

Major Heinz Wittchow von Brese-Winiary (Führer II.Bataillon / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108 / 14.Panzer-Division) with the Ritterkreuz.

Major Heinz Wittchow von Brese-Winiary (Führer II.Bataillon / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108 / 14.Panzer-Division) with the Ritterkreuz.

Adolf Hitler (Führer und Oberster Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht) shaking hands and congratulates Major d.R. Hogrebe for his newly awarded Eichenlaub. On 25 May 1944 Hitler welcomes nine Wehrmacht officers - who just recently receives the higher grade of Ritterkreuz - in his retreat in Berghof Obersalzberg. They were, from left to right: Generalleutnant Dietrich von Saucken (Kommandeur 4. Panzer-Division. Schwerter #46 on 31 January 1944), Generalleutnant Georg-Wilhelm Postel (Kommandeur 320. Infanterie-Division. Schwerter #57 on 26 March 1944), Oberst Franz Griesbach (Kommandeur Grenadier-Regiment 399 / 170.Infanterie-Division. Schwerter #53 on 6 March 1944), General der Artillerie Maximilian Fretter-Pico (Kommandierender General XXX. Armeekorps. Eichenlaub #368 on 16 January 1944), General der Infanterie Friedrich Schulz (Kommandierender General III. Panzerkorps. Eichenlaub #428 on 20 March 1944), Generalmajor Ernst-Günther Baade (Kommandeur 90. Panzergrenadier-Division. Eichenlaub #402 on 22 February 1944), Oberst Herbert Schwender (Kommandeur Grenadier-Regiment 45 / 21.Infanterie-Division. Eichenlaub #442 on 6 April 1944), Oberstleutnant Heinz Wittchow von Brese-Winiary (Kommandeur II.Bataillon / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108 / 14.Panzer-Division. Eichenlaub #441 on 6 April 1944), and Major der Reserve Heinrich Hogrebe (Kommandeur II.Bataillon / Grenadier-Regiment 422 / 126.Infanterie-Division. Eichenlaub #454 on 13 April 1944). The signature is belong to Von Brese-Winiary. Other pictures from this ceremony can be seen HERE.

Oberstleutnant Heinz Wittchow von Brese-Winiary (Kommandeur II.Bataillon / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108 / 14.Panzer-Division) photographed by Walter Frentz at the Berghof Obersalzberg after the Eichenlaub award ceremony with Hitler on 25 May 1944. The medal was formally awarded on 6 April 1944 for the leadership of his Kampfgruppe during the Cherkassy encirclement, where he and his men were separated from their parent division but managed to break out with other German forces encircled in the pocket.

Oberstleutnant Heinz Wittchow von Brese-Winiary with the Eichenlaub.

Oberstleutnant Heinz Wittchow von Brese-Winiary with the Eichenlaub.

From left to right: Oberst Heinz Wittchow von Brese-Winiary (Kommandeur Panzer-Füsilier-Regiment "Grossdeutschland") and Generalmajor Karl Lorenz (Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Division "Grossdeutschland"). The picture was taken in 1944 or 1945. Other pictures from this sequence can be seen HERE.

Two Ritterkreuzträger after the war, possibly in the 1980s : Remi Schrijnen (left) and Heinz von Brese. Remi Schrijnen (24 December 1921 - 27 July 2006) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 21 September 1944 as SS-Sturmmann and Richtschütze in 5.Panzerjäger-Kompanie / I.Bataillon / 6.SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade "Langemarck", while Heinz Wittchow von Brese-Winiary (13 January 1914 - 3 December 1995) received the Ritterkreuz on 15 May 1943 and Eichenlaub on 6 April 1944, both as Major and Führer II.Bataillon / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108 / 14.Panzer-Division.

Personalakte (Personnel File) of Heinz-Wittchow von Brese-Winiary in the Bundesarchiv. Complete pages of this Personalakte can be seen HERE.

Source :
Nick Hessen photo collection
"Panzergrenadier-Division Großdeutschland" by Horst Scheibert,_Heinz_Wittchow_von

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